blob: b72fe9a092bea8042849dfbbcd5f4b9ca9de6a5e [file] [log] [blame]
#include "ipmi.hpp"
#include "manager_mock.hpp"
#include "process.hpp"
#include <cstring>
#include <ipmiblob/test/crc_mock.hpp>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
// ipmid.hpp isn't installed where we can grab it and this value is per BMC
// SoC.
#define MAX_IPMI_BUFFER 64
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::Eq;
using ::testing::Return;
using ::testing::StrictMock;
namespace ipmiblob
CrcInterface* crcIntf = nullptr;
std::uint16_t generateCrc(const std::vector<std::uint8_t>& data)
return (crcIntf) ? crcIntf->generateCrc(data) : 0x00;
} // namespace ipmiblob
namespace blobs
void EqualFunctions(IpmiBlobHandler lhs, IpmiBlobHandler rhs)
EXPECT_FALSE(lhs == nullptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(rhs == nullptr);
ipmi_ret_t (*const* lPtr)(ManagerInterface*, const uint8_t*, uint8_t*,
size_t*) =<ipmi_ret_t (*)(ManagerInterface*, const uint8_t*, uint8_t*,
ipmi_ret_t (*const* rPtr)(ManagerInterface*, const uint8_t*, uint8_t*,
size_t*) =<ipmi_ret_t (*)(ManagerInterface*, const uint8_t*, uint8_t*,
EXPECT_EQ(*lPtr, *rPtr);
} // namespace
class ValidateBlobCommandTest : public ::testing::Test
void SetUp() override
ipmiblob::crcIntf = &crcMock;
ipmiblob::CrcMock crcMock;
TEST_F(ValidateBlobCommandTest, InvalidCommandReturnsFailure)
// Verify we handle an invalid command.
size_t dataLen;
uint8_t request[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
uint8_t reply[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
request[0] = 0xff; // There is no command 0xff.
dataLen = sizeof(uint8_t); // There is no payload for CRC.
ipmi_ret_t rc;
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, validateBlobCommand(request, reply, &dataLen, &rc));
TEST_F(ValidateBlobCommandTest, ValidCommandWithoutPayload)
// Verify we handle a valid command that doesn't have a payload.
size_t dataLen;
uint8_t request[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
uint8_t reply[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
request[0] = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(BlobOEMCommands::bmcBlobGetCount);
dataLen = sizeof(uint8_t); // There is no payload for CRC.
ipmi_ret_t rc;
IpmiBlobHandler res = validateBlobCommand(request, reply, &dataLen, &rc);
EXPECT_FALSE(res == nullptr);
EqualFunctions(getBlobCount, res);
TEST_F(ValidateBlobCommandTest, WithPayloadMinimumLengthIs3VerifyChecks)
// Verify that if there's a payload, it's at least one command byte and
// two bytes for the crc16 and then one data byte.
size_t dataLen;
uint8_t request[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
uint8_t reply[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
request[0] = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(BlobOEMCommands::bmcBlobGetCount);
dataLen = sizeof(uint8_t) + sizeof(uint16_t);
// There is a payload, but there are insufficient bytes.
ipmi_ret_t rc;
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, validateBlobCommand(request, reply, &dataLen, &rc));
TEST_F(ValidateBlobCommandTest, WithPayloadAndInvalidCrc)
// Verify that the CRC is checked, and failure is reported.
size_t dataLen;
uint8_t request[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
uint8_t reply[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
auto req = reinterpret_cast<struct BmcBlobWriteTx*>(request);
req->cmd = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(BlobOEMCommands::bmcBlobWrite);
req->crc = 0x34;
req->sessionId = 0x54;
req->offset = 0x100;
uint8_t expectedBytes[2] = {0x66, 0x67};
std::memcpy(req + 1, &expectedBytes[0], sizeof(expectedBytes));
dataLen = sizeof(struct BmcBlobWriteTx) + sizeof(expectedBytes);
// skip over cmd and crc.
std::vector<std::uint8_t> bytes(&request[3], request + dataLen);
EXPECT_CALL(crcMock, generateCrc(Eq(bytes))).WillOnce(Return(0x1234));
ipmi_ret_t rc;
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, validateBlobCommand(request, reply, &dataLen, &rc));
TEST_F(ValidateBlobCommandTest, WithPayloadAndValidCrc)
// Verify the CRC is checked and if it matches, return the handler.
size_t dataLen;
uint8_t request[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
uint8_t reply[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
auto req = reinterpret_cast<struct BmcBlobWriteTx*>(request);
req->cmd = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(BlobOEMCommands::bmcBlobWrite);
req->crc = 0x3412;
req->sessionId = 0x54;
req->offset = 0x100;
uint8_t expectedBytes[2] = {0x66, 0x67};
std::memcpy(req + 1, &expectedBytes[0], sizeof(expectedBytes));
dataLen = sizeof(struct BmcBlobWriteTx) + sizeof(expectedBytes);
// skip over cmd and crc.
std::vector<std::uint8_t> bytes(&request[3], request + dataLen);
EXPECT_CALL(crcMock, generateCrc(Eq(bytes))).WillOnce(Return(0x3412));
ipmi_ret_t rc;
IpmiBlobHandler res = validateBlobCommand(request, reply, &dataLen, &rc);
EXPECT_FALSE(res == nullptr);
EqualFunctions(writeBlob, res);
class ProcessBlobCommandTest : public ::testing::Test
void SetUp() override
ipmiblob::crcIntf = &crcMock;
ipmiblob::CrcMock crcMock;
TEST_F(ProcessBlobCommandTest, CommandReturnsNotOk)
// Verify that if the IPMI command handler returns not OK that this is
// noticed and returned.
StrictMock<ManagerMock> manager;
size_t dataLen;
uint8_t request[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
uint8_t reply[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
IpmiBlobHandler h = [](ManagerInterface*, const uint8_t*, uint8_t*,
size_t*) { return IPMI_CC_INVALID; };
dataLen = sizeof(request);
processBlobCommand(h, &manager, request, reply, &dataLen));
TEST_F(ProcessBlobCommandTest, CommandReturnsOkWithNoPayload)
// Verify that if the IPMI command handler returns OK but without a payload
// it doesn't try to compute a CRC.
StrictMock<ManagerMock> manager;
size_t dataLen;
uint8_t request[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
uint8_t reply[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
IpmiBlobHandler h = [](ManagerInterface*, const uint8_t*, uint8_t*,
size_t* dataLen) {
(*dataLen) = 0;
return IPMI_CC_OK;
dataLen = sizeof(request);
processBlobCommand(h, &manager, request, reply, &dataLen));
TEST_F(ProcessBlobCommandTest, CommandReturnsOkWithInvalidPayloadLength)
// There is a minimum payload length of 2 bytes (the CRC only, no data, for
// read), this returns 1.
StrictMock<ManagerMock> manager;
size_t dataLen;
uint8_t request[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
uint8_t reply[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
IpmiBlobHandler h = [](ManagerInterface*, const uint8_t*, uint8_t*,
size_t* dataLen) {
(*dataLen) = sizeof(uint8_t);
return IPMI_CC_OK;
dataLen = sizeof(request);
processBlobCommand(h, &manager, request, reply, &dataLen));
TEST_F(ProcessBlobCommandTest, CommandReturnsOkWithValidPayloadLength)
// There is a minimum payload length of 3 bytes, this command returns a
// payload of 3 bytes and the crc code is called to process the payload.
StrictMock<ManagerMock> manager;
size_t dataLen;
uint8_t request[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
uint8_t reply[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
uint32_t payloadLen = sizeof(uint16_t) + sizeof(uint8_t);
IpmiBlobHandler h = [payloadLen](ManagerInterface*, const uint8_t*,
uint8_t* replyCmdBuf, size_t* dataLen) {
(*dataLen) = payloadLen;
replyCmdBuf[2] = 0x56;
return IPMI_CC_OK;
dataLen = sizeof(request);
EXPECT_CALL(crcMock, generateCrc(_)).WillOnce(Return(0x3412));
processBlobCommand(h, &manager, request, reply, &dataLen));
EXPECT_EQ(dataLen, payloadLen);
uint8_t expectedBytes[3] = {0x12, 0x34, 0x56};
EXPECT_EQ(0, std::memcmp(expectedBytes, reply, sizeof(expectedBytes)));
} // namespace blobs