blob: 232fe7a31a7a12dffe495e88d19aec84a90571ed [file] [log] [blame]
#include "ipmi.hpp"
#include "manager_mock.hpp"
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace blobs
using ::testing::Return;
// ipmid.hpp isn't installed where we can grab it and this value is per BMC
// SoC.
#define MAX_IPMI_BUFFER 64
TEST(BlobEnumerateTest, VerifyIfRequestByIdInvalidReturnsFailure)
// This tests to verify that if the index is invalid, it'll return failure.
ManagerMock mgr;
size_t dataLen;
uint8_t reply[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
struct BmcBlobEnumerateTx req;
uint8_t* request = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&req);
req.cmd = BlobOEMCommands::bmcBlobEnumerate;
req.blobIdx = 0;
dataLen = sizeof(struct BmcBlobEnumerateTx);
EXPECT_CALL(mgr, getBlobId(req.blobIdx)).WillOnce(Return(""));
EXPECT_EQ(IPMI_CC_INVALID, enumerateBlob(&mgr, request, reply, &dataLen));
TEST(BlobEnumerateTest, BoringRequestByIdAndReceive)
// This tests that if an index into the blob_id cache is valid, the command
// will return the blobId.
ManagerMock mgr;
size_t dataLen;
uint8_t reply[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
struct BmcBlobEnumerateTx req;
struct BmcBlobEnumerateRx* rep;
uint8_t* request = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&req);
std::string blobId = "/asdf";
req.cmd = BlobOEMCommands::bmcBlobEnumerate;
req.blobIdx = 0;
dataLen = sizeof(struct BmcBlobEnumerateTx);
EXPECT_CALL(mgr, getBlobId(req.blobIdx)).WillOnce(Return(blobId));
EXPECT_EQ(IPMI_CC_OK, enumerateBlob(&mgr, request, reply, &dataLen));
// We're expecting this as a response.
// blobId.length + 1 + sizeof(uint16_t);
EXPECT_EQ(blobId.length() + 1 + sizeof(uint16_t), dataLen);
rep = reinterpret_cast<struct BmcBlobEnumerateRx*>(reply);
EXPECT_EQ(0, std::memcmp(rep->blobId, blobId.c_str(), blobId.length() + 1));
} // namespace blobs