blob: 739d3e9a2600de0db34faabff74c3e36e1d5a174 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "handler.hpp"
#include <ipmiblob/blob_interface.hpp>
#include <string>
namespace host_tool
* Attempt to update the BMC's firmware using the interface provided.
* @param[in] updater - update handler object.
* @param[in] imagePath - the path to the image file.
* @param[in] signaturePath - the path to the signature file.
* @param[in] layoutType - the image update layout type (static/ubi/other)
* @param[in] ignoreUpdate - determines whether to ignore the update status
* @throws ToolException on failures.
void updaterMain(UpdateHandlerInterface* updater, const std::string& imagePath,
const std::string& signaturePath,
const std::string& layoutType, bool ignoreUpdate);
} // namespace host_tool