blob: a892300ffd0fc5dc22610caee36517fe74f27c9d [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include "host-ipmid/ipmid-api.h"
#include "flash-ipmi.hpp"
using IpmiFlashHandler =
std::function<ipmi_ret_t(UpdateInterface* updater, const uint8_t* reqBuf,
uint8_t* replyBuf, size_t* dataLen)>;
* Retrieve the IPMI command handler.
* @param[in] subcommand - the command
* @return the function to call or nullptr on error.
IpmiFlashHandler getCommandHandler(FlashSubCmds command);
* Validate the minimum request length if there is one.
* @param[in] subcommand - the command
* @param[in] requestLength - the length of the request
* @return bool - true if valid.
bool validateRequestLength(FlashSubCmds command, size_t requestLen);
* Prepare to receive a BMC image and then a signature.
* @param[in] updater - Pointer to Updater object.
* @param[in] reqBuf - the IPMI packet.
* @param[in] replyBuf - Pointer to buffer for any response.
* @param[in,out] dataLen - Initially reqBuf length, set to replyBuf
* length when done.
* @return corresponding IPMI return code.
ipmi_ret_t startTransfer(UpdateInterface* updater, const uint8_t* reqBuf,
uint8_t* replyBuf, size_t* dataLen);
* Receive a flash image data block and store it.
* @param[in] updater - Pointer to Updater object.
* @param[in] reqBuf - the IPMI packet.
* @param[in] replyBuf - Pointer to buffer for any response.
* @param[in,out] dataLen - Initially reqBuf length, set to replyBuf
* length when done.
* @return corresponding IPMI return code.
ipmi_ret_t dataBlock(UpdateInterface* updater, const uint8_t* reqBuf,
uint8_t* replyBuf, size_t* dataLen);
* Indicate all flash data has been sent.
* @param[in] updater - Pointer to Updater object.
* @param[in] reqBuf - the IPMI packet.
* @param[in] replyBuf - Pointer to buffer for any response.
* @param[in,out] dataLen - Initially reqBuf length, set to replyBuf
* length when done.
* @return corresponding IPMI return code.
ipmi_ret_t dataFinish(UpdateInterface* updater, const uint8_t* reqBuf,
uint8_t* replyBuf, size_t* dataLen);
* Prepare to receive a BMC image signature.
* @param[in] updater - Pointer to Updater object.
* @param[in] reqBuf - the IPMI packet.
* @param[in] replyBuf - Pointer to buffer for any response.
* @param[in,out] dataLen - Initially reqBuf length, set to replyBuf
* length when done.
* @return corresponding IPMI return code.
ipmi_ret_t startHash(UpdateInterface* updater, const uint8_t* reqBuf,
uint8_t* replyBuf, size_t* dataLen);
* Receive a flash hash data block and store it.
* @param[in] updater - Pointer to Updater object.
* @param[in] reqBuf - the IPMI packet.
* @param[in] replyBuf - Pointer to buffer for any response.
* @param[in,out] dataLen - Initially reqBuf length, set to replyBuf
* length when done.
* @return corresponding IPMI return code.
ipmi_ret_t hashBlock(UpdateInterface* updater, const uint8_t* reqBuf,
uint8_t* replyBuf, size_t* dataLen);
* Indicate all hash data has been sent.
* @param[in] updater - Pointer to Updater object.
* @param[in] reqBuf - the IPMI packet.
* @param[in] replyBuf - Pointer to buffer for any response.
* @param[in,out] dataLen - Initially reqBuf length, set to replyBuf
* length when done.
* @return corresponding IPMI return code.
ipmi_ret_t hashFinish(UpdateInterface* updater, const uint8_t* reqBuf,
uint8_t* replyBuf, size_t* dataLen);