blob: 3c0eb67d3061a30a34f6df4fe69a5ea286c48068 [file] [log] [blame]
* The goal of these tests is to verify the behavior of all blob commands given
* the current state is notYetStarted. The initial state.
#include "firmware_handler.hpp"
#include "firmware_unittest.hpp"
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace ipmi_flash
using ::testing::Return;
using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray;
class FirmwareHandlerNotYetStartedTest : public IpmiOnlyFirmwareStaticTest
* There are the following calls (parameters may vary):
* Note: you cannot have a session yet, so only commands that don't take a
* session parameter are valid. Once you open() from this state, we will vary
* you transition out of this state (ensuring the above is true). Technically
* the firmware handler receives the session number with open(), but the blob
* manager is providing this normally.
* canHandleBlob
* getBlobIds
* deleteBlob
* stat
* open
* canHandleBlob is just a count check (or something similar) against what is
* returned by getBlobIds. It is tested in firmware_canhandle_unittest
* deleteBlob()
TEST_F(FirmwareHandlerNotYetStartedTest, DeleteBlobInStateReturnsFalse)
auto blobs = handler->getBlobIds();
for (const auto& b : blobs)
/* canHandleBlob, getBlobIds */
TEST_F(FirmwareHandlerNotYetStartedTest, GetBlobListValidateListContents)
/* By only checking that the hash and static blob ids are present to start
* with, we're also verifying others aren't.
/* Verify canHandleBlob is reading from the same list (basically) */
for (const auto& blob : startingBlobs)
/* stat(blob_id) */
TEST_F(FirmwareHandlerNotYetStartedTest, StatEachBlobIdVerifyResults)
/* In this original state, calling stat() on the blob ids will return the
* transported supported.
blobs::BlobMeta expected;
expected.blobState = FirmwareFlags::UpdateFlags::ipmi;
expected.size = 0;
auto blobs = handler->getBlobIds();
for (const auto& blob : blobs)
blobs::BlobMeta meta = {};
EXPECT_TRUE(handler->stat(blob, &meta));
EXPECT_EQ(expected, meta);
/* open(each blob id) (verifyblobid will no longer be available at this state.
TEST_F(FirmwareHandlerNotYetStartedTest, OpenStaticImageFileVerifyStateChange)
EXPECT_CALL(imageMock, open(staticLayoutBlobId)).WillOnce(Return(true));
EXPECT_CALL(*prepareMockPtr, trigger()).WillOnce(Return(true));
EXPECT_TRUE(handler->open(session, flags, staticLayoutBlobId));
TEST_F(FirmwareHandlerNotYetStartedTest, OpenHashFileVerifyStateChange)
EXPECT_CALL(imageMock, open(hashBlobId)).WillOnce(Return(true));
/* Opening the hash blob id doesn't trigger a preparation, only a firmware
* blob.
EXPECT_CALL(*prepareMockPtr, trigger()).Times(0);
EXPECT_TRUE(handler->open(session, flags, hashBlobId));
} // namespace
} // namespace ipmi_flash