blob: 6d8bdb8ec628b80c782971efc1bd37045e4fd589 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "config.h"
#include "manager.hpp"
#include <phosphor-logging/lg2.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/exception.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Led/Physical/server.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
namespace phosphor
namespace led
// Assert -or- De-assert
bool Manager::setGroupState(const std::string& path, bool assert,
ActionSet& ledsAssert, ActionSet& ledsDeAssert)
if (assert)
if (assertedGroups.contains(&
// This will contain the union of what's already in the asserted ActionSet
ActionSet desiredState{};
for (const auto& grp : assertedGroups)
desiredState.insert(grp->cbegin(), grp->cend());
// Find difference between Combined and Desired to identify
// which LEDs are getting altered
ActionSet transient{};
std::set_difference(combinedState.begin(), combinedState.end(),
desiredState.begin(), desiredState.end(),
std::inserter(transient, transient.begin()), ledComp);
if (transient.size())
// Find common LEDs between transient and Desired to know if some LEDs
// are changing state and not really getting DeAsserted
ActionSet ledsTransient{};
transient.begin(), transient.end(), desiredState.begin(),
std::inserter(ledsTransient, ledsTransient.begin()), ledLess);
// Find difference between above 2 to identify those LEDs which are
// really getting DeAsserted
std::set_difference(transient.begin(), transient.end(),
ledsTransient.begin(), ledsTransient.end(),
std::inserter(ledsDeAssert, ledsDeAssert.begin()),
// Remove the elements from Current that are being DeAsserted.
if (ledsDeAssert.size())
// Power off LEDs that are to be really DeAsserted
for (auto& it : ledsDeAssert)
// Update LEDs in "physically asserted" set by removing those
// LEDs which are De-Asserted
auto found = currentState.find(it);
if (found != currentState.end())
// Now LEDs that are to be Asserted. These could either be fresh asserts
// -or- change between [On]<-->[Blink]
ActionSet temp{};
std::unique_copy(desiredState.begin(), desiredState.end(),
std::inserter(temp, temp.begin()), ledEqual);
if (temp.size())
// Find difference between [desired to be Asserted] and those LEDs
// that are physically asserted currently.
temp.begin(), temp.end(), currentState.begin(), currentState.end(),
std::inserter(ledsAssert, ledsAssert.begin()), ledComp);
// Update the current actual and desired(the virtual actual)
currentState = std::move(temp);
combinedState = std::move(desiredState);
// If we survive, then set the state accordingly.
return assert;
void Manager::setLampTestCallBack(
std::function<bool(ActionSet& ledsAssert, ActionSet& ledsDeAssert)>
lampTestCallBack = callBack;
/** @brief Run through the map and apply action on the LEDs */
void Manager::driveLEDs(ActionSet& ledsAssert, ActionSet& ledsDeAssert)
// Use the lampTestCallBack method and trigger the callback method in the
// lamp test(processLEDUpdates), in this way, all lamp test operations
// are performed in the lamp test class.
if (lampTestCallBack(ledsAssert, ledsDeAssert))
// This order of LED operation is important.
if (ledsDeAssert.size())
for (const auto& it : ledsDeAssert)
std::string objPath = std::string(phyLedPath) +;
lg2::debug("De-Asserting LED, NAME = {NAME}", "NAME",;
drivePhysicalLED(objPath, Layout::Action::Off, it.dutyOn,
if (ledsAssert.size())
for (const auto& it : ledsAssert)
std::string objPath = std::string(phyLedPath) +;
lg2::debug("Asserting LED, NAME = {NAME}", "NAME",;
drivePhysicalLED(objPath, it.action, it.dutyOn, it.period);
// Calls into driving physical LED post choosing the action
void Manager::drivePhysicalLED(const std::string& objPath,
Layout::Action action, uint8_t dutyOn,
const uint16_t period)
// If Blink, set its property
if (action == Layout::Action::Blink)
PropertyValue dutyOnValue{dutyOn};
PropertyValue periodValue{period};
dBusHandler.setProperty(objPath, phyLedIntf, "DutyOn", dutyOnValue);
dBusHandler.setProperty(objPath, phyLedIntf, "Period", periodValue);
PropertyValue actionValue{getPhysicalAction(action)};
dBusHandler.setProperty(objPath, phyLedIntf, "State", actionValue);
catch (const std::exception& e)
"Error setting property for physical LED, ERROR = {ERROR}, OBJECT_PATH = {PATH}",
"ERROR", e, "PATH", objPath);
/** @brief Returns action string based on enum */
std::string Manager::getPhysicalAction(Layout::Action action)
namespace server = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Led::server;
// TODO: openbmc/phosphor-led-manager#5
// Somehow need to use the generated Action enum than giving one
// in ledlayout.
if (action == Layout::Action::On)
return server::convertForMessage(server::Physical::Action::On);
else if (action == Layout::Action::Blink)
return server::convertForMessage(server::Physical::Action::Blink);
return server::convertForMessage(server::Physical::Action::Off);
} // namespace led
} // namespace phosphor