blob: ef0d7b09349a93bd367b92c49dd4ba1c0f4452f0 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "group.hpp"
#include "manager.hpp"
#include <sdeventplus/utility/timer.hpp>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
namespace phosphor
namespace led
/** @class LampTest
* @brief Manager LampTest feature
class LampTest
LampTest() = delete;
~LampTest() = default;
LampTest(const LampTest&) = delete;
LampTest& operator=(const LampTest&) = delete;
LampTest(LampTest&&) = default;
LampTest& operator=(LampTest&&) = default;
/** @brief Constructs LED LampTest
* Constructs timer and when the timeout occurs, the stop method is called
* back to stop timer and also end the lamp test.
* @param[in] event - sd event handler
* @param[in] manager - reference to manager instance
LampTest(const sdeventplus::Event& event, Manager& manager) :
timer(event, std::bind(std::mem_fn(&LampTest::timeOutHandler), this)),
manager(manager), groupObj(NULL)
/** @brief the lamp test request handler
* @param[in] group - Pointer to Group object
* @param[in] value - true: start lamptest
* false: stop lamptest
* @return
void requestHandler(Group* group, bool value);
/** @brief Update physical LEDs states during lamp test and the lamp test is
* running
* @param[in] ledsAssert - LEDs that are to be asserted newly or to a
* different state
* @param[in] ledsDeAssert - LEDs that are to be Deasserted
* @return Is running lamp test, true running
bool processLEDUpdates(const Manager::group& ledsAssert,
const Manager::group& ledsDeAssert);
/** @brief Timer used for LEDs lamp test period */
sdeventplus::utility::Timer<sdeventplus::ClockId::Monotonic> timer;
/** @brief Reference to Manager object */
Manager& manager;
/** DBusHandler class handles the D-Bus operations */
DBusHandler dBusHandler;
/** @brief Pointer to Group object */
Group* groupObj;
/** all the Physical paths */
std::vector<std::string> physicalLEDPaths;
/** @brief Queue to save LED states during lamp test */
std::queue<std::pair<Manager::group, Manager::group>>
/** @brief Get state of the lamp test operation */
bool isLampTestRunning{false};
/** @brief Physical LED states prior to lamp test */
Manager::group physicalLEDStatesPriorToLampTest;
/** @brief Start and restart lamp test depending on what is the current
* state. */
void start();
/** @brief Stop lamp test. */
void stop();
/** @brief This method gets called when the lamp test procedure is done as
* part of timeout. */
void timeOutHandler();
/** @brief Restore the physical LEDs states after the lamp test finishes */
void restorePhysicalLedStates();
/** @brief Store the physical LEDs states before the lamp test start */
void storePhysicalLEDsStates();
/** @brief Returns action enum based on string
* @param[in] str - Action string
* @return enumeration equivalent of the passed in string
Layout::Action getActionFromString(const std::string& str);
} // namespace led
} // namespace phosphor