blob: 1a75f8c52431df6e2e08bcaa7360d0c178559882 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
#include "ledlayout.hpp"
namespace phosphor
namespace led
/** @brief Physical LED dbus constructs */
constexpr auto PHY_LED_PATH = "/xyz/openbmc_project/led/physical/";
constexpr auto PHY_LED_IFACE = "xyz.openbmc_project.Led.Physical";
constexpr auto DBUS_PROPERTY_IFACE = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties";
/** @class Manager
* @brief Manages group of LEDs and applies action on the elements of group
class Manager
/** @brief Only need the default Manager */
Manager() = delete;
~Manager() = default;
Manager(const Manager&) = delete;
Manager& operator=(const Manager&) = delete;
Manager(Manager&&) = delete;
Manager& operator=(Manager&&) = delete;
/** @brief For finding intersection */
static bool ledComp(const phosphor::led::Layout::LedAction& left,
const phosphor::led::Layout::LedAction& right)
return <;
using group = std::set<phosphor::led::Layout::LedAction>;
using LedLayout = std::map<std::string, group>;
/** @brief static global map constructed at compile time */
const LedLayout& ledMap;
/** @brief Refer the user supplied LED layout and sdbusplus handler
* @param [in] bus - sdbusplus handler
* @param [in] LedLayout - LEDs group layout
Manager(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus,
const LedLayout& ledLayout)
: ledMap(ledLayout),
// Nothing here
/** @brief Given a group name, applies the action on the group
* @param[in] path - dbus path of group
* @param[in] assert - Could be true or false
* @param[in] ledsAssert - LEDs that are to be asserted newly
* @param[in] ledsDeAssert - LEDs that are to be Deasserted
* @param[in] ledsUpdate - LEDs that need a transition between
* different types of asserted states.
* @return - Success or exception thrown
bool setGroupState(const std::string& path, bool assert,
group& ledsAssert, group& ledsDeAssert,
group& ledsUpdate);
/** @brief Finds the set of LEDs to operate on and executes action
* @param[in] ledsAssert - LEDs that are to be asserted newly
* @param[in] ledsDeAssert - LEDs that are to be Deasserted
* @param[in] ledsUpdate - LEDs that need a transition between
* different types of asserted states.
* @return: None
void driveLEDs(group& ledsAssert, group& ledsDeAssert,
group& ledsUpdate);
/** @brief sdbusplus handler */
sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus;
/** Map of physical LED path to service name */
std::map<std::string, std::string> phyLeds {};
/** @brief Pointers to groups that are in asserted state */
std::set<const group*> assertedGroups;
/** @brief Contains the LEDs that are in asserted state */
group currentState;
/** @brief Returns action string based on enum
* @param[in] action - Action enum
* @return string equivalent of the passed in enumeration
static std::string getPhysicalAction(Layout::Action action);
/** @brief Chooses appropriate action to be triggered on physical LED
* and calls into function that applies the actual action.
* @param[in] objPath - dbus object path
* @param[in] action - Intended action to be triggered
* @param[in] dutyOn - Duty Cycle ON percentage
void drivePhysicalLED(const std::string& objPath,
Layout::Action action,
uint8_t dutyOn);
/** @brief Makes a dbus call to a passed in service name.
* This is now the physical LED controller
* @param[in] service - dbus service name
* @param[in] objPath - dbus object path
* @param[in] property - property to be written to
* @param[in] value - Value to write
template <typename T>
void drivePhysicalLED(const std::string& service,
const std::string& objPath,
const std::string& property,
const T& value)
sdbusplus::message::variant<T> data = value;
auto method = bus.new_method_call(service.c_str(), objPath.c_str(),
// There will be exceptions going forward and hence don't need a
// response
/** @brief Populates map of Physical LED paths to service name */
void populateObjectMap();
} // namespace led
} // namespace phosphor