blob: 93a0e47106537fa4a255d73e0317965e1be2fc54 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "dbus_types.hpp"
#include "dbus_watcher.hpp"
#include <phosphor-logging/lg2.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/bus/match.hpp>
#include <expected>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace openpower
namespace pels
* @class DataInterface
* A base class for gathering data about the system for use
* in PELs. Implemented this way to facilitate mocking.
class DataInterfaceBase
DataInterfaceBase() = default;
virtual ~DataInterfaceBase() = default;
DataInterfaceBase(const DataInterfaceBase&) = default;
DataInterfaceBase& operator=(const DataInterfaceBase&) = default;
DataInterfaceBase(DataInterfaceBase&&) = default;
DataInterfaceBase& operator=(DataInterfaceBase&&) = default;
* @brief Returns the machine Type/Model
* @return string - The machine Type/Model string
virtual std::string getMachineTypeModel() const = 0;
* @brief Returns the machine serial number
* @return string - The machine serial number
virtual std::string getMachineSerialNumber() const = 0;
* @brief Says if the system is managed by a hardware
* management console.
* @return bool - If the system is HMC managed
virtual bool isHMCManaged() const
return _hmcManaged;
* @brief Says if the host is up and running
* @return bool - If the host is running
virtual bool isHostUp() const
return _hostUp;
using HostStateChangeFunc = std::function<void(bool)>;
* @brief Register a callback function that will get
* called on all host on/off transitions.
* The void(bool) function will get passed the new
* value of the host state.
* @param[in] name - The subscription name
* @param[in] func - The function to run
void subscribeToHostStateChange(const std::string& name,
HostStateChangeFunc func)
_hostChangeCallbacks[name] = func;
* @brief Unsubscribe from host state changes.
* @param[in] name - The subscription name
void unsubscribeFromHostStateChange(const std::string& name)
using FRUPresentFunc =
std::function<void(const std::string& /* locationCode */)>;
* @brief Register a callback function that will get
* called when certain FRUs become present.
* The void(std::string) function will get passed the
* location code of the FRU.
* @param[in] name - The subscription name
* @param[in] func - The function to run
void subscribeToFruPresent(const std::string& name, FRUPresentFunc func)
_fruPresentCallbacks[name] = std::move(func);
* @brief Returns the BMC firmware version
* @return std::string - The BMC version
virtual std::string getBMCFWVersion() const
return _bmcFWVersion;
* @brief Returns the server firmware version
* @return std::string - The server firmware version
virtual std::string getServerFWVersion() const
return _serverFWVersion;
* @brief Returns the BMC FW version ID
* @return std::string - The BMC FW version ID
virtual std::string getBMCFWVersionID() const
return _bmcFWVersionID;
* @brief Returns the process name given its PID.
* @param[in] pid - The PID value as a string
* @return std::optional<std::string> - The name, or std::nullopt
std::optional<std::string> getProcessName(const std::string& pid) const
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
fs::path path{"/proc"};
path /= fs::path{pid} / "exe";
if (fs::exists(path))
return fs::read_symlink(path);
return std::nullopt;
* @brief Returns the time the system was running.
* @return std::optional<uint64_t> - The System uptime or std::nullopt
std::optional<uint64_t> getUptimeInSeconds() const
std::ifstream versionFile{"/proc/uptime"};
std::string line{};
std::getline(versionFile, line);
auto pos = line.find(" ");
if (pos == std::string::npos)
return std::nullopt;
uint64_t seconds = atol(line.substr(0, pos).c_str());
if (seconds == 0)
return std::nullopt;
return seconds;
* @brief Returns the time the system was running.
* @param[in] seconds - The number of seconds the system has been running
* @return std::string - days/hours/minutes/seconds
std::string getBMCUptime(uint64_t seconds) const
time_t t(seconds);
tm* p = gmtime(&t);
std::string uptime =
std::to_string(p->tm_year - 70) + "y " +
std::to_string(p->tm_yday) + "d " + std::to_string(p->tm_hour) +
"h " + std::to_string(p->tm_min) + "m " +
std::to_string(p->tm_sec) + "s";
return uptime;
* @brief Returns the system load average over the past 1 minute, 5 minutes
* and 15 minutes.
* @return std::string - The system load average
std::string getBMCLoadAvg() const
std::string loadavg{};
std::ifstream loadavgFile{"/proc/loadavg"};
std::string line;
std::getline(loadavgFile, line);
size_t count = 3;
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
auto pos = line.find(" ");
if (pos == std::string::npos)
return {};
if (i != count - 1)
loadavg.append(line.substr(0, pos + 1));
loadavg.append(line.substr(0, pos));
line = line.substr(pos + 1);
return loadavg;
* @brief Returns the 'send event logs to host' setting.
* @return bool - If sending PELs to the host is enabled.
virtual bool getHostPELEnablement() const
return _sendPELsToHost;
* @brief Returns the BMC state
* @return std::string - The BMC state property value
virtual std::string getBMCState() const
return _bmcState;
* @brief Returns the Chassis state
* @return std::string - The chassis state property value
virtual std::string getChassisState() const
return _chassisState;
* @brief Returns the chassis requested power
* transition value.
* @return std::string - The chassis transition property
virtual std::string getChassisTransition() const
return _chassisTransition;
* @brief Returns the Host state
* @return std::string - The Host state property value
virtual std::string getHostState() const
return _hostState;
* @brief Returns the Boot state
* @return std::string - The Boot state property value
virtual std::string getBootState() const
return _bootState;
* @brief Returns the motherboard CCIN
* @return std::string The motherboard CCIN
virtual std::string getMotherboardCCIN() const = 0;
* @brief Returns the system IM
* @return std::string The system IM
virtual std::vector<uint8_t> getSystemIMKeyword() const = 0;
* @brief Get the fields from the inventory necessary for doing
* a callout on an inventory path.
* @param[in] inventoryPath - The item to get the data for
* @param[out] fruPartNumber - Filled in with the VINI/FN keyword
* @param[out] ccin - Filled in with the VINI/CC keyword
* @param[out] serialNumber - Filled in with the VINI/SN keyword
virtual void getHWCalloutFields(
const std::string& inventoryPath, std::string& fruPartNumber,
std::string& ccin, std::string& serialNumber) const = 0;
* @brief Get the location code for an inventory item.
* @param[in] inventoryPath - The item to get the data for
* @return std::string - The location code
virtual std::string
getLocationCode(const std::string& inventoryPath) const = 0;
* @brief Get the list of system type names the system is called.
* @return std::vector<std::string> - The list of names
virtual std::vector<std::string> getSystemNames() const = 0;
* @brief Fills in the placeholder 'Ufcs' in the passed in location
* code with the machine feature code and serial number, which
* is needed to create a valid location code.
* @param[in] locationCode - Location code value starting with Ufcs-, and
* if that isn't present it will be added first.
* @param[in] node - The node number the location is on.
* @return std::string - The expanded location code
virtual std::string expandLocationCode(const std::string& locationCode,
uint16_t node) const = 0;
* @brief Returns the inventory paths for the FRU that the location
* code represents.
* @param[in] locationCode - If an expanded location code, then the
* full location code.
* If not expanded, a location code value
* starting with Ufcs-, and if that isn't
* present it will be added first.
* @param[in] node - The node number the location is on. Ignored if the
* expanded location code is passed in.
* @param[in] expanded - If the location code already has the relevent
* VPD fields embedded in it.
* @return std::vector<std::string> - The inventory D-Bus objects
virtual std::vector<std::string>
getInventoryFromLocCode(const std::string& LocationCode, uint16_t node,
bool expanded) const = 0;
* @brief Sets the Asserted property on the LED group passed in.
* @param[in] ledGroup - The LED group D-Bus path
* @param[in] value - The value to set it to
virtual void assertLEDGroup(const std::string& ledGroup,
bool value) const = 0;
* @brief Sets the Functional property on the OperationalStatus
* interface on a D-Bus object.
* @param[in] objectPath - The D-Bus object path
* @param[in] functional - The value
virtual void setFunctional(const std::string& objectPath,
bool functional) const = 0;
* @brief Sets the critical association on the D-Bus object.
* @param[in] objectPath - The D-Bus object path
virtual void
setCriticalAssociation(const std::string& objectPath) const = 0;
* @brief Returns the manufacturing QuiesceOnError property
* @return bool - Manufacturing QuiesceOnError property
virtual bool getQuiesceOnError() const = 0;
* @brief Split location code into base and connector segments
* A location code that ends in '-Tx', where 'x' is a number,
* represents a connector, such as a USB cable connector.
* This function splits the passed in location code into a
* base and connector segment. e.g.:
* P0-T1 -> ['P0', '-T1']
* P0 -> ['P0', '']
* @param[in] locationCode - location code to split
* @return pair<string, string> - The base and connector segments
static std::pair<std::string, std::string>
extractConnectorFromLocCode(const std::string& locationCode);
* @brief Create guard record
* @param[in] binPath: phal devtree binary path used as key
* @param[in] type: Guard type
* @param[in] logPath: error log entry object path
virtual void createGuardRecord(const std::vector<uint8_t>& binPath,
const std::string& type,
const std::string& logPath) const = 0;
* @brief Create Progress SRC property on the boot progress
* interface on a D-Bus object.
* @param[in] priSRC - Primary SRC value (e.g. BD8D1001)
* @param[in] srcStruct - Full SRC base structure
virtual void
createProgressSRC(const uint64_t& priSRC,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& srcStruct) const = 0;
* @brief Get the list of unresolved OpenBMC event log ids that have an
* associated hardware isolation entry.
* @return std::vector<uint32_t> - The list of log ids
virtual std::vector<uint32_t> getLogIDWithHwIsolation() const = 0;
* @brief Returns the latest raw progress SRC from the State.Boot.Raw
* D-Bus interface.
* @return std::vector<uint8_t> - The progress SRC bytes
virtual std::vector<uint8_t> getRawProgressSRC() const = 0;
* @brief Returns the FRUs DI property value hosted on the VINI iterface for
* the given location code.
* @param[in] locationCode - The location code of the FRU
* @return std::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>> - The FRUs DI or
* std::nullopt
virtual std::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>>
getDIProperty(const std::string& locationCode) const = 0;
* @brief Wrpper API to call pHAL API 'getFRUType()' and check whether the
* given location code is DIMM or not
* @param[in] locCode - The location code of the FRU
* @return - true, if the given location code is DIMM
* - false, if the given location code is not DIMM or if it fails to
* determine the FRU type.
bool isDIMM(const std::string& locCode);
* @brief Check whether the given location code present in the cache
* memory
* @param[in] locCode - The location code of the FRU
* @return true, if the given location code present in cache and is a DIMM
* false, if the given location code present in cache, but a non
* std::nullopt, if the given location code is not present in the
* cache.
std::optional<bool> isDIMMLocCode(const std::string& locCode) const;
* @brief add the given location code to the cache memory
* @param[in] locCode - The location code of the FRU
* @param[in] isFRUDIMM - true indicates the FRU is a DIMM
* false indicates the FRU is a non DIMM
void addDIMMLocCode(const std::string& locCode, bool isFRUDIMM);
* @brief Finds all D-Bus Associated paths that contain any of the
* interfaces passed in, by using GetAssociatedSubTreePaths.
* @param[in] associatedPath - The D-Bus object path
* @param[in] subtree - The subtree path for which the result should be
* fetched
* @param[in] depth - The maximum subtree depth for which results should be
* fetched
* @param[in] interfaces - The desired interfaces
* @return The D-Bus paths.
virtual DBusPathList getAssociatedPaths(
const DBusPath& associatedPath, const DBusPath& subtree, int32_t depth,
const DBusInterfaceList& interfaces) const = 0;
* @brief Sets the host on/off state and runs any
* callback functions (if there was a change).
void setHostUp(bool hostUp)
if (_hostUp != hostUp)
_hostUp = hostUp;
for (auto& [name, func] : _hostChangeCallbacks)
catch (const std::exception& e)
"A host state change callback threw an exception");
* @brief Runs the callback functions registered when
* FRUs become present.
void setFruPresent(const std::string& locationCode)
for (const auto& [_, func] : _fruPresentCallbacks)
catch (const std::exception& e)
lg2::error("A FRU present callback threw an exception");
* @brief The hardware management console status. Always kept
* up to date.
bool _hmcManaged = false;
* @brief The host up status. Always kept up to date.
bool _hostUp = false;
* @brief The map of host state change subscriber
* names to callback functions.
std::map<std::string, HostStateChangeFunc> _hostChangeCallbacks;
* @brief The map of FRU present subscriber
* names to callback functions.
std::map<std::string, FRUPresentFunc> _fruPresentCallbacks;
* @brief The BMC firmware version string
std::string _bmcFWVersion;
* @brief The server firmware version string
std::string _serverFWVersion;
* @brief The BMC firmware version ID string
std::string _bmcFWVersionID;
* @brief If sending PELs is enabled.
* This is usually set to false in manufacturing test.
bool _sendPELsToHost = true;
* @brief The BMC state property
std::string _bmcState;
* @brief The Chassis current power state property
std::string _chassisState;
* @brief The Chassis requested power transition property
std::string _chassisTransition;
* @brief The host state property
std::string _hostState;
* @brief The boot state property
std::string _bootState;
* @brief A cache storage for location code and its FRU Type
* - The key 'std::string' represents the locationCode of the FRU
* - The bool value - true indicates the FRU is a DIMM
* false indicates the FRU is a non DIMM.
std::unordered_map<std::string, bool> _locationCache;
* @class DataInterface
* Concrete implementation of DataInterfaceBase.
class DataInterface : public DataInterfaceBase
DataInterface() = delete;
~DataInterface() = default;
DataInterface(const DataInterface&) = default;
DataInterface& operator=(const DataInterface&) = default;
DataInterface(DataInterface&&) = default;
DataInterface& operator=(DataInterface&&) = default;
* @brief Constructor
* @param[in] bus - The sdbusplus bus object
explicit DataInterface(sdbusplus::bus_t& bus);
* @brief Finds the D-Bus service name that hosts the
* passed in path and interface.
* @param[in] objectPath - The D-Bus object path
* @param[in] interface - The D-Bus interface
DBusService getService(const std::string& objectPath,
const std::string& interface) const;
* @brief Wrapper for the 'GetAll' properties method call
* @param[in] service - The D-Bus service to call it on
* @param[in] objectPath - The D-Bus object path
* @param[in] interface - The interface to get the props on
* @return DBusPropertyMap - The property results
DBusPropertyMap getAllProperties(const std::string& service,
const std::string& objectPath,
const std::string& interface) const;
* @brief Wrapper for the 'Get' properties method call
* @param[in] service - The D-Bus service to call it on
* @param[in] objectPath - The D-Bus object path
* @param[in] interface - The interface to get the property on
* @param[in] property - The property name
* @param[out] value - Filled in with the property value.
void getProperty(const std::string& service, const std::string& objectPath,
const std::string& interface, const std::string& property,
DBusValue& value) const;
* @brief Returns the machine Type/Model
* @return string - The machine Type/Model string
std::string getMachineTypeModel() const override;
* @brief Returns the machine serial number
* @return string - The machine serial number
std::string getMachineSerialNumber() const override;
* @brief Returns the motherboard CCIN
* @return std::string The motherboard CCIN
std::string getMotherboardCCIN() const override;
* @brief Returns the system IM
* @return std::vector The system IM keyword in 4 byte vector
std::vector<uint8_t> getSystemIMKeyword() const override;
* @brief Get the fields from the inventory necessary for doing
* a callout on an inventory path.
* @param[in] inventoryPath - The item to get the data for
* @param[out] fruPartNumber - Filled in with the VINI/FN keyword
* @param[out] ccin - Filled in with the VINI/CC keyword
* @param[out] serialNumber - Filled in with the VINI/SN keyword
void getHWCalloutFields(const std::string& inventoryPath,
std::string& fruPartNumber, std::string& ccin,
std::string& serialNumber) const override;
* @brief Get the location code for an inventory item.
* Throws an exception if the inventory item doesn't have the
* location code interface.
* @param[in] inventoryPath - The item to get the data for
* @return std::string - The location code
getLocationCode(const std::string& inventoryPath) const override;
* @brief Get the list of system type names the system is called.
* @return std::vector<std::string> - The list of names
std::vector<std::string> getSystemNames() const override;
* @brief Fills in the placeholder 'Ufcs' in the passed in location
* code with the machine feature code and serial number, which
* is needed to create a valid location code.
* @param[in] locationCode - Location code value starting with Ufcs-, and
* if that isn't present it will be added first.
* @param[in] node - The node number the location is one.
* @return std::string - The expanded location code
std::string expandLocationCode(const std::string& locationCode,
uint16_t node) const override;
* @brief Returns the inventory paths for the FRU that the location
* code represents.
* @param[in] locationCode - If an expanded location code, then the
* full location code.
* If not expanded, a location code value
* starting with Ufcs-, and if that isn't
* present it will be added first.
* @param[in] node - The node number the location is on. Ignored if the
* expanded location code is passed in.
* @param[in] expanded - If the location code already has the relevent
* VPD fields embedded in it.
* @return std::vector<std::string> - The inventory D-Bus objects
getInventoryFromLocCode(const std::string& locationCode, uint16_t node,
bool expanded) const override;
* @brief Sets the Asserted property on the LED group passed in.
* @param[in] ledGroup - The LED group D-Bus path
* @param[in] value - The value to set it to
void assertLEDGroup(const std::string& ledGroup, bool value) const override;
* @brief Sets the Functional property on the OperationalStatus
* interface on a D-Bus object.
* @param[in] objectPath - The D-Bus object path
* @param[in] functional - The value
void setFunctional(const std::string& objectPath,
bool functional) const override;
* @brief Sets the critical association on the D-Bus object.
* @param[in] objectPath - The D-Bus object path
void setCriticalAssociation(const std::string& objectPath) const override;
* @brief Returns the manufacturing QuiesceOnError property
* @return bool - Manufacturing QuiesceOnError property
bool getQuiesceOnError() const override;
* @brief Create guard record
* @param[in] binPath: phal devtree binary path used as key
* @param[in] type: Guard type
* @param[in] logPath: error log entry object path
void createGuardRecord(const std::vector<uint8_t>& binPath,
const std::string& type,
const std::string& logPath) const override;
* @brief Create Progress SRC property on the boot progress
* interface on a D-Bus object.
* @param[in] priSRC - Primary SRC value
* @param[in] srcStruct - Full SRC base structure
createProgressSRC(const uint64_t& priSRC,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& srcStruct) const override;
* @brief Get the list of unresolved OpenBMC event log ids that have an
* associated hardware isolation entry.
* @return std::vector<uint32_t> - The list of log ids
std::vector<uint32_t> getLogIDWithHwIsolation() const override;
* @brief Returns the latest raw progress SRC from the State.Boot.Raw
* D-Bus interface.
* @return std::vector<uint8_t>: The progress SRC bytes
std::vector<uint8_t> getRawProgressSRC() const override;
* @brief Returns the FRUs DI property value hosted on the VINI iterface for
* the given location code.
* @param[in] locationCode - The location code of the FRU
* @return std::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>> - The FRUs DI or
* std::nullopt
getDIProperty(const std::string& locationCode) const override;
* @brief Finds all D-Bus Associated paths that contain any of the
* interfaces passed in, by using GetAssociatedSubTreePaths.
* @param[in] associatedPath - The D-Bus object path
* @param[in] subtree - The subtree path for which the result should be
* fetched
* @param[in] depth - The maximum subtree depth for which results should be
* fetched
* @param[in] interfaces - The desired interfaces
* @return The D-Bus paths.
DBusPathList getAssociatedPaths(
const DBusPath& associatedPath, const DBusPath& subtree, int32_t depth,
const DBusInterfaceList& interfaces) const override;
* @brief Reads the BMC firmware version string and puts it into
* _bmcFWVersion.
void readBMCFWVersion();
* @brief Reads the server firmware version string and puts it into
* _serverFWVersion.
void readServerFWVersion();
* @brief Reads the BMC firmware version ID and puts it into
* _bmcFWVersionID.
void readBMCFWVersionID();
* @brief Finds all D-Bus paths that contain any of the interfaces
* passed in, by using GetSubTreePaths.
* @param[in] interfaces - The desired interfaces
* @return The D-Bus paths.
DBusPathList getPaths(const DBusInterfaceList& interfaces) const;
* @brief The interfacesAdded callback used on the inventory to
* find the D-Bus object that has the motherboard interface.
* When the motherboard is found, it then adds a PropertyWatcher
* for the motherboard CCIN.
void motherboardIfaceAdded(sdbusplus::message_t& msg);
* @brief Start watching for the hotpluggable FRUs to become
* present.
void startFruPlugWatch();
* @brief Create a D-Bus match object for the Present property
* to change on the path passed in.
* @param[in] path - The path to watch.
void addHotplugWatch(const std::string& path);
* @brief Callback when an inventory interface was added.
* Only does something if it's one of the hotpluggable FRUs,
* in which case it will treat it as a hotplug if the
* Present property is true.
* @param[in] msg - The InterfacesAdded signal contents.
void inventoryIfaceAdded(sdbusplus::message_t& msg);
* @brief Callback when the Present property changes.
* If present, will run the registered callbacks.
* @param[in] msg - The PropertiesChanged signal contents.
void presenceChanged(sdbusplus::message_t& msg);
* @brief If the Present property is in the properties map
* passed in and it is true, notify the subscribers.
* @param[in] path - The object path of the inventory item.
* @param[in] properties - The properties map
void notifyPresenceSubsribers(const std::string& path,
const DBusPropertyMap& properties);
* @brief Adds the Ufcs- prefix to the location code passed in
* if necessary.
* Needed because the location codes that come back from the
* message registry and device callout JSON don't have it.
* @param[in] - The location code without a prefix, like P1-C1
* @return std::string - The location code with the prefix
static std::string addLocationCodePrefix(const std::string& locationCode);
* @brief A helper API to check whether the PHAL device tree is exists,
* ensuring the PHAL init API can be invoked.
* @return true if the PHAL device tree is exists, otherwise false
bool isPHALDevTreeExist() const;
* @brief A helper API to init PHAL libraries
* @return None
void initPHAL();
* @brief A helper API to subscribe to systemd signals
* @return None
void subscribeToSystemdSignals();
* @brief A helper API to unsubscribe to systemd signals
* @return None
void unsubscribeFromSystemdSignals();
* @brief The D-Bus property or interface watchers that have callbacks
* registered that will set members in this class when
* they change.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DBusWatcher>> _properties;
std::unique_ptr<sdbusplus::bus::match_t> _invIaMatch;
* @brief The matches for watching for hotplugs.
* A map so we can check that we never get duplicates.
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<sdbusplus::bus::match_t>>
* @brief The sdbusplus bus object for making D-Bus calls.
sdbusplus::bus_t& _bus;
* @brief Watcher to check "openpower-update-bios-attr-table" service
* is "done" to init PHAL libraires
std::unique_ptr<sdbusplus::bus::match_t> _systemdMatch;
* @brief A slot object for async dbus call
sdbusplus::slot_t _systemdSlot;
} // namespace pels
} // namespace openpower