blob: 38e5b5850623304281363d81c433db97cc398052 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "extensions/openpower-pels/pel_rules.hpp"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
using namespace openpower::pels;
struct CheckParams
// pel_rules::check() inputs
uint16_t actionFlags;
uint8_t eventType;
uint8_t severity;
// pel_rules::check() expected outputs
uint16_t expectedActionFlags;
uint8_t expectedEventType;
const uint8_t sevInfo = 0x00;
const uint8_t sevRecovered = 0x10;
const uint8_t sevPredictive = 0x20;
const uint8_t sevUnrecov = 0x40;
const uint8_t sevCrit = 0x50;
const uint8_t sevDiagnostic = 0x60;
const uint8_t sevSymptom = 0x70;
const uint8_t typeNA = 0x00;
const uint8_t typeMisc = 0x01;
const uint8_t typeTracing = 0x02;
const uint8_t typeDumpNotif = 0x08;
TEST(PELRulesTest, TestCheckRules)
// Impossible to cover all combinations, but
// do some interesting ones.
std::vector<CheckParams> testParams{
// Informational errors w/ empty action flags
// and different event types.
{0, typeNA, sevInfo, 0x6000, typeMisc},
{0, typeMisc, sevInfo, 0x6000, typeMisc},
{0, typeTracing, sevInfo, 0x6000, typeTracing},
{0, typeDumpNotif, sevInfo, 0x2000, typeDumpNotif},
// Informational errors with wrong action flags
{0x8900, typeNA, sevInfo, 0x6000, typeMisc},
// Informational errors with extra valid action flags
{0x00C0, typeMisc, sevInfo, 0x60C0, typeMisc},
// Informational - don't report
{0x1000, typeMisc, sevInfo, 0x5000, typeMisc},
// Recovered will report as hidden
{0, typeNA, sevRecovered, 0x6000, typeNA},
// The 5 error severities will have:
// service action, report, call home
{0, typeNA, sevPredictive, 0xA800, typeNA},
{0, typeNA, sevUnrecov, 0xA800, typeNA},
{0, typeNA, sevCrit, 0xA800, typeNA},
{0, typeNA, sevDiagnostic, 0xA800, typeNA},
{0, typeNA, sevSymptom, 0xA800, typeNA}};
for (const auto& entry : testParams)
auto [actionFlags, type] = pel_rules::check(
entry.actionFlags, entry.eventType, entry.severity);
EXPECT_EQ(actionFlags, entry.expectedActionFlags);
EXPECT_EQ(type, entry.expectedEventType);