blob: 5b155060c8ea75c1ec6e8966e72c3a0289337d18 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "bcd_time.hpp"
#include "pel.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <filesystem>
namespace openpower
namespace pels
* @class Repository
* The class handles saving and retrieving PELs on the BMC.
class Repository
Repository() = delete;
~Repository() = default;
Repository(const Repository&) = default;
Repository& operator=(const Repository&) = default;
Repository(Repository&&) = default;
Repository& operator=(Repository&&) = default;
* @brief Constructor
* @param[in] basePath - the base filesystem path for the repository
Repository(const std::filesystem::path& basePath);
* @brief Adds a PEL to the repository
* Throws File.Error.Open or File.Error.Write exceptions on failure
* @param[in] pel - the PEL to add
void add(std::unique_ptr<PEL>& pel);
* @brief Generates the filename to use for the PEL ID and BCDTime.
* @param[in] pelID - the PEL ID
* @param[in] time - the BCD time
* @return string - A filename string of <BCD_time>_<pelID>
static std::string getPELFilename(uint32_t pelID, const BCDTime& time);
* @brief The filesystem path to the PEL logs.
const std::filesystem::path _logPath;
} // namespace pels
} // namespace openpower