blob: 61bb2a4f603e8e69225da32bc292938185e26c42 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "host_interface.hpp"
#include <libpldm/pldm.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <memory>
#include <sdeventplus/clock.hpp>
#include <sdeventplus/source/io.hpp>
#include <sdeventplus/utility/timer.hpp>
namespace openpower::pels
* @class PLDMInterface
* This class handles sending the 'new file available' PLDM
* command to the host to notify it of a new PEL's ID and size.
* The command response is asynchronous.
class PLDMInterface : public HostInterface
PLDMInterface() = delete;
PLDMInterface(const PLDMInterface&) = default;
PLDMInterface& operator=(const PLDMInterface&) = default;
PLDMInterface(PLDMInterface&&) = default;
PLDMInterface& operator=(PLDMInterface&&) = default;
* @brief Constructor
* @param[in] event - The sd_event object pointer
* @param[in] dataIface - The DataInterface object
PLDMInterface(sd_event* event, DataInterfaceBase& dataIface) :
HostInterface(event, dataIface),
std::bind(std::mem_fn(&PLDMInterface::receiveTimerExpired), this))
* @brief Destructor
* @brief Kicks off the send of the 'new file available' command
* to send up the ID and size of the new PEL.
* It starts by issuing the async D-Bus method call to read the
* instance ID.
* @param[in] id - The PEL ID
* @param[in] size - The PEL size in bytes
* @return CmdStatus - the success/fail status of the send
CmdStatus sendNewLogCmd(uint32_t id, uint32_t size) override;
* @brief Cancels waiting for a command response
* This will clear the instance ID so the next command
* will request a new one.
void cancelCmd() override;
* @brief Cleans up so that a new command is ready to be sent.
* Does not clear the instance ID.
void cleanupCmd();
* @brief Gets called on the async D-Bus method response to
* getting the PLDM instance ID.
* It will read the instance ID out of the message and then
* continue on with sending the new log command to the host.
* @param[in] msg - The message containing the instance ID.
void instanceIDCallback(sd_bus_message* msg);
* @brief The asynchronous callback for getting the response
* of the 'new file available' command.
* Calls the response callback that is registered.
* @param[in] io - The event source object
* @param[in] fd - The FD used
* @param[in] revents - The event bits
void receive(sdeventplus::source::IO& io, int fd,
uint32_t revents) override;
* @brief Function called when the receive timer expires.
* This is considered a failure and so will invoke the
* registered response callback function with a failure
* indication.
void receiveTimerExpired();
* @brief Configures the sdeventplus::source::IO object to
* call receive() on EPOLLIN activity on the PLDM FD
* which is used for command responses.
void registerReceiveCallback();
* @brief Reads the MCTP endpoint ID out of a file
void readEID();
* @brief Opens the PLDM file descriptor
void open();
* @brief Makes the async D-Bus method call to read the PLDM instance
* ID needed to send PLDM commands.
void startReadInstanceID();
* @brief Encodes and sends the PLDM 'new file available' cmd
void doSend();
* @brief Closes the PLDM file descriptor
void closeFD();
* @brief Kicks off the send of the 'new file available' command
* to send the ID and size of a PEL after the instance ID
* has been retrieved.
void startCommand();
* @brief The MCTP endpoint ID
mctp_eid_t _eid;
* @brief The PLDM instance ID of the current command
* A new ID will be used for every command.
* If there are command failures, the same instance ID can be
* used on retries only if the host didn't respond.
std::optional<uint8_t> _instanceID;
* @brief The PLDM command file descriptor for the current command
int _fd = -1;
* @brief The event object for handling callbacks on the PLDM FD
std::unique_ptr<sdeventplus::source::IO> _source;
* @brief A timer to only allow a certain amount of time for the
* async PLDM receive before it is considered a failure.
sdeventplus::utility::Timer<sdeventplus::ClockId::Monotonic> _receiveTimer;
* @brief The command timeout value
const std::chrono::milliseconds _receiveTimeout{10000};
* @brief The D-Bus connection needed for the async method call.
sd_bus* _bus = nullptr;
* @brief The ID of the PEL to notify the host of.
uint32_t _pelID = 0;
* @brief The size of the PEL to notify the host of.
uint32_t _pelSize = 0;
} // namespace openpower::pels