blob: 4517a1167eb071401e4c78a8e5d0063ffae5f99d [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <concepts>
#include <cstddef>
#include <filesystem>
#include <phosphor-logging/lg2/flags.hpp>
#include <phosphor-logging/lg2/header.hpp>
#include <phosphor-logging/lg2/level.hpp>
#include <phosphor-logging/lg2/logger.hpp>
#include <phosphor-logging/lg2/source_location.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/message/native_types.hpp>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
namespace lg2::details
/** Concept to determine if an item acts like a string.
* Something acts like a string if we can construct a string_view from it.
* This covers std::string and C-strings. But, there is subtlety in that
* nullptr_t can be used to construct a string_view until C++23, so we need
* to exempt out nullptr_t's (otherwise `nullptr` ends up acting like a
* string).
template <typename T>
concept string_like_type =
(std::constructible_from<std::string_view, T> ||
std::decay_t<T>>)&&!std::same_as<std::nullptr_t, T>;
/** Concept to determine if an item acts like a pointer.
* Any pointer, which doesn't act like a string, should be treated as a raw
* pointer.
template <typename T>
concept pointer_type = (std::is_pointer_v<T> ||
std::same_as<std::nullptr_t, T>)&&!string_like_type<T>;
/** Concept to determine if an item acts like an unsigned_integral.
* Except bool because we want bool to be handled special to create nice
* `True` and `False` strings.
template <typename T>
concept unsigned_integral_except_bool =
!std::same_as<T, bool> && std::unsigned_integral<T>;
template <typename T>
concept sdbusplus_enum = sdbusplus::message::has_convert_from_string_v<T>;
template <typename T>
concept exception_type = std::derived_from<std::decay_t<T>, std::exception>;
/** Concept listing all of the types we know how to convert into a format
* for logging.
template <typename T>
concept unsupported_log_convert_types =
!(unsigned_integral_except_bool<T> || std::signed_integral<T> ||
std::same_as<bool, T> || std::floating_point<T> || string_like_type<T> ||
pointer_type<T> || sdbusplus_enum<T> || exception_type<T>);
/** Any type we do not know how to convert for logging gives a nicer
* static_assert message. */
template <log_flags... Fs, unsupported_log_convert_types T>
static auto log_convert(const char*, log_flag<Fs...>, T)
static_assert(!std::is_same_v<T, T>, "Unsupported type for logging value.");
// Having this return of an empty tuple reduces the error messages.
return std::tuple<>{};
/** Logging conversion for unsigned. */
template <log_flags... Fs, unsigned_integral_except_bool V>
static auto log_convert(const char* h, log_flag<Fs...> f, V v)
// Compile-time checks for valid formatting flags.
prohibit(f, floating);
prohibit(f, signed_val);
prohibit(f, str);
one_from_set(f, dec | hex | bin);
one_from_set(f, field8 | field16 | field32 | field64);
// Add 'unsigned' flag, force to uint64_t for variadic passing.
return std::make_tuple(h, (f | unsigned_val).value,
/** Logging conversion for signed. */
template <log_flags... Fs, std::signed_integral V>
static auto log_convert(const char* h, log_flag<Fs...> f, V v)
// Compile-time checks for valid formatting flags.
prohibit(f, floating);
prohibit(f, str);
prohibit(f, unsigned_val);
one_from_set(f, dec | hex | bin);
one_from_set(f, field8 | field16 | field32 | field64);
// Add 'signed' flag, force to int64_t for variadic passing.
return std::make_tuple(h, (f | signed_val).value, static_cast<int64_t>(v));
/** Logging conversion for bool. */
template <log_flags... Fs, std::same_as<bool> V>
static auto log_convert(const char* h, log_flag<Fs...> f, V v)
// Compile-time checks for valid formatting flags.
prohibit(f, bin);
prohibit(f, dec);
prohibit(f, field16);
prohibit(f, field32);
prohibit(f, field64);
prohibit(f, field8);
prohibit(f, floating);
prohibit(f, hex);
prohibit(f, signed_val);
prohibit(f, unsigned_val);
// Cast bools to a "True" or "False" string.
return std::make_tuple(h, (f | str).value, v ? "True" : "False");
/** Logging conversion for floating points. */
template <log_flags... Fs, std::floating_point V>
static auto log_convert(const char* h, log_flag<Fs...> f, V v)
// Compile-time checks for valid formatting flags.
prohibit(f, bin);
prohibit(f, dec);
prohibit(f, field16);
prohibit(f, field32);
prohibit(f, field64);
prohibit(f, field8);
prohibit(f, hex);
prohibit(f, signed_val);
prohibit(f, str);
prohibit(f, unsigned_val);
// Add 'floating' flag, force to double for variadic passing.
return std::make_tuple(h, (f | floating).value, static_cast<double>(v));
/** Logging conversion for sdbusplus enums. */
template <log_flags... Fs, sdbusplus_enum V>
static auto log_convert(const char* h, log_flag<Fs...> f, V v)
// Compile-time checks for valid formatting flags.
prohibit(f, bin);
prohibit(f, dec);
prohibit(f, field16);
prohibit(f, field32);
prohibit(f, field64);
prohibit(f, field8);
prohibit(f, floating);
prohibit(f, hex);
prohibit(f, signed_val);
prohibit(f, unsigned_val);
return std::make_tuple(h, (f | str).value,
/** Logging conversion for string-likes. */
template <log_flags... Fs, string_like_type V>
static auto log_convert(const char* h, log_flag<Fs...> f, const V& v)
// Compile-time checks for valid formatting flags.
prohibit(f, bin);
prohibit(f, dec);
prohibit(f, field16);
prohibit(f, field32);
prohibit(f, field64);
prohibit(f, field8);
prohibit(f, floating);
prohibit(f, hex);
prohibit(f, signed_val);
prohibit(f, unsigned_val);
// Utiilty to handle conversion to a 'const char*' depending on V:
// - 'const char*' and similar use static cast.
// - 'std::filesystem::path' use c_str() function.
// - 'std::string' and 'std::string_view' use data() function.
auto str_data = [](const V& v) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<const char*, std::decay_t<V>> ||
std::is_same_v<char*, std::decay_t<V>>)
return static_cast<const char*>(v);
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<std::filesystem::path,
return v.c_str();
// Add 'str' flag, force to 'const char*' for variadic passing.
return std::make_tuple(h, (f | str).value, str_data(v));
/** Logging conversion for pointer-types. */
template <log_flags... Fs, pointer_type V>
static auto log_convert(const char* h, log_flag<Fs...> f, V v)
// Compile-time checks for valid formatting flags.
prohibit(f, bin);
prohibit(f, dec);
prohibit(f, field16);
prohibit(f, field32);
prohibit(f, field64);
prohibit(f, field8);
prohibit(f, floating);
prohibit(f, signed_val);
prohibit(f, str);
// Cast (void*) to a hex-formatted uint64 using the target's pointer-size
// to determine field-width.
constexpr static auto new_f =
sizeof(void*) == 4 ? field32.value : field64.value;
return std::make_tuple(h, new_f | (hex | unsigned_val).value,
/* Logging conversion for exceptions. */
template <log_flags... Fs, exception_type V>
static auto log_convert(const char* h, log_flag<Fs...> f, V&& v)
// Compile-time checks for valid formatting flags.
prohibit(f, bin);
prohibit(f, dec);
prohibit(f, field16);
prohibit(f, field32);
prohibit(f, field64);
prohibit(f, field8);
prohibit(f, floating);
prohibit(f, hex);
prohibit(f, signed_val);
prohibit(f, unsigned_val);
// Treat like a string, but get the 'what' from the exception.
return std::make_tuple(h, (f | str).value, v.what());
/** Class to facilitate walking through the arguments of the `lg2::log` function
* and ensuring correct parameter types and conversion operations.
class log_conversion
/** Conversion and validation is complete. Pass along to the final
* do_log variadic function. */
template <typename... Ts>
static void done(level l, const lg2::source_location& s, const char* m,
Ts&&... ts)
do_log(l, s, m, ts..., nullptr);
/** Apply the tuple from the end of 'step' into done.
* There are some cases where the tuple must hold a `std::string` in
* order to avoid losing data in a temporary (see sdbusplus-enum
* conversion), but the `do_log` function wants a `const char*` as
* the variadic type. Run the tuple through a lambda to pull out
* the `const char*`'s without losing the temporary held by the tuple.
static void apply_done(const auto& args_tuple)
auto squash_string = [](auto& arg) -> decltype(auto) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<const std::string&, decltype(arg)>)
return arg;
const auto&... args) { done(squash_string(args)...); },
/** Handle conversion of a { Header, Flags, Value } argument set. */
template <typename... Ts, log_flags... Fs, typename V, typename... Ss>
static void step(std::tuple<Ts...>&& ts, const header_str& h,
log_flag<Fs...> f, V&& v, Ss&&... ss)
static_assert(!std::is_same_v<header_str, std::decay_t<V>>,
"Found header_str as value; suggest using std::string to "
"avoid unintended conversion.");
// These two if conditions are similar, except that one calls 'done'
// since Ss is empty and the other calls the next 'step'.
// 1. Call `log_convert` on {h, f, v} for proper conversion.
// 2. Append the results of `log_convert` into the already handled
// arguments (in ts).
// 3. Call the next step in the chain to handle the remainder Ss.
if constexpr (sizeof...(Ss) == 0)
std::tuple_cat(std::move(ts), log_convert(, f, v)));
step(std::tuple_cat(std::move(ts), log_convert(, f, v)),
/** Handle conversion of a { Header, Value } argument set. */
template <typename... Ts, typename V, typename... Ss>
static void step(std::tuple<Ts...>&& ts, const header_str& h, V&& v,
Ss&&... ss)
static_assert(!std::is_same_v<header_str, std::decay_t<V>>,
"Found header_str as value; suggest using std::string to "
"avoid unintended conversion.");
// These two if conditions are similar, except that one calls 'done'
// since Ss is empty and the other calls the next 'step'.
// 1. Call `log_convert` on {h, <empty flags>, v} for proper conversion.
// 2. Append the results of `log_convert` into the already handled
// arguments (in ts).
// 3. Call the next step in the chain to handle the remainder Ss.
if constexpr (sizeof...(Ss) == 0)
log_convert(, log_flag<>{}, v)));
log_convert(, log_flag<>{}, v)),
/** Finding a non-string as the first argument of a 2 or 3 argument set
* is an error (missing HEADER field). */
template <typename... Ts, not_constexpr_string H, typename... Ss>
static void step(std::tuple<Ts...>&&, H, Ss&&...)
static_assert(std::is_same_v<header_str, H>,
"Found value without expected header field.");
/** Finding a free string at the end is an error (found HEADER but no data).
template <typename... Ts>
static void step(std::tuple<Ts...>&&, header_str)
static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::tuple<Ts...>, header_str>,
"Found header field without expected data.");
/** Start processing a sequence of arguments to `lg2::log` using `step` or
* `done`. */
template <typename... Ts>
static void start(level l, const lg2::source_location& s, const char* msg,
Ts&&... ts)
// If there are no arguments (ie. just a message), then skip processing
// and call `done` directly.
if constexpr (sizeof...(Ts) == 0)
done(l, s, msg);
// Handle all the Ts by recursively calling 'step'.
step(std::forward_as_tuple(l, s, msg), ts...);
} // namespace lg2::details