blob: 0529ee16665e96922f43cb5c5480f683388267c0 [file] [log] [blame]
## Note that this file is not auto generated, it is what generates the
## elog-gen.hpp file
// This file was autogenerated. Do not edit!
// See for more details
#pragma once
#include <phosphor-logging/elog.hpp>
#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/exception.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
import inflection
def sdbusplus_name(name):
if "" in name:
names = name.split(".")
names = ["sdbusplus", "error" ] + name.split(".")
classname = inflection.camelize(names[-1])
namespace_name = "::".join([inflection.underscore(x) for x in names[:-1]])
return (namespace_name, classname)
def phosphor_name(name):
namespace_name, classname = sdbusplus_name(name)
namespace_name = namespace_name.replace("sdbusplus::error::", "")
return (namespace_name, classname)
def old_phosphor_name(name):
names = name.split(".")
return ("::".join(names[:-1]), names[-1])
exceptions = sorted(
set([x for x in errors if "" not in x]))
% for error in exceptions:
ns, exception_name = sdbusplus_name(error)
namespace ${ns}
struct ${exception_name};
} // namespace ${ns}
% endfor
namespace phosphor::logging
% for name in errors:
namespaces, classname = phosphor_name(name)
meta_list = meta.get(name, [])
namespace ${namespaces}
% if len(meta_list) != 0:
namespace _${classname}
% for b in meta_list:
struct ${b}
* We can't use -fsanitize=undefined if we declare a
* 'static constexpr auto str' member, so don't. Instead, open-code the
* mako template lookups.
static constexpr auto str_short = "${meta_data[b]['str_short']}";
using type = std::tuple<std::decay_t<decltype("${meta_data[b]['str']}")>,${meta_data[b]['type']}>;
explicit constexpr ${b}(${meta_data[b]['type']} a) : _entry(entry("${meta_data[b]['str']}", a)) {};
type _entry;
% endfor
} // namespace _${classname}
% endif
example_yaml = "" in name
meta_string = ""
meta_string = ', '.join(meta_list)
parent_meta = []
parent = parents[name]
while parent:
parent_ns, parent_class = phosphor_name(parent)
parent_meta += [parent_ns + "::" + parent_class + "::" +
p for p in meta[parent]]
parent_meta_short = ', '.join(meta[parent])
# The parent may have empty meta,
# so only add parent meta when it exists
if (parent_meta_short):
meta_string = meta_string + ", " + parent_meta_short
meta_string = parent_meta_short
parent = parents[parent]
if example_yaml:
error_type = classname + " : public sdbusplus::exception_t"
error_type = classname
struct ${error_type}
% if example_yaml:
static constexpr auto errName = "${name}";
static constexpr auto errDesc = "${error_msg[name]}";
% endif
static constexpr auto L = level::${error_lvl[name]};
% for b in meta_list:
using ${b} = _${classname}::${b};
% endfor
% for b in parent_meta:
using ${b.split("::")[-1]} =
% endfor
using metadata_types = std::tuple<${meta_string}>;
% if example_yaml:
const char* name() const noexcept override
return errName;
const char* description() const noexcept override
return errDesc;
const char* what() const noexcept override
return errName;
int get_errno() const noexcept override
return EIO;
% endif
} // namespace ${namespaces}
old_ns, old_class = old_phosphor_name(name)
% if old_ns != namespaces or old_class != classname:
namespace ${old_ns}
using ${old_class} =
% endif
% if not example_yaml:
sdbusplus_ns, sdbusplus_class = sdbusplus_name(name)
namespace details
template <>
struct map_exception_type<${sdbusplus_ns}::${sdbusplus_class}>
using type =
} // namespace details
% endfor
} // namespace phosphor::logging