blob: c6683d8a3fffc9f4ddeab37eb053c44daa73dc2b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#pragma once
#include "bcd_time.hpp"
#include "paths.hpp"
#include "pel.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <bitset>
#include <filesystem>
#include <map>
namespace openpower
namespace pels
* @class Repository
* The class handles saving and retrieving PELs on the BMC.
class Repository
* @brief Structure of commonly used PEL attributes.
struct PELAttributes
std::filesystem::path path;
size_t sizeOnDisk;
uint8_t creator;
uint8_t subsystem;
uint8_t severity;
std::bitset<16> actionFlags;
TransmissionState hostState;
TransmissionState hmcState;
uint32_t plid;
bool deconfig;
bool guard;
uint64_t creationTime;
PELAttributes() = delete;
PELAttributes(const std::filesystem::path& p, size_t size,
uint8_t creator, uint8_t subsystem, uint8_t sev,
uint16_t flags, TransmissionState hostState,
TransmissionState hmcState, uint32_t plid, bool deconfig,
bool guard, uint64_t creationTime) :
path(p), sizeOnDisk(size), creator(creator), subsystem(subsystem),
severity(sev), actionFlags(flags), hostState(hostState),
hmcState(hmcState), plid(plid), deconfig(deconfig), guard(guard),
* @brief A structure that holds both the PEL and corresponding
* OpenBMC IDs.
* Used for correlating the IDs with their data files for quick
* lookup. To find a PEL based on just one of the IDs, just use
* the constructor that takes that ID.
struct LogID
struct Pel
uint32_t id;
explicit Pel(uint32_t i) : id(i) {}
struct Obmc
uint32_t id;
explicit Obmc(uint32_t i) : id(i) {}
Pel pelID;
Obmc obmcID;
LogID(Pel pel, Obmc obmc) : pelID(pel), obmcID(obmc) {}
explicit LogID(Pel id) : pelID(id), obmcID(0) {}
explicit LogID(Obmc id) : pelID(0), obmcID(id) {}
LogID() = delete;
* @brief A == operator that will match on either ID
* being equal if the other is zero, so that
* one can look up a PEL with just one of the IDs.
bool operator==(const LogID& id) const
if ( != 0)
return ==;
if ( != 0)
return ==;
return false;
bool operator<(const LogID& id) const
return <;
using AttributesReference =
std::reference_wrapper<const std::pair<const LogID, PELAttributes>>;
* @brief A structure for keeping a breakdown of the sizes of PELs
* of different types in the repository.
struct SizeStats
uint64_t total;
uint64_t bmc;
uint64_t nonBMC;
uint64_t bmcServiceable;
uint64_t bmcInfo;
uint64_t nonBMCServiceable;
uint64_t nonBMCInfo;
SizeStats() :
total(0), bmc(0), nonBMC(0), bmcServiceable(0), bmcInfo(0),
nonBMCServiceable(0), nonBMCInfo(0)
Repository() = delete;
~Repository() = default;
Repository(const Repository&) = default;
Repository& operator=(const Repository&) = default;
Repository(Repository&&) = default;
Repository& operator=(Repository&&) = default;
* @brief Constructor
* @param[in] basePath - the base filesystem path for the repository
explicit Repository(const std::filesystem::path& basePath) :
Repository(basePath, getPELRepoSize(), getMaxNumPELs())
* @brief Constructor that takes the repository size
* @param[in] basePath - the base filesystem path for the repository
* @param[in] repoSize - The maximum amount of space to use for PELs,
* in bytes
* @param[in] maxNumPELs - The maximum number of PELs to allow
Repository(const std::filesystem::path& basePath, size_t repoSize,
size_t maxNumPELs);
* @brief Adds a PEL to the repository
* Throws File.Error.Open or File.Error.Write exceptions on failure
* @param[in] pel - the PEL to add
void add(std::unique_ptr<PEL>& pel);
* @brief Removes a PEL from the repository
* Note that the returned LogID is the fully filled in LogID, i.e.
* it has both the PEL and OpenBMC IDs, unlike the passed in LogID
* which can just have one or the other.
* @param[in] id - the ID (either the pel ID, OBMC ID, or both) to remove
* @return std::optional<LogID> - The LogID of the removed PEL
std::optional<LogID> remove(const LogID& id);
* @brief Generates the filename to use for the PEL ID and BCDTime.
* @param[in] pelID - the PEL ID
* @param[in] time - the BCD time
* @return string - A filename string of <BCD_time>_<pelID>
static std::string getPELFilename(uint32_t pelID, const BCDTime& time);
* @brief Returns true if the PEL with the specified ID is in the repo.
* @param[in] id - the ID (either the pel ID, OBMC ID, or both)
* @return bool - true if that PEL is present
inline bool hasPEL(const LogID& id)
return findPEL(id) != _pelAttributes.end();
* @brief Returns the PEL data based on its ID.
* If the data can't be found for that ID, then the optional object
* will be empty.
* @param[in] id - the LogID to get the PEL for, which can be either a
* PEL ID or OpenBMC log ID.
* @return std::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>> - the PEL data
std::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>> getPELData(const LogID& id);
* @brief Get a file descriptor to the PEL data
* @param[in] id - The ID to get the FD for
* @return std::optional<sdbusplus::message::unix_fd> -
* The FD, or an empty optional object.
std::optional<sdbusplus::message::unix_fd> getPELFD(const LogID& id);
using ForEachFunc = std::function<bool(const PEL&)>;
* @brief Run a user defined function on every PEL in the repository.
* ForEachFunc takes a const PEL reference, and should return
* true to stop iterating and return out of for_each.
* For example, to save up to 100 IDs in the repo into a vector:
* std::vector<uint32_t> ids;
* ForEachFunc f = [&ids](const PEL& pel) {
* ids.push_back(;
* return ids.size() == 100 ? true : false;
* };
* @param[in] func - The function to run.
void for_each(ForEachFunc func) const;
using AddCallback = std::function<void(const PEL&)>;
* @brief Subscribe to PELs being added to the repository.
* Every time a PEL is added to the repository, the provided
* function will be called with the new PEL as the argument.
* The function must be of type void(const PEL&).
* @param[in] name - The subscription name
* @param[in] func - The callback function
void subscribeToAdds(const std::string& name, AddCallback func)
_addSubscriptions.emplace(name, func);
* @brief Unsubscribe from new PELs.
* @param[in] name - The subscription name
void unsubscribeFromAdds(const std::string& name)
using DeleteCallback = std::function<void(uint32_t)>;
* @brief Subscribe to PELs being deleted from the repository.
* Every time a PEL is deleted from the repository, the provided
* function will be called with the PEL ID as the argument.
* The function must be of type void(const uint32_t).
* @param[in] name - The subscription name
* @param[in] func - The callback function
void subscribeToDeletes(const std::string& name, DeleteCallback func)
_deleteSubscriptions.emplace(name, func);
* @brief Unsubscribe from deleted PELs.
* @param[in] name - The subscription name
void unsubscribeFromDeletes(const std::string& name)
* @brief Get the PEL attributes for a PEL
* @param[in] id - The ID to find the attributes for
* @return The attributes or an empty optional if not found
std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<const PELAttributes>>
getPELAttributes(const LogID& id) const;
* @brief Returns the attributes map so that others can traverse PELs.
* @return - A const reference to the attributes map.
const std::map<LogID, PELAttributes>& getAttributesMap() const
return _pelAttributes;
* @brief Sets the host transmission state on a PEL file
* Writes the host transmission state field in the User Header
* section in the PEL data specified by the ID.
* @param[in] pelID - The PEL ID
* @param[in] state - The state to write
void setPELHostTransState(uint32_t pelID, TransmissionState state);
* @brief Sets the HMC transmission state on a PEL file
* Writes the HMC transmission state field in the User Header
* section in the PEL data specified by the ID.
* @param[in] pelID - The PEL ID
* @param[in] state - The state to write
void setPELHMCTransState(uint32_t pelID, TransmissionState state);
* @brief Returns the size stats structure
* @return const SizeStats& - The stats structure
const SizeStats& getSizeStats() const
return _sizes;
* @brief Says if the PEL is considered serviceable (not just
* informational) as determined by its severity.
* @param[in] pel - The PELAttributes entry for the PEL
* @return bool - If serviceable or not
static bool isServiceableSev(const PELAttributes& pel);
* @brief Returns true if the total amount of disk space occupied
* by the PELs in the repo is over 95% of the maximum
* size, or if there are over the maximum number of
* PELs allowed.
* @return bool - true if repo is > 95% full or too many PELs
bool sizeWarning();
* @brief Deletes PELs to bring the repository size down
* to at most 90% full by placing PELs into 4 different
* catogories and then removing PELs until those catogories
* only take up certain percentages of the allowed space.
* This does not delete the corresponding OpenBMC event logs, which
* is why those IDs are returned, so they can be deleted later.
* The categories and their rules are:
* 1) Informational BMC PELs cannot take up more than 15% of
* the allocated space.
* 2) Non-informational BMC PELs cannot take up more than 30%
* of the allocated space.
* 3) Informational non-BMC PELs cannot take up more than 15% of
* the allocated space.
* 4) Non-informational non-BMC PELs cannot take up more than 30%
* of the allocated space.
* While removing PELs in a category, 4 passes will be made, with
* PELs being removed oldest first during each pass.
* Pass 1: only delete HMC acked PELs
* Pass 2: only delete OS acked PELs
* Pass 3: only delete PHYP sent PELs
* Pass 4: delete all PELs
* @param[in] ids - The OpenBMC event log Ids with hardware isolation entry.
* @return std::vector<uint32_t> - The OpenBMC event log IDs of
* the PELs that were deleted.
std::vector<uint32_t> prune(const std::vector<uint32_t>& idsWithHwIsoEntry);
* @brief Returns the path to the directory where the PEL
* files are stored.
* @return std::filesystem::path - The directory path
const std::filesystem::path& repoPath() const
return _logPath;
* @brief Returns the ID of the most recently added PEL.
* @return uint32_t - The PEL ID
uint32_t lastPelID() const
return _lastPelID;
* @brief Get the LogID based on the given ObmcLogId or PelId.
* @param[in] id - The ID to find the LogID.
* @return The LogID or an empty optional if not found.
* @note The returned LogID is the fully filled in LogID, i.e.
* it has both the PEL and OpenBMC Log IDs, unlike the passed in LogID
* which can just have one or the other.
std::optional<LogID> getLogID(const LogID& id) const
if (auto logID = findPEL(id); logID != _pelAttributes.end())
return logID->first;
return std::nullopt;
* @brief Save the PEL to archive folder
* @param[in] pel - The PEL data
void archivePEL(const PEL& pel);
using PELUpdateFunc = std::function<bool(PEL&)>;
* @brief Lets a function modify a PEL and saves the results
* Runs updateFunc (a bool(PEL&) function) on the PEL data
* on the file specified, and writes the results back to the file
* if the function returned true.
* @param[in] path - The file path to use
* @param[in] updateFunc - The function to run to update the PEL.
* @return bool - If the PEL was updated or not.
bool updatePEL(const std::filesystem::path& path, PELUpdateFunc updateFunc);
* @brief Finds an entry in the _pelAttributes map.
* @param[in] id - the ID (either the pel ID, OBMC ID, or both)
* @return an iterator to the entry
std::map<LogID, PELAttributes>::const_iterator
findPEL(const LogID& id) const
return std::find_if(_pelAttributes.begin(), _pelAttributes.end(),
[&id](const auto& a) { return a.first == id; });
* @brief Call any subscribed functions for new PELs
* @param[in] pel - The new PEL
void processAddCallbacks(const PEL& pel) const;
* @brief Call any subscribed functions for deleted PELs
* @param[in] id - The ID of the deleted PEL
void processDeleteCallbacks(uint32_t id) const;
* @brief Restores the _pelAttributes map on startup based on the existing
* PEL data files.
void restore();
* @brief Stores a PEL object in the filesystem.
* @param[in] pel - The PEL to write
* @param[in] path - The file to write to
* Throws exceptions on failures.
void write(const PEL& pel, const std::filesystem::path& path);
* @brief Updates the repository statistics after a PEL is
* added or removed.
* @param[in] pel - The PELAttributes entry for the PEL
* @param[in] pelAdded - true if the PEL was added, false if removed
void updateRepoStats(const PELAttributes& pel, bool pelAdded);
enum class SortOrder
* @brief Returns a vector of all the _pelAttributes entries sorted
* as specified
* @param[in] order - If the PELs should be returned in ascending
* (oldest first) or descending order.
* @return std::vector<AttributesReference> - The sorted vector of
* references to the pair<LogID, PELAttributes> entries of
* _pelAttributes.
std::vector<AttributesReference> getAllPELAttributes(SortOrder order) const;
using IsOverLimitFunc = std::function<bool()>;
using IsPELTypeFunc = std::function<bool(const PELAttributes&)>;
* @brief Makes 4 passes on the PELs that meet the IsPELTypeFunc
* criteria removing PELs until IsOverLimitFunc returns false.
* Pass 1: only delete HMC acked PELs
* Pass 2: only delete Os acked PELs
* Pass 3: only delete PHYP sent PELs
* Pass 4: delete all PELs
* @param[in] isOverLimit - The bool(void) function that should
* return true if PELs still need to be
* removed.
* @param[in] isPELType - The bool(const PELAttributes&) function
* used to select the PELs to operate on.
* @param[in] ids - The OpenBMC event log Ids with hardware isolation
* entry.
* @param[out] removedBMCLogIDs - The OpenBMC event log IDs of the
* removed PELs.
void removePELs(const IsOverLimitFunc& isOverLimit,
const IsPELTypeFunc& isPELType,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& idsWithHwIsoEntry,
std::vector<uint32_t>& removedBMCLogIDs);
* @brief The filesystem path to the PEL logs.
const std::filesystem::path _logPath;
* @brief A map of the PEL/OBMC IDs to PEL attributes.
std::map<LogID, PELAttributes> _pelAttributes;
* @brief Subcriptions for new PELs.
std::map<std::string, AddCallback> _addSubscriptions;
* @brief Subscriptions for deleted PELs.
std::map<std::string, DeleteCallback> _deleteSubscriptions;
* @brief The maximum amount of space that the PELs in the
* repository can occupy.
const uint64_t _maxRepoSize;
* @brief The maximum number of PELs to allow in the repo
* before pruning.
const size_t _maxNumPELs;
* @brief Statistics on the sizes of the stored PELs.
SizeStats _sizes;
* @brief The ID of the most recently added PEL.
uint32_t _lastPelID = 0;
* @brief The filesystem path to the archive PEL logs.
const std::filesystem::path _archivePath;
* @brief The size of archive folder.
uint64_t _archiveSize = 0;
} // namespace pels
} // namespace openpower