blob: 1662e6f816575d8b7a37960303b365f86a2f68be [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/perl
# This script is used for generating callout lists from the MRW for devices
# that can be accessed from the BMC. The callouts have a location code, the
# target name (for debug), a priority, and in some cases a MRU. The script
# supports I2C, FSI, SPI, FSI-I2C, and FSI-SPI devices. The output is a JSON
# file organized into sections for each callout type, with keys based on the
# type. I2c uses a bus and address, FSI uses a link, and SPI uses a bus
# number. If FSI is combined with I2C or SPI, then the link plus the I2C/SPI
# keys is used. Multi-hop FSI links are indicated by a dash in between the
# links, eg "0-1".
# An example section is:
# "FSI":
# {
# "5":
# {
# "Callouts":[
# {
# "Priority":"H"
# "LocationCode": "P1-C50",
# "MRU":"/sys-0/node-0/motherboard/proc_socket-0/module-0/power9-0",
# "Name":"/sys-0/node-0/motherboard/cpu0"
# },
# {
# "Priority":"H",
# "LocationCode": "P1-C42",
# "MRU":"/sys-0/node-0/motherboard/ebmc-card/BMC-0",
# "Name":"/sys-0/node-0/motherboard/ebmc-card"
# },
# {
# "Priority":"L",
# "LocationCode": "P1",
# "Name":"/sys-0/node-0/motherboard"
# }
# ],
# "Dest":"/sys-0/node-0/motherboard-0/proc_socket-0/module-0/power9-0",
# "Source":"/sys-0/node-0/motherboard-0/ebmc-card-connector-0/card-0/bmc-0"
# }
# }
# The Name, Dest and Source entries are MRW targets and are just for debug.
# The optional --segments argument will output a JSON file of all the bus
# segments in the system, which is what the callouts are made from.
use strict;
use warnings;
# Callout object
# Base class for other callouts.
# There is an object per device, so it can contain multiple
# FRU callouts in the calloutList attribute.
package Callout;
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
type => shift,
sourceChip => shift,
destChip => shift,
calloutList => shift,
return bless $self, $class;
sub sourceChip
my $self = shift;
return $self->{sourceChip};
sub destChip
my $self = shift;
return $self->{destChip};
sub type
my $self = shift;
return $self->{type};
sub calloutList
my $self = shift;
return $self->{calloutList};
# I2CCallout object for I2C callouts
package I2CCallout;
our @ISA = qw(Callout);
sub new
my ($class) = @_;
# source, dest, calloutList
my $self = $class->SUPER::new("I2C", $_[1], $_[2], $_[3]);
$self->{i2cBus} = $_[4];
$self->{i2cAddr} = $_[5];
return bless $self, $class;
sub i2cBus
my $self = shift;
return $self->{i2cBus};
sub i2cAddress
my $self = shift;
return $self->{i2cAddr};
# FSICallout object for FSI callouts
package FSICallout;
our @ISA = qw(Callout);
sub new
my ($class) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new("FSI", $_[1], $_[2], $_[3]);
$self->{FSILink} = $_[4];
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub fsiLink
my $self = shift;
return $self->{FSILink};
# SPICallout object for SPI callouts
package SPICallout;
our @ISA = qw(Callout);
sub new
my ($class) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new("SPI", $_[1], $_[2], $_[3]);
$self->{SPIBus} = $_[4];
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub spiBus
my $self = shift;
return $self->{SPIBus};
package main;
use mrw::Targets;
use mrw::Util;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use JSON;
my $mrwFile = "";
my $outFile = "";
my $printSegments = 0;
# Not supporting priorites A, B, or C until necessary
my %priorities = (H => 3, M => 2, L => 1);
# Segment bus types
my %busTypes = ( I2C => 1, FSIM => 1, FSICM => 1, SPI => 1 );
"m=s" => \$mrwFile,
"o=s" => \$outFile,
"segments" => \$printSegments
or printUsage();
if (($mrwFile eq "") or ($outFile eq ""))
# Load system MRW
my $targets = Targets->new;
# Find all single segment buses that we care about
my %allSegments = getPathSegments();
my @callouts;
# Build the single and multi segment callouts
buildCallouts(\%allSegments, \@callouts);
# Write the segments to a JSON file
if ($printSegments)
my $outDir = dirname($outFile);
my $segmentsFile = "$outDir/segments.json";
open(my $fh, '>', $segmentsFile) or
die "Could not open file '$segmentsFile' $!";
my $json = JSON->new;
my $text = $json->encode(\%allSegments);
print $fh $text;
close $fh;
# Returns a hash of all the FSI, I2C, and SPI segments in the MRW
sub getPathSegments
my %segments;
foreach my $target (sort keys %{$targets->getAllTargets()})
my $numConnections = $targets->getNumConnections($target);
if ($numConnections == 0)
for (my $connIndex=0;$connIndex<$numConnections;$connIndex++)
my $connBusObj = $targets->getConnectionBus($target, $connIndex);
my $busType = $connBusObj->{bus_type};
# We only care about certain bus types
if (not exists $busTypes{$busType})
my $dest = $targets->getConnectionDestination($target, $connIndex);
my %segment;
$segment{BusType} = $busType;
$segment{SourceUnit} = $target;
$segment{SourceChip} = getParentByClass($target, "CHIP");
if ($segment{SourceChip} eq "")
die "Warning: Could not get parent chip for source $target\n";
$segment{DestUnit} = $dest;
$segment{DestChip} = getParentByClass($dest, "CHIP");
# If the unit's direct parent is a connector that's OK too.
if ($segment{DestChip} eq "")
my $parent = $targets->getTargetParent($dest);
if ($targets->getAttribute($parent, "CLASS") eq "CONNECTOR")
$segment{DestChip} = $parent;
if ($segment{DestChip} eq "")
die "Warning: Could not get parent chip for dest $dest\n";
my $fruPath = $targets->getBusAttribute(
$target, $connIndex, "FRU_PATH");
if (defined $fruPath)
$segment{FRUPath} = $fruPath;
my @callouts = getFRUPathCallouts($fruPath);
$segment{Callouts} = \@callouts;
$segment{FRUPath} = "";
my @empty;
$segment{Callouts} = \@empty;
if ($busType eq "I2C")
$segment{I2CBus} = $targets->getAttribute($target, "I2C_PORT");
$segment{I2CAddress} =
hex($targets->getAttribute($dest, "I2C_ADDRESS"));
$segment{I2CBus} = $segment{I2CBus};
# Convert to the 7 bit address that linux uses
$segment{I2CAddress} =
elsif ($busType eq "FSIM")
$segment{FSILink} =
hex($targets->getAttribute($target, "FSI_LINK"));
elsif ($busType eq "SPI")
$segment{SPIBus} = $targets->getAttribute($target, "SPI_PORT");
# Seems to be in HEX sometimes
if ($segment{SPIBus} =~ /^0x/i)
$segment{SPIBus} = hex($segment{SPIBus});
push @{$segments{$busType}}, { %segment };
return %segments;
#Breaks the FRU_PATH atttribute up into its component callouts.
#It looks like: "H:<some target>,L:<some other target>(<MRU>)"
#Where H/L are the priorities and can be H/M/L.
#The MRU that is in parentheses is optional and is a chip name on that
#FRU target.
sub getFRUPathCallouts
my @callouts;
my $fruPath = shift;
my @entries = split(',', $fruPath);
for my $entry (@entries)
my %callout;
my ($priority, $path) = split(':', $entry);
# pull the MRU out of the parentheses at the end and then
# remove the parentheses.
if ($path =~ /\(.+\)$/)
($callout{MRU}) = $path =~ /\((.+)\)/;
$path =~ s/\(.+\)$//;
# check if the target we read out is valid by
# checking for a required attribute
if ($targets->isBadAttribute($path, "CLASS"))
die "FRU Path $path not a valid target\n";
$callout{Priority} = $priority;
if (not exists $priorities{$priority})
die "Invalid priority: '$priority' on callout $path\n";
$callout{Name} = $path;
push @callouts, \%callout;
return @callouts;
# Returns an ancestor target based on its class
sub getParentByClass
my ($target, $class) = @_;
my $parent = $targets->getTargetParent($target);
while (defined $parent)
if (!$targets->isBadAttribute($parent, "CLASS"))
if ($class eq $targets->getAttribute($parent, "CLASS"))
return $parent;
$parent = $targets->getTargetParent($parent);
return "";
# Build the callout objects
sub buildCallouts
my ($segments, $callouts) = @_;
# Callouts for 1 segment connections directly off of the BMC.
buildBMCSingleSegmentCallouts($segments, $callouts);
# Build the callout objects for devices 1 segment away.
sub buildBMCSingleSegmentCallouts
my ($segments, $callouts) = @_;
for my $busType (keys %$segments)
for my $segment (@{$$segments{$busType}})
my $chipType = $targets->getType($segment->{SourceChip});
if ($chipType eq "BMC")
my $callout = buildSingleSegmentCallout($segment);
if (defined $callout)
push @{$callouts}, $callout;
# Build the callout object based on the callout type using the
# callout list from the single segment.
sub buildSingleSegmentCallout
my ($segment, $callouts) = @_;
if ($segment->{BusType} eq "I2C")
return createI2CCallout($segment, $callouts);
elsif ($segment->{BusType} eq "FSIM")
return createFSICallout($segment, $callouts);
elsif ($segment->{BusType} eq "SPI")
return createSPICallout($segment, $callouts);
return undef;
# Create an I2CCallout object
sub createI2CCallout
my $segment = shift;
my $bus = $segment->{I2CBus};
# Convert MRW BMC I2C numbering to the linux one for the BMC
if ($targets->getAttribute($segment->{SourceChip}, "TYPE") eq "BMC")
$bus = Util::adjustI2CPort($segment->{I2CBus});
if ($bus < 0)
die "After adjusting BMC I2C bus $segment->{I2CBus}, " .
"got a negative number\n";
my $i2cCallout = new I2CCallout($segment->{SourceChip},
$segment->{DestChip}, $segment->{Callouts}, $bus,
return $i2cCallout;
# Create an FSICallout object
sub createFSICallout
my $segment = shift;
my $fsiCallout = new FSICallout($segment->{SourceChip},
$segment->{DestChip}, $segment->{Callouts},
$segment->{FSILink}, $segment);
return $fsiCallout;
# Create a SPICallout object
sub createSPICallout
my $segment = shift;
my $spiCallout = new SPICallout($segment->{SourceChip},
$segment->{DestChip}, $segment->{Callouts},
return $spiCallout;
sub printUsage
print "$0 -m <MRW file> -o <Output filename> [--segments] [-n]\n" .
" -m <MRW file> = The MRW XML\n" .
" -o <Output filename> = The output JSON\n" .
" [--segments] = Optionally create a segments.json file\n" .