blob: 882f5fb39b498d81087ed29f65ab99dfdfff5ffc [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use mrw::Targets;
use mrw::Inventory;
use mrw::Util;
use Getopt::Long; # For parsing command line arguments
use YAML::Tiny qw(LoadFile);
# Globals
my $serverwizFile = "";
my $debug = 0;
my $outputFile = "";
my $metaDataFile = "";
my $skipBrokenMrw = 0;
# Command line argument parsing
"i=s" => \$serverwizFile, # string
"m=s" => \$metaDataFile, # string
"o=s" => \$outputFile, # string
"skip-broken-mrw" => \$skipBrokenMrw,
"d" => \$debug,
or printUsage();
if (($serverwizFile eq "") or ($outputFile eq "") or ($metaDataFile eq ""))
my $targetObj = Targets->new;
#open the mrw xml and the metaData file for the sensor.
#Fetch the sensorid,sensortype,class,object path from the mrw.
#Get the metadata for that sensor from the metadata file.
#Merge the data into the outputfile
open(my $fh, '>', $outputFile) or die "Could not open file '$outputFile' $!";
my $sensorTypeConfig = LoadFile($metaDataFile);
my @interestedTypes = keys %{$sensorTypeConfig};
my %types;
my %entityDict;
@types{@interestedTypes} = ();
my @inventory = Inventory::getInventory($targetObj);
#Process all the targets in the XML
foreach my $target (sort keys %{$targetObj->getAllTargets()})
my $sensorID = '';
my $sensorType = '';
my $sensorReadingType = '';
my $path = '';
my $obmcPath = '';
my $sensorName = '';
my $entityID = '';
my $entityInstance = '';
if ($targetObj->getTargetType($target) eq "unit-ipmi-sensor") {
$sensorName = $targetObj->getInstanceName($target);
#not interested in this sensortype
next if (not exists $types{$sensorName});
$entityID = $targetObj->getAttribute($target, "IPMI_ENTITY_ID");
if (exists ($entityDict{$entityID}))
$entityDict{$entityID} = '1';
$entityInstance = $entityDict{$entityID};
$sensorID = $targetObj->getAttribute($target, "IPMI_SENSOR_ID");
$sensorType = hex($targetObj->getAttribute($target,
$sensorReadingType = $targetObj->getAttribute($target,
$path = $targetObj->getAttribute($target, "INSTANCE_PATH");
#if there is ipmi sensor without sensorid or sensorReadingType or
#Instance path then die
if ($sensorID eq '' or $sensorReadingType eq '' or $path eq '') {
next if $skipBrokenMrw;
close $fh;
die("sensor without info for target=$target");
if (exists $sensorTypeConfig->{$sensorName}{"path"}) {
$obmcPath = $sensorTypeConfig->{$sensorName}->{"path"};
else {
#removing the string "instance:" from path
$path =~ s/^instance:/\//;
$obmcPath = Util::getObmcName(\@inventory,$path);
# TODO via openbmc/openbmc#2144 - this fixup shouldn't be needed.
$obmcPath = checkOccPathFixup($obmcPath);
if (not defined $obmcPath) {
close $fh;
die("Unable to get the obmc path for path=$path");
print $fh $sensorID.":\n";
my $serviceInterface =
my $readingType = $sensorTypeConfig->{$sensorName}->{"readingType"};
my $sensorNamePattern =
my $mutability =
# store the values in hash
my %data;
$data{'SENSOR_NAME'} = $sensorName;
$data{'SENSOR_TYPE'} = $sensorType;
$data{'SERVICE_INTF'} = $serviceInterface;
$data{'READING_TYPE'} = $readingType;
$data{'SENSOR_NAME_PATTERN'} = $sensorNamePattern;
$data{'MUTABILITY'} = $mutability;
$data{'ENTITY_ID'} = $entityID;
$data{'ENTITY_INSTANCE'} = $entityInstance;
$data{'FH'} = $fh;
my $debug = "$sensorID : $sensorName : $sensorType : ";
$debug .= "$serviceInterface: $readingType : $sensorNamePattern : ";
$debug .= "$serviceInterface: $readingType : $mutability : ";
$debug .= "$entityID : $entityInstance : ";
# temperature sensor
if($sensorType == 0x01) {
my $dbusPath =
temperatureSensorPathFixup($sensorName, $target, $obmcPath);
if (not defined $dbusPath) {
warn("Unsupported sensor $sensorName, Ignoring\n");
my $multiplierM = $sensorTypeConfig->{$sensorName}->{"multiplierM"};
my $offsetB = $sensorTypeConfig->{$sensorName}->{"offsetB"};
my $bExp = $sensorTypeConfig->{$sensorName}->{"bExp"};
my $rExp = $sensorTypeConfig->{$sensorName}->{"rExp"};
my $unit = $sensorTypeConfig->{$sensorName}->{"unit"};
my $scale = $sensorTypeConfig->{$sensorName}->{"scale"};
# TODO: openbmc/openbmc#3026
# Fix IPMI_SENSOR_READING_TYPE for vrm_vdd_temp_sensor
if ($sensorName eq "vrm_vdd_temp_sensor") {
$sensorReadingType = 1;
$data{'MULTIPLIER_M'} = $multiplierM;
$data{'OFFSET_B'} = $offsetB;
$data{'B_EXP'} = $bExp;
$data{'R_EXP'} = $rExp;
$data{'UNIT'} = $unit;
$data{'SCALE'} = $scale;
$data{'PATH'} = $dbusPath;
$debug .= "$multiplierM : $offsetB : $bExp : $rExp : $unit : ";
$debug .= "$scale : $dbusPath : $obmcPath : ";
else {
$debug .= "$obmcPath : ";
$data{'PATH'} = $obmcPath;
$data{'SENSOR_READING_TYPE'} = $sensorReadingType;
$debug .= "$sensorReadingType\n";
close $fh;
# Construct DBus object path for temperature sensors
sub temperatureSensorPathFixup
my ($sensorName, $target, $path) = @_;
$path = "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/";
if($sensorName eq "cpucore_temp_sensor") {
my $core = $targetObj->getTargetParent($target);
my $coreNo = $targetObj->getAttribute($core, "IPMI_INSTANCE");
my $proc = Util::getEnclosingFru($targetObj, $core);
my $procNo = $targetObj->getAttribute($proc, "POSITION");
my $size = Util::getSizeOfChildUnitsWithType($targetObj, "CORE", $proc);
$coreNo = $coreNo - ($procNo * $size);
$path .= "p" . $procNo . "_core" . $coreNo . "_temp";
elsif ($sensorName eq "dimm_temp_sensor") {
my $dimm = $targetObj->getTargetParent($target);
my $dimmconn = $targetObj->getTargetParent($dimm);
my $pos = $targetObj->getAttribute($dimmconn, "POSITION");
$path .= "dimm" . $pos . "_temp";
elsif ($sensorName eq "vrm_vdd_temp_sensor") {
my $proc = Util::getEnclosingFru($targetObj, $target);
my $procNo = $targetObj->getAttribute($proc, "POSITION");
$path .= "p" . $procNo . "_vdd_temp";
elsif ($sensorName eq "memory_temp_sensor") {
my $gvcard = $targetObj->getTargetParent($target);
my $pos = $targetObj->getAttribute($gvcard, "IPMI_INSTANCE");
$path .= "gpu" . $pos . "_mem_temp";
elsif ($sensorName eq "gpu_temp_sensor") {
my $gvcard = $targetObj->getTargetParent($target);
my $pos = $targetObj->getAttribute($gvcard, "IPMI_INSTANCE");
$path .= "gpu" . $pos . "_core_temp";
else {
return undef;
return $path;
#Write the interfaces data into the output file
sub writeInterfaces
my ($interfaces, $fh) = @_;
print $fh " interfaces:"."\n";
#Walk over all the interfces as it needs to be written
while (my ($interface,$properties) = each %{$interfaces}) {
print $fh " ".$interface.":\n";
#walk over all the properties as it needs to be written
while (my ($dbusProperty,$dbusPropertyValue) = each %{$properties}) {
#will write property named "Property" first then
#other properties.
print $fh " ".$dbusProperty.":\n";
while (my ($condition,$offsets) = each %{$dbusPropertyValue}) {
print $fh " $condition:\n";
while (my ($offset,$values) = each %{$offsets}) {
print $fh " $offset:\n";
while (my ($key,$value) = each %{$values}) {
print $fh " $key: ". $value."\n";
#Get the metadata for the incoming sensortype from the loaded config file.
#Write the sensor data into the output file
sub writeToFile
my (%data) = @_;
my $sensorType = $data{'SENSOR_TYPE'};
my $fs = $data{'FH'};
print $fh " entityID: ".$data{'ENTITY_ID'}."\n";
print $fh " entityInstance: ".$data{'ENTITY_INSTANCE'}."\n";
print $fh " sensorType: ".$data{'SENSOR_TYPE'}."\n";
print $fh " path: ".$data{'PATH'}."\n";
print $fh " sensorReadingType: ".$data{'SENSOR_READING_TYPE'}."\n";
print $fh " serviceInterface: ".$data{'SERVICE_INTF'}."\n";
print $fh " readingType: ".$data{'READING_TYPE'}."\n";
print $fh " sensorNamePattern: ".$data{'SENSOR_NAME_PATTERN'}."\n";
print $fh " mutability: ".$data{'MUTABILITY'}."\n";
# temperature sensor
if ($sensorType == 0x01) {
print $fh " multiplierM: ".$data{'MULTIPLIER_M'}."\n";
print $fh " offsetB: ".$data{'OFFSET_B'}."\n";
print $fh " bExp: ".$data{'B_EXP'}."\n";
print $fh " rExp: ".$data{'R_EXP'}."\n";
print $fh " unit: ".$data{'UNIT'}."\n";
print $fh " scale: ".$data{'SCALE'}."\n";
my $sensorName = $data{'SENSOR_NAME'};
my $interfaces = $sensorTypeConfig->{$sensorName}->{"interfaces"};
writeInterfaces($interfaces, $fh);
# Convert MRW OCC inventory path to application d-bus path
sub checkOccPathFixup
my ($path) = @_;
if ("/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/occ" eq $path) {
return "/org/open_power/control/occ0";
if ("/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu/occ" eq $path) {
return "/org/open_power/control/occ0";
if ("/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/occ" eq $path) {
return "/org/open_power/control/occ1";
return $path;
# Usage
sub printUsage
print "
$0 -i [MRW filename] -m [SensorMetaData filename] -o [Output filename] [OPTIONS]
--skip-broken-mrw = Skip broken MRW targets
-d = debug mode
# Helper function to put debug statements.
sub printDebug
my $str = shift;
print "DEBUG: ", $str, "\n" if $debug;