blob: 50835579346c011d0c44bc6f16f31755c132a9cf [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use mrw::Targets;
use mrw::Inventory;
use mrw::Util;
use Getopt::Long;
my $mrwFile = "";
my $outFile = "";
"m=s" => \$mrwFile,
"o=s" => \$outFile,
or printUsage();
if (($mrwFile eq "") or ($outFile eq ""))
# Load system MRW
my $targets = Targets->new;
# Load inventory
my @inventory = Inventory::getInventory($targets);
# paths
my $i2cPath = "/sys/devices/platform/ahb/ahb:apb/ahb:apb:bus\@1e78a000/1e78a100.i2c-bus/i2c-<port>/<port>-00<address>";
my $fsiMasterPath = "/sys/devices/platform/gpio-fsi/fsi0/slave\@00:00/raw";
my $fsiSlavePath = "/sys/devices/platform/gpio-fsi/fsi0/slave\@00:00/00:00:00:0a/fsi1/slave\@<link>:00/raw";
open(my $fh, '>', $outFile) or die "Could not open file '$outFile' $!";
close $fh;
sub genI2CCallouts
my $bmc = Util::getBMCTarget($targets);
my $connections = $targets->findConnections($bmc, "I2C");
# hash of arrays - {I2C master port : list of connected slave Targets}
my %masters;
for my $i2c (@{$connections->{CONN}})
my $master = $i2c->{SOURCE};
my $port = $targets->getAttribute($master,"I2C_PORT");
$port = Util::adjustI2CPort($port);
my $slave = $i2c->{DEST};
push(@{$masters{$port}}, $slave);
for my $m (keys %masters)
for my $s(@{$masters{$m}})
my $addr = $targets->getAttribute($s,"I2C_ADDRESS");
$addr = Util::adjustI2CAddress(hex($addr));
$addr = substr $addr, 2; # strip 0x
my $path = $i2cPath;
$path =~ s/<port>/$m/g;
$path =~ s/<address>/$addr/g;
print $fh $path.": ";
my $fru = Util::getEnclosingFru($targets, $s);
print $fh Util::getObmcName(\@inventory, $fru)."\n";
sub genProcFSICallouts
my @procs;
for my $target (keys %{$targets->getAllTargets()})
if ($targets->getType($target) eq "PROC")
push @procs, $target;
for my $proc (@procs)
my $connections = $targets->findConnections($proc, "FSIM");
if ("" ne $connections)
# This is a master processor
my $path = $fsiMasterPath; # revisit on a multinode system
my $fru = Util::getEnclosingFru($targets, $proc);
print $fh $path.": ".Util::getObmcName(\@inventory, $fru);
for my $fsi (@{$connections->{CONN}})
my $master = $fsi->{SOURCE};
my $slave = $fsi->{DEST};
my $link = $targets->getAttribute($master, "FSI_LINK");
$link = substr $link, 2; # strip 0x
my $fru = Util::getEnclosingFru($targets, $slave);
$path = $fsiSlavePath;
$path =~ s/<link>/$link/g;
print $fh "\n".$path.": ".Util::getObmcName(\@inventory, $fru);
sub printUsage
print "
$0 -m [MRW file] -o [Output filename]\n";