blob: deabf5301f75fd27e8d41c9845b61b5dcf02477f [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <openssl/sha.h>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
namespace cipher
namespace crypt
using buffer = std::vector<uint8_t>;
using key = std::array<uint8_t, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH>;
* @enum Confidentiality Algorithms
* The Confidentiality Algorithm Number specifies the encryption/decryption
* algorithm field that is used for encrypted payload data under the session.
* The ‘encrypted’ bit in the payload type field being set identifies packets
* with payloads that include data that is encrypted per this specification.
* When payload data is encrypted, there may be additional “Confidentiality
* Header” and/or “Confidentiality Trailer” fields that are included within the
* payload. The size and definition of those fields is specific to the
* particular confidentiality algorithm.
enum class Algorithms : uint8_t
NONE, /**< No encryption (mandatory option) */
AES_CBC_128, /**< AES-CBC-128 Algorithm (mandatory option) */
xRC4_128, /**< xRC4-128 Algorithm (optional option) */
xRC4_40, /**< xRC4-40 Algorithm (optional option) */
* @class Interface
* Interface is the base class for the Confidentiality Algorithms.
class Interface
* @brief Constructor for Interface
* @param[in] - Session Integrity key to generate K2
* @param[in] - Additional keying material to generate K2
explicit Interface(const buffer& sik, const key& addKey);
Interface() = delete;
virtual ~Interface() = default;
Interface(const Interface&) = default;
Interface& operator=(const Interface&) = default;
Interface(Interface&&) = default;
Interface& operator=(Interface&&) = default;
* @brief Decrypt the incoming payload
* @param[in] packet - Incoming IPMI packet
* @param[in] sessHeaderLen - Length of the IPMI Session Header
* @param[in] payloadLen - Length of the encrypted IPMI payload
* @return decrypted payload if the operation is successful
virtual buffer decryptPayload(
const buffer& packet,
const size_t sessHeaderLen,
const size_t payloadLen) const = 0;
* @brief Encrypt the outgoing payload
* @param[in] payload - plain payload for the outgoing IPMI packet
* @return encrypted payload if the operation is successful
virtual buffer encryptPayload(buffer& payload) const = 0;
/** @brief K2 is the key used for encrypting data */
key k2;
}// namespace crypt
}// namespace cipher