blob: b820440b344e6bc54e0c705db3413c28d3778098 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "message_parsers.hpp"
#include "endian.hpp"
#include "main.hpp"
#include "message.hpp"
#include "sessions_manager.hpp"
#include <memory>
namespace message
namespace parser
std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<Message>, SessionHeader>
unflatten(std::vector<uint8_t>& inPacket)
// Check if the packet has atleast the size of the RMCP Header
if (inPacket.size() < sizeof(BasicHeader_t))
throw std::runtime_error("RMCP Header missing");
auto rmcpHeaderPtr = reinterpret_cast<BasicHeader_t*>(;
// Verify if the fields in the RMCP header conforms to the specification
if ((rmcpHeaderPtr->version != RMCP_VERSION) ||
(rmcpHeaderPtr->rmcpSeqNum != RMCP_SEQ) ||
(rmcpHeaderPtr->classOfMsg != RMCP_MESSAGE_CLASS_IPMI))
throw std::runtime_error("RMCP Header is invalid");
// Read the Session Header and invoke the parser corresponding to the
// header type
switch (static_cast<SessionHeader>(rmcpHeaderPtr->format.formatType))
case SessionHeader::IPMI15:
return std::make_tuple(ipmi15parser::unflatten(inPacket),
case SessionHeader::IPMI20:
return std::make_tuple(ipmi20parser::unflatten(inPacket),
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid Session Header");
std::vector<uint8_t> flatten(std::shared_ptr<Message> outMessage,
SessionHeader authType,
std::shared_ptr<session::Session> session)
// Call the flatten routine based on the header type
switch (authType)
case SessionHeader::IPMI15:
return ipmi15parser::flatten(outMessage, session);
case SessionHeader::IPMI20:
return ipmi20parser::flatten(outMessage, session);
return {};
} // namespace parser
namespace ipmi15parser
std::shared_ptr<Message> unflatten(std::vector<uint8_t>& inPacket)
// Check if the packet has atleast the Session Header
if (inPacket.size() < sizeof(SessionHeader_t))
throw std::runtime_error("IPMI1.5 Session Header Missing");
auto message = std::make_shared<Message>();
auto header = reinterpret_cast<SessionHeader_t*>(;
message->payloadType = PayloadType::IPMI;
message->bmcSessionID = endian::from_ipmi(header->sessId);
message->sessionSeqNum = endian::from_ipmi(header->sessSeqNum);
message->isPacketEncrypted = false;
message->isPacketAuthenticated = false;
auto payloadLen = header->payloadLength;
.assign( + sizeof(SessionHeader_t), + sizeof(SessionHeader_t) + payloadLen);
return message;
std::vector<uint8_t> flatten(std::shared_ptr<Message> outMessage,
std::shared_ptr<session::Session> session)
std::vector<uint8_t> packet(sizeof(SessionHeader_t));
// Insert Session Header into the Packet
auto header = reinterpret_cast<SessionHeader_t*>(;
header->base.version = parser::RMCP_VERSION;
header->base.reserved = 0x00;
header->base.rmcpSeqNum = parser::RMCP_SEQ;
header->base.classOfMsg = parser::RMCP_MESSAGE_CLASS_IPMI;
header->base.format.formatType =
header->sessSeqNum = 0;
header->sessId = endian::to_ipmi(outMessage->rcSessionID);
header->payloadLength = static_cast<uint8_t>(outMessage->payload.size());
// Insert the Payload into the Packet
packet.insert(packet.end(), outMessage->payload.begin(),
// Insert the Session Trailer
packet.resize(packet.size() + sizeof(SessionTrailer_t));
auto trailer =
reinterpret_cast<SessionTrailer_t*>( + packet.size());
trailer->legacyPad = 0x00;
return packet;
} // namespace ipmi15parser
namespace ipmi20parser
std::shared_ptr<Message> unflatten(std::vector<uint8_t>& inPacket)
// Check if the packet has atleast the Session Header
if (inPacket.size() < sizeof(SessionHeader_t))
throw std::runtime_error("IPMI2.0 Session Header Missing");
auto message = std::make_shared<Message>();
auto header = reinterpret_cast<SessionHeader_t*>(;
message->payloadType = static_cast<PayloadType>(header->payloadType & 0x3F);
message->bmcSessionID = endian::from_ipmi(header->sessId);
message->sessionSeqNum = endian::from_ipmi(header->sessSeqNum);
message->isPacketEncrypted =
((header->payloadType & PAYLOAD_ENCRYPT_MASK) ? true : false);
message->isPacketAuthenticated =
((header->payloadType & PAYLOAD_AUTH_MASK) ? true : false);
auto payloadLen = endian::from_ipmi(header->payloadLength);
if (message->isPacketAuthenticated)
if (!(internal::verifyPacketIntegrity(inPacket, message, payloadLen)))
throw std::runtime_error("Packet Integrity check failed");
// Decrypt the payload if the payload is encrypted
if (message->isPacketEncrypted)
// Assign the decrypted payload to the IPMI Message
message->payload =
internal::decryptPayload(inPacket, message, payloadLen);
message->payload.assign(inPacket.begin() + sizeof(SessionHeader_t),
inPacket.begin() + sizeof(SessionHeader_t) +
return message;
std::vector<uint8_t> flatten(std::shared_ptr<Message> outMessage,
std::shared_ptr<session::Session> session)
std::vector<uint8_t> packet(sizeof(SessionHeader_t));
SessionHeader_t* header = reinterpret_cast<SessionHeader_t*>(;
header->base.version = parser::RMCP_VERSION;
header->base.reserved = 0x00;
header->base.rmcpSeqNum = parser::RMCP_SEQ;
header->base.classOfMsg = parser::RMCP_MESSAGE_CLASS_IPMI;
header->base.format.formatType =
header->payloadType = static_cast<uint8_t>(outMessage->payloadType);
header->sessId = endian::to_ipmi(outMessage->rcSessionID);
// Add session sequence number
internal::addSequenceNumber(packet, session);
size_t payloadLen = 0;
// Encrypt the payload if needed
if (outMessage->isPacketEncrypted)
header->payloadType |= PAYLOAD_ENCRYPT_MASK;
auto cipherPayload = internal::encryptPayload(outMessage);
payloadLen = cipherPayload.size();
header->payloadLength = endian::to_ipmi<uint16_t>(cipherPayload.size());
// Insert the encrypted payload into the outgoing IPMI packet
packet.insert(packet.end(), cipherPayload.begin(), cipherPayload.end());
header->payloadLength =
payloadLen = outMessage->payload.size();
// Insert the Payload into the Packet
packet.insert(packet.end(), outMessage->payload.begin(),
if (outMessage->isPacketAuthenticated)
internal::addIntegrityData(packet, outMessage, payloadLen);
return packet;
namespace internal
void addSequenceNumber(std::vector<uint8_t>& packet,
std::shared_ptr<session::Session> session)
SessionHeader_t* header = reinterpret_cast<SessionHeader_t*>(;
if (header->sessId == session::SESSION_ZERO)
header->sessSeqNum = 0x00;
auto seqNum = session->sequenceNums.increment();
header->sessSeqNum = endian::to_ipmi(seqNum);
bool verifyPacketIntegrity(const std::vector<uint8_t>& packet,
const std::shared_ptr<Message> message,
size_t payloadLen)
* Padding bytes are added to cause the number of bytes in the data range
* covered by the AuthCode(Integrity Data) field to be a multiple of 4 bytes
* .If present each integrity Pad byte is set to FFh. The following logic
* calculates the number of padding bytes added in the IPMI packet.
auto paddingLen = 4 - ((payloadLen + 2) & 3);
auto sessTrailerPos = sizeof(SessionHeader_t) + payloadLen + paddingLen;
auto trailer = reinterpret_cast<const SessionTrailer_t*>( +
// Check trailer->padLength against paddingLen, both should match up,
// return false if the lengths don't match
if (trailer->padLength != paddingLen)
return false;
auto session = std::get<session::Manager&>(singletonPool)
auto integrityAlgo = session->getIntegrityAlgo();
// Check if Integrity data length is as expected, check integrity data
// length is same as the length expected for the Integrity Algorithm that
// was negotiated during the session open process.
if ((packet.size() - sessTrailerPos - sizeof(SessionTrailer_t)) !=
return false;
auto integrityIter = packet.cbegin();
std::advance(integrityIter, sessTrailerPos + sizeof(SessionTrailer_t));
// The integrity data is calculated from the AuthType/Format field up to and
// including the field that immediately precedes the AuthCode field itself.
size_t length = packet.size() - integrityAlgo->authCodeLength -
return integrityAlgo->verifyIntegrityData(packet, length, integrityIter);
void addIntegrityData(std::vector<uint8_t>& packet,
const std::shared_ptr<Message> message, size_t payloadLen)
// The following logic calculates the number of padding bytes to be added to
// IPMI packet. If needed each integrity Pad byte is set to FFh.
auto paddingLen = 4 - ((payloadLen + 2) & 3);
packet.insert(packet.end(), paddingLen, 0xFF);
packet.resize(packet.size() + sizeof(SessionTrailer_t));
auto trailer = reinterpret_cast<SessionTrailer_t*>( + packet.size() - sizeof(SessionTrailer_t));
trailer->padLength = paddingLen;
trailer->nextHeader = parser::RMCP_MESSAGE_CLASS_IPMI;
auto session = std::get<session::Manager&>(singletonPool)
auto integrityData =
packet.insert(packet.end(), integrityData.begin(), integrityData.end());
std::vector<uint8_t> decryptPayload(const std::vector<uint8_t>& packet,
const std::shared_ptr<Message> message,
size_t payloadLen)
auto session = std::get<session::Manager&>(singletonPool)
return session->getCryptAlgo()->decryptPayload(
packet, sizeof(SessionHeader_t), payloadLen);
std::vector<uint8_t> encryptPayload(std::shared_ptr<Message> message)
auto session = std::get<session::Manager&>(singletonPool)
return session->getCryptAlgo()->encryptPayload(message->payload);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace ipmi20parser
} // namespace message