blob: aa31a188f364964eed1e087320a1b6b53796ffd2 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "ncsi_util.hpp"
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <linux/ncsi.h>
#include <netlink/genl/ctrl.h>
#include <netlink/genl/genl.h>
#include <netlink/netlink.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
namespace phosphor
namespace network
namespace ncsi
using CallBack = int (*)(struct nl_msg* msg, void* arg);
namespace internal
struct NCSIPacketHeader
uint8_t MCID;
uint8_t revision;
uint8_t reserved;
uint8_t id;
uint8_t type;
uint8_t channel;
uint16_t length;
uint32_t rsvd[2];
class Command
Command() = delete;
~Command() = default;
Command(const Command&) = delete;
Command& operator=(const Command&) = delete;
Command(Command&&) = default;
Command& operator=(Command&&) = default;
int c, int nc = DEFAULT_VALUE,
std::span<const unsigned char> p = std::span<const unsigned char>()) :
ncsi_cmd(nc), payload(p)
int cmd;
int ncsi_cmd;
std::span<const unsigned char> payload;
using nlMsgPtr = std::unique_ptr<nl_msg, decltype(&::nlmsg_free)>;
using nlSocketPtr = std::unique_ptr<nl_sock, decltype(&::nl_socket_free)>;
CallBack infoCallBack = [](struct nl_msg* msg, void* arg) {
using namespace phosphor::network::ncsi;
auto nlh = nlmsg_hdr(msg);
struct nlattr* tb[NCSI_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {nullptr};
struct nla_policy ncsiPolicy[NCSI_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {
{NLA_UNSPEC, 0, 0}, {NLA_U32, 0, 0}, {NLA_NESTED, 0, 0},
{NLA_U32, 0, 0}, {NLA_U32, 0, 0},
struct nlattr* packagetb[NCSI_PKG_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {nullptr};
struct nla_policy packagePolicy[NCSI_PKG_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {
{NLA_UNSPEC, 0, 0}, {NLA_NESTED, 0, 0}, {NLA_U32, 0, 0},
{NLA_FLAG, 0, 0}, {NLA_NESTED, 0, 0},
struct nlattr* channeltb[NCSI_CHANNEL_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {nullptr};
struct nla_policy channelPolicy[NCSI_CHANNEL_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {
{NLA_UNSPEC, 0, 0}, {NLA_NESTED, 0, 0}, {NLA_U32, 0, 0},
{NLA_FLAG, 0, 0}, {NLA_NESTED, 0, 0}, {NLA_UNSPEC, 0, 0},
*(int*)arg = 0;
auto ret = genlmsg_parse(nlh, 0, tb, NCSI_ATTR_MAX, ncsiPolicy);
std::cerr << "No Packages" << std::endl;
return -1;
auto attrTgt = static_cast<nlattr*>(nla_data(tb[NCSI_ATTR_PACKAGE_LIST]));
if (!attrTgt)
std::cerr << "Package list attribute is null" << std::endl;
return -1;
auto rem = nla_len(tb[NCSI_ATTR_PACKAGE_LIST]);
nla_for_each_nested(attrTgt, tb[NCSI_ATTR_PACKAGE_LIST], rem)
ret = nla_parse_nested(packagetb, NCSI_PKG_ATTR_MAX, attrTgt,
if (ret < 0)
std::cerr << "Failed to parse package nested" << std::endl;
return -1;
if (packagetb[NCSI_PKG_ATTR_ID])
auto attrID = nla_get_u32(packagetb[NCSI_PKG_ATTR_ID]);
std::cout << "Package has id : " << std::hex << attrID << std::endl;
std::cout << "Package with no id" << std::endl;
if (packagetb[NCSI_PKG_ATTR_FORCED])
std::cout << "This package is forced" << std::endl;
auto channelListTarget = static_cast<nlattr*>(
auto channelrem = nla_len(packagetb[NCSI_PKG_ATTR_CHANNEL_LIST]);
packagetb[NCSI_PKG_ATTR_CHANNEL_LIST], channelrem)
ret = nla_parse_nested(channeltb, NCSI_CHANNEL_ATTR_MAX,
channelListTarget, channelPolicy);
if (ret < 0)
std::cerr << "Failed to parse channel nested" << std::endl;
return -1;
if (channeltb[NCSI_CHANNEL_ATTR_ID])
auto channel = nla_get_u32(channeltb[NCSI_CHANNEL_ATTR_ID]);
std::cout << "Channel Active : " << std::hex << channel
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "Channel Not Active : " << std::hex << channel
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "Channel is forced" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Channel with no ID" << std::endl;
auto major =
std::cout << "Channel Major Version : " << std::hex << major
<< std::endl;
auto minor =
std::cout << "Channel Minor Version : " << std::hex << minor
<< std::endl;
auto str =
std::cout << "Channel Version Str :" << str << std::endl;
auto link =
std::cout << "Channel Link State : " << std::hex << link
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "Active Vlan ids" << std::endl;
auto vids = channeltb[NCSI_CHANNEL_ATTR_VLAN_LIST];
auto vid = static_cast<nlattr*>(nla_data(vids));
auto len = nla_len(vids);
while (nla_ok(vid, len))
auto id = nla_get_u16(vid);
std::cout << "VID : " << id << std::endl;
vid = nla_next(vid, &len);
return (int)NL_SKIP;
CallBack sendCallBack = [](struct nl_msg* msg, void* arg) {
using namespace phosphor::network::ncsi;
auto nlh = nlmsg_hdr(msg);
struct nlattr* tb[NCSI_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {nullptr};
static struct nla_policy ncsiPolicy[NCSI_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {
{NLA_UNSPEC, 0, 0}, {NLA_U32, 0, 0}, {NLA_NESTED, 0, 0},
{NLA_U32, 0, 0}, {NLA_U32, 0, 0}, {NLA_BINARY, 0, 0},
{NLA_FLAG, 0, 0}, {NLA_U32, 0, 0}, {NLA_U32, 0, 0},
*(int*)arg = 0;
auto ret = genlmsg_parse(nlh, 0, tb, NCSI_ATTR_MAX, ncsiPolicy);
if (ret)
std::cerr << "Failed to parse package" << std::endl;
return ret;
if (tb[NCSI_ATTR_DATA] == nullptr)
std::cerr << "Response: No data" << std::endl;
return -1;
auto data_len = nla_len(tb[NCSI_ATTR_DATA]) - sizeof(NCSIPacketHeader);
unsigned char* data =
(unsigned char*)nla_data(tb[NCSI_ATTR_DATA]) + sizeof(NCSIPacketHeader);
auto s = std::span<const unsigned char>(data, data_len);
// Dump the response to stdout. Enhancement: option to save response data
std::cout << "Response : " << std::dec << data_len << " bytes" << std::endl;
fmt::print("{:02x}", fmt::join(s.begin(), s.end(), " "));
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
int applyCmd(int ifindex, const Command& cmd, int package = DEFAULT_VALUE,
int channel = DEFAULT_VALUE, int flags = NONE,
CallBack function = nullptr)
int cb_ret = 0;
nlSocketPtr socket(nl_socket_alloc(), &::nl_socket_free);
if (socket == nullptr)
std::cerr << "Unable to allocate memory for the socket" << std::endl;
return -ENOMEM;
auto ret = genl_connect(socket.get());
if (ret < 0)
std::cerr << "Failed to open the socket , RC : " << ret << std::endl;
return ret;
auto driverID = genl_ctrl_resolve(socket.get(), "NCSI");
if (driverID < 0)
std::cerr << "Failed to resolve, RC : " << ret << std::endl;
return driverID;
nlMsgPtr msg(nlmsg_alloc(), &::nlmsg_free);
if (msg == nullptr)
std::cerr << "Unable to allocate memory for the message" << std::endl;
return -ENOMEM;
auto msgHdr = genlmsg_put(msg.get(), 0, 0, driverID, 0, flags, cmd.cmd, 0);
if (!msgHdr)
std::cerr << "Unable to add the netlink headers , COMMAND : " << cmd.cmd
<< std::endl;
return -ENOMEM;
if (package != DEFAULT_VALUE)
ret = nla_put_u32(msg.get(), ncsi_nl_attrs::NCSI_ATTR_PACKAGE_ID,
if (ret < 0)
std::cerr << "Failed to set the attribute , RC : " << ret
<< "PACKAGE " << std::hex << package << std::endl;
return ret;
if (channel != DEFAULT_VALUE)
ret = nla_put_u32(msg.get(), ncsi_nl_attrs::NCSI_ATTR_CHANNEL_ID,
if (ret < 0)
std::cerr << "Failed to set the attribute , RC : " << ret
<< "CHANNEL : " << std::hex << channel << std::endl;
return ret;
ret = nla_put_u32(msg.get(), ncsi_nl_attrs::NCSI_ATTR_IFINDEX, ifindex);
if (ret < 0)
std::cerr << "Failed to set the attribute , RC : " << ret
<< "INTERFACE : " << std::hex << ifindex << std::endl;
return ret;
if (cmd.ncsi_cmd != DEFAULT_VALUE)
std::vector<unsigned char> pl(sizeof(NCSIPacketHeader) +
NCSIPacketHeader* hdr = (NCSIPacketHeader*);
std::copy(cmd.payload.begin(), cmd.payload.end(),
pl.begin() + sizeof(NCSIPacketHeader));
hdr->type = cmd.ncsi_cmd;
hdr->length = htons(cmd.payload.size());
ret = nla_put(msg.get(), ncsi_nl_attrs::NCSI_ATTR_DATA, pl.size(),;
if (ret < 0)
std::cerr << "Failed to set the data attribute, RC : " << ret
<< std::endl;
return ret;
if (function)
cb_ret = 1;
// Add a callback function to the socket
nl_socket_modify_cb(socket.get(), NL_CB_VALID, NL_CB_CUSTOM, function,
ret = nl_send_auto(socket.get(), msg.get());
if (ret < 0)
std::cerr << "Failed to send the message , RC : " << ret << std::endl;
return ret;
ret = nl_recvmsgs_default(socket.get());
if (ret < 0)
std::cerr << "Failed to receive the message , RC : " << ret
<< std::endl;
} while (cb_ret);
return ret;
} // namespace internal
int sendOemCommand(int ifindex, int package, int channel,
std::span<const unsigned char> payload)
constexpr auto cmd = 0x50;
std::cout << "Send OEM Command, CHANNEL : " << std::hex << channel
<< ", PACKAGE : " << std::hex << package
<< ", IFINDEX: " << std::hex << ifindex << std::endl;
if (!payload.empty())
std::cout << "Payload :";
for (auto& i : payload)
std::cout << " " << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2)
<< (int)i;
std::cout << std::endl;
return internal::applyCmd(
internal::Command(ncsi_nl_commands::NCSI_CMD_SEND_CMD, cmd, payload),
package, channel, NONE, internal::sendCallBack);
int setChannel(int ifindex, int package, int channel)
std::cout << "Set Channel : " << std::hex << channel
<< ", PACKAGE : " << std::hex << package
<< ", IFINDEX : " << std::hex << ifindex << std::endl;
return internal::applyCmd(
ifindex, internal::Command(ncsi_nl_commands::NCSI_CMD_SET_INTERFACE),
package, channel);
int clearInterface(int ifindex)
std::cout << "ClearInterface , IFINDEX :" << std::hex << ifindex
<< std::endl;
return internal::applyCmd(
ifindex, internal::Command(ncsi_nl_commands::NCSI_CMD_CLEAR_INTERFACE));
int getInfo(int ifindex, int package)
std::cout << "Get Info , PACKAGE : " << std::hex << package
<< ", IFINDEX : " << std::hex << ifindex << std::endl;
if (package == DEFAULT_VALUE)
return internal::applyCmd(
ifindex, internal::Command(ncsi_nl_commands::NCSI_CMD_PKG_INFO),
package, DEFAULT_VALUE, NLM_F_DUMP, internal::infoCallBack);
return internal::applyCmd(ifindex, ncsi_nl_commands::NCSI_CMD_PKG_INFO,
} // namespace ncsi
} // namespace network
} // namespace phosphor