blob: 087763f4576375b4a45f725b6263d16194f365d9 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "hyp_ethernet_interface.hpp"
#include "hyp_sys_config.hpp"
#include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/server/object.hpp>
#include <stdplus/str/maps.hpp>
namespace phosphor
namespace network
class HypEthInterface;
class HypSysConfig;
using biosAttrName = std::string;
using biosAttrType = std::string;
using biosAttrIsReadOnly = bool;
using biosAttrDispName = std::string;
using biosAttrHelpText = std::string;
using biosAttrMenuPath = std::string;
using biosAttrCurrValue = std::variant<int64_t, std::string>;
using biosAttrDefaultValue = std::variant<int64_t, std::string>;
using biosAttrOptions =
std::tuple<std::string, std::variant<int64_t, std::string>>;
using biosTableType = std::map<biosAttrName, biosAttrCurrValue>;
using BiosBaseTableItemType =
std::tuple<biosAttrType, biosAttrIsReadOnly, biosAttrDispName,
biosAttrHelpText, biosAttrMenuPath, biosAttrCurrValue,
biosAttrDefaultValue, std::vector<biosAttrOptions>>>;
using BiosBaseTableType = std::vector<BiosBaseTableItemType>;
enum BiosBaseTableIndex
biosBaseAttrType = 0,
using SystemConfPtr = std::unique_ptr<HypSysConfig>;
using ethIntfMapType = stdplus::string_umap<std::unique_ptr<HypEthInterface>>;
/** @class Manager
* @brief Implementation for the
* xyz.openbmc_project.Network.Hypervisor DBus API.
class HypNetworkMgr
HypNetworkMgr() = delete;
HypNetworkMgr(const HypNetworkMgr&) = delete;
HypNetworkMgr& operator=(const HypNetworkMgr&) = delete;
HypNetworkMgr(HypNetworkMgr&&) = delete;
HypNetworkMgr& operator=(HypNetworkMgr&&) = delete;
virtual ~HypNetworkMgr() = default;
/** @brief Constructor to put object onto bus at a dbus path.
* @param[in] bus - Bus to attach to.
* @param[in] path - Path to attach at.
HypNetworkMgr(sdbusplus::bus_t& bus, const char* path) :
bus(bus), objectPath(path){};
/** @brief Get the BaseBiosTable attributes
* @return attributes list
inline biosTableType getBIOSTableAttrs()
return biosTableAttrs;
/** @brief Set specific attribute and its value to
* the biosTableAttrs data member
* @param[in] attrName - attribute name in biosTableAttrs
* @param[in] attrValue - attribute value
* @param[in] attrType - attribute type
void setBIOSTableAttr(std::string attrName,
std::variant<std::string, int64_t> attrValue,
std::string attrType);
/** @brief Get the ethernet interfaces list data member
* @return ethernet interfaces list
inline const auto& getEthIntfList()
return interfaces;
/** @brief Method to set all the interface 0 attributes
* to its default value in biosTableAttrs data member
void setDefaultBIOSTableAttrsOnIntf(const std::string& intf);
/** @brief Method to set the hostname attribute
* to its default value in biosTableAttrs
* data member
void setDefaultHostnameInBIOSTableAttrs();
/** @brief Fetch the interface and the ipaddress details
* from the Bios table and create the hyp ethernet interfaces
* dbus object.
void createIfObjects();
/** @brief Creates system config object
void createSysConfObj();
/** @brief gets the system conf object.
const SystemConfPtr& getSystemConf()
return systemConf;
* @brief get Dbus Prop
* @param[in] objectName - dbus Object
* @param[in] interface - dbus Interface
* @param[in] kw - keyword under the interface
* @return dbus call response
auto getDBusProp(const std::string& objectName,
const std::string& interface, const std::string& kw);
/** @brief Setter method for biosTableAttrs data member
* GET operation on the BIOS table to
* read all the hyp attrbutes (name, value pair)
* and push them to biosTableAttrs data member
void setBIOSTableAttrs();
/** @brief sdbusplus DBus bus connection. */
sdbusplus::bus_t& bus;
/** @brief object path */
std::string objectPath;
/** @brief pointer to system conf object. */
SystemConfPtr systemConf = nullptr;
/** @brief Persistent map of EthernetInterface dbus
* objects and their names
ethIntfMapType interfaces;
/** @brief map of bios table attrs and values */
std::map<biosAttrName, biosAttrCurrValue> biosTableAttrs;
} // namespace network
} // namespace phosphor