blob: 615c282d6140808d2935093df60321a7107f246e [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "types.hpp"
#include <net/ethernet.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <optional>
#include <stdplus/zstring.hpp>
#include <stdplus/zstring_view.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
struct nlmsghdr;
namespace phosphor::network::system
struct EthInfo
bool autoneg;
uint16_t speed;
EthInfo getEthInfo(stdplus::zstring_view ifname);
bool intfIsRunning(std::string_view ifname);
std::optional<unsigned> getMTU(stdplus::zstring_view ifname);
void setMTU(std::string_view ifname, unsigned mtu);
void setNICUp(std::string_view ifname, bool up);
/** @class InterfaceInfo
* @brief Information about interfaces from the kernel
struct InterfaceInfo
unsigned idx;
unsigned flags;
std::optional<std::string> name = std::nullopt;
std::optional<ether_addr> mac = std::nullopt;
std::optional<unsigned> mtu = std::nullopt;
std::optional<unsigned> parent_idx = std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> kind = std::nullopt;
std::optional<uint16_t> vlan_id = std::nullopt;
constexpr bool operator==(const InterfaceInfo& rhs) const noexcept
return idx == rhs.idx && flags == rhs.flags && name == &&
mac == rhs.mac && mtu == rhs.mtu &&
parent_idx == rhs.parent_idx && kind == rhs.kind &&
vlan_id == rhs.vlan_id;
struct AddressFilter
unsigned ifidx = 0;
struct NeighborFilter
unsigned ifidx = 0;
namespace detail
InterfaceInfo parseInterface(const nlmsghdr& hdr, std::string_view msg);
bool validateNewInterface(const InterfaceInfo& info);
bool validateNewAddr(const AddressInfo& info,
const AddressFilter& filter) noexcept;
bool validateNewNeigh(const NeighborInfo& info,
const NeighborFilter& filter) noexcept;
} // namespace detail
/** @brief Get all the interfaces from the system.
* @returns list of interface names.
std::vector<InterfaceInfo> getInterfaces();
/** @brief Get all the addreses from the system.
* @returns list of addresses
std::vector<AddressInfo> getAddresses(const AddressFilter& filter);
/** @brief Returns a list of system neighbor table
std::vector<NeighborInfo> getNeighbors(const NeighborFilter& filter);
} // namespace phosphor::network::system