| #!/usr/bin/env python |
| |
| from subprocess import call, Popen, PIPE |
| from IPy import IP |
| import sys |
| import subprocess |
| import dbus |
| import string |
| import socket |
| import re |
| import os |
| import fcntl |
| import glib |
| import gobject |
| import dbus.service |
| import dbus.mainloop.glib |
| from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser |
| import glob |
| |
| #MAC address mask for locally administered. |
| MAC_LOCAL_ADMIN_MASK = 0x20000000000 |
| DBUS_NAME = 'org.openbmc.NetworkManager' |
| OBJ_NAME = '/org/openbmc/NetworkManager/Interface' |
| |
| network_providers = { |
| 'networkd' : { |
| 'bus_name' : 'org.freedesktop.network1', |
| 'ip_object_name' : '/org/freedesktop/network1/network/default', |
| 'hw_object_name' : '/org/freedesktop/network1/link/_31', |
| 'ip_if_name' : 'org.freedesktop.network1.Network', |
| 'hw_if_name' : 'org.freedesktop.network1.Link', |
| 'method' : 'org.freedesktop.network1.Network.SetAddr' |
| }, |
| 'NetworkManager' : { |
| 'bus_name' : 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager', |
| 'ip_object_name' : '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager', |
| 'hw_object_name' : '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager', |
| 'ip_if_name' : 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager', |
| 'hw_if_name' : 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager', |
| 'method' : 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager' # FIXME: |
| }, |
| } |
| |
| def getPrefixLen(mask): |
| prefixLen = sum([bin(int(x)).count('1') for x in mask.split('.')]) |
| return prefixLen |
| |
| # Enable / Disable the UseDHCP setting in .network file |
| def modifyNetConfig(confFile, usentp): |
| parser = SafeConfigParser() |
| parser.optionxform = str |
| parser.read(confFile) |
| sections = parser.sections() |
| |
| if "Match" not in sections: |
| raise NameError, "[Match] section not found" |
| |
| interface = parser.get('Match', 'Name') |
| if interface == '': |
| raise NameError, "Invalid interface" |
| |
| if "DHCP" not in sections: |
| parser.add_section("DHCP") |
| if usentp.lower() == "yes": |
| parser.set('DHCP', 'UseNTP', "true") |
| elif usentp.lower() == "no": |
| parser.set('DHCP', 'UseNTP', "false") |
| |
| print "Updating" + confFile + '\n' |
| with open(confFile, 'wb') as configfile: |
| parser.write(configfile) |
| |
| rc = call(["ip", "addr", "flush", interface]) |
| rc = call(["systemctl", "restart", "systemd-networkd.service"]) |
| rc = call(["systemctl", "try-restart", "systemd-timesyncd.service"]) |
| return rc |
| |
| |
| def read_mac_provider_info(): |
| conf_file = os.path.join('/etc', 'network-manager.conf') |
| if not os.path.exists(conf_file): |
| raise IOError("Could not find %s" % conf_file) |
| |
| parser = SafeConfigParser() |
| parser.optionxform = str |
| parser.read(conf_file) |
| sections = parser.sections() |
| |
| path = parser.get('mac_loc', 'path') |
| if not path: |
| raise ValueError("Empty path") |
| |
| bus_name = parser.get('mac_loc', 'bus') |
| if not bus_name: |
| raise ValueError("Empty bus-name") |
| |
| intf = parser.get('mac_loc', 'interface') |
| if not intf: |
| raise ValueError("Empty intf-name") |
| |
| prop = parser.get('mac_loc', 'property') |
| if not prop: |
| raise ValueError("Empty prop-name") |
| |
| return bus_name, path, intf, prop |
| |
| |
| # Get Mac address from the eeprom |
| def get_mac_from_eeprom(): |
| bus = dbus.SystemBus() |
| bus_name, path, intf, prop = read_mac_provider_info() |
| obj = bus.get_object(bus_name, path) |
| dbus_method = obj.get_dbus_method("Get", dbus.PROPERTIES_IFACE) |
| return dbus_method(intf, prop) |
| |
| |
| class IfAddr (): |
| def __init__ (self, family, scope, flags, prefixlen, addr, gw): |
| self.family = family |
| self.scope = scope |
| self.flags = flags |
| self.prefixlen = prefixlen |
| self.addr = addr |
| self.gw = gw |
| |
| class NetMan (dbus.service.Object): |
| def __init__(self, bus, name): |
| self.bus = bus |
| self.name = name |
| dbus.service.Object.__init__(self,bus,name) |
| |
| def setNetworkProvider(self, provider): |
| self.provider = provider |
| |
| def _isvaliddev(self, device): |
| devices = os.listdir ("/sys/class/net") |
| if not device in devices : return False |
| else: return True |
| |
| def _ishwdev (self, device): |
| f = open ("/sys/class/net/"+device+"/type") |
| type = f.read() |
| return False if (int(type) == 772) else True |
| |
| def _isvalidmask (self, mask): |
| for x in mask.split('.'): |
| try: |
| y = int(x) |
| except: |
| return False |
| if y > 255: return False |
| return mask.count('.') == 3 |
| |
| def validatemac(self, mac): |
| macre = '([a-fA-F0-9]{2}[:|\-]?){6}' |
| if re.compile(macre).search(mac) is None: |
| raise ValueError("Malformed MAC address") |
| |
| # Don't allow Broadcast or global unique mac |
| int_mac = int(mac.replace(":", ""), 16) |
| if not (int_mac ^ BROADCAST_MAC): |
| raise ValueError("Given Mac is BroadCast Mac Address") |
| |
| if not int_mac & MAC_LOCAL_ADMIN_MASK: |
| int_eep_mac = int(get_mac_from_eeprom(), 16) |
| if int_eep_mac != int_mac: |
| raise ValueError("Given MAC address is neither a local Admin type \ |
| nor is same as in eeprom") |
| |
| |
| def _isvalidipv4(self, ipstr, netmask): |
| ip_parts = ipstr.split(".") |
| if len(ip_parts) != 4: |
| return "Malformed" |
| |
| first, second, third, fourth = [int(part) for part in ip_parts] |
| if first == 0 and second == 0 and third == 0 and fourth == 0: |
| return "Invalid" # "this" network disallowed |
| if first == 169 and second == 254: |
| return "Link Local" |
| if first >= 224: |
| return "Invalid" # class D multicast and class E disallowed |
| if first == 192 and second == 88 and third == 99: |
| return "Invalid" # ipv6 relay |
| |
| # check validity against netmask |
| if netmask != '0': |
| ip_bin = (first << 24) + (second << 16) + (third << 8) + fourth |
| mask_parts = netmask.split(".") |
| if len(mask_parts) == 4: # long form netmask |
| mask_bin = (int(mask_parts[0]) << 24) + (int(mask_parts[1]) << 16) + (int(mask_parts[2]) << 8) + int(mask_parts[3]) |
| elif netmask.count(".") == 0: # short form netmask |
| mask_bin = 0xffffffff ^ (1 << 32 - int(netmask)) - 1 |
| else: |
| return "Malformed" # bad netmask |
| |
| if ip_bin & ~mask_bin == 0: |
| return "Invalid" # disallowed by this netmask |
| if ip_bin | mask_bin == 0xFFFFFFFF: |
| return "Invalid" # disallowed by this netmask |
| |
| return "Valid" |
| |
| |
| def _isvalidip(self, ipaddr, netmask = '0'): |
| try: |
| ip = IP(ipaddr) |
| except ValueError: |
| return "Malformed" |
| |
| ipstr = ip.strNormal(0) |
| ipstr_masked = ip.strNormal(2) |
| if ipstr_masked.count("/") != 0 and netmask == '0': |
| netmask = ipstr_masked.split("/")[1] |
| |
| if ip.version() == 4: # additional checks for ipv4 |
| return self._isvalidipv4(ipstr, netmask) |
| # TODO: check ipv6 openbmc/openbmc#496 |
| |
| return "Valid" |
| |
| def _getAddr (self, target, device): |
| netprov = network_providers [self.provider] |
| bus_name = netprov ['bus_name'] |
| |
| if (target == "ip"): |
| ipaddr = "" |
| defgw = "" |
| prefixlen = "0" |
| |
| proc = subprocess.Popen(["ip", "addr", "show", "dev", device], stdout=PIPE) |
| procout = proc.communicate() |
| if procout: |
| ipout = procout[0].splitlines()[2].strip() |
| ipaddr,prefixlen = ipout.split ()[1].split("/") |
| |
| proc = subprocess.Popen(["ip", "route", "show", "dev", device, "default", ""], stdout=PIPE) |
| procout = proc.communicate() |
| if procout[0]: |
| ipout = procout[0].splitlines()[0].strip() |
| defgw = ipout.split ()[2] |
| |
| return 2, int(prefixlen), ipaddr, defgw |
| |
| if (target == "mac"): |
| proc = subprocess.Popen(["ip", "link", "show", "dev", device], stdout=PIPE) |
| ipout = proc.communicate()[0].splitlines()[1].strip() |
| mac = ipout.split ()[1] |
| return mac |
| |
| @dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, "", "") |
| def test(self): |
| print("TEST") |
| |
| @dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, "sas", "x") |
| def SetNtpServer (self, device, ntpservers): |
| if not self._isvaliddev (device) : raise ValueError, "Invalid Device" |
| |
| # Convert the array into space separated value string |
| ntp_ip = " ".join(ntpservers) |
| if not ntp_ip : raise ValueError, "Invalid Data" |
| |
| confFile = "/etc/systemd/network/00-bmc-" + device + ".network" |
| |
| parser = SafeConfigParser() |
| parser.optionxform = str |
| parser.read(confFile) |
| sections = parser.sections() |
| if "Match" not in sections: |
| raise NameError, "[Match] section not found" |
| |
| interface = parser.get('Match', 'Name') |
| if interface != device: |
| raise ValueError, "Device [" + device + "] Not Configured" |
| |
| if "Network" not in sections: |
| raise NameError, "[Network] section not found" |
| |
| parser.set('Network', 'NTP', ntp_ip) |
| print "Updating " + confFile + '\n' |
| with open(confFile, 'wb') as configfile: |
| parser.write(configfile) |
| rc = call(["ip", "addr", "flush", device]) |
| rc = call(["systemctl", "restart", "systemd-networkd.service"]) |
| rc = call(["systemctl", "try-restart", "systemd-timesyncd.service"]) |
| return rc |
| |
| @dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, "s", "x") |
| def UpdateUseNtpField (self, usentp): |
| filelist = glob.glob("/etc/systemd/network/*.network") |
| for configfile in filelist: |
| modifyNetConfig(configfile,usentp) |
| return 0 |
| |
| @dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, "s", "x") |
| def EnableDHCP (self, device): |
| if not self._isvaliddev (device) : raise ValueError, "Invalid Device" |
| |
| confFile = "/etc/systemd/network/00-bmc-" + device + ".network" |
| |
| print("Making .network file...") |
| try: |
| networkconf = open (confFile, "w+") |
| except IOError: |
| raise IOError, "Failed to open " + confFile |
| |
| networkconf.write ('[Match]'+ '\n') |
| networkconf.write ('Name=' + (device) + '\n') |
| networkconf.write ('[Network]' + '\n') |
| networkconf.write ('DHCP=yes') |
| networkconf.write ('[DHCP]' + '\n') |
| networkconf.write ('ClientIdentifier=mac' + '\n') |
| networkconf.close () |
| |
| print("Restarting networkd service...") |
| rc = call(["ip", "addr", "flush", device]) |
| rc = call(["systemctl", "restart", "systemd-networkd.service"]) |
| return rc |
| |
| @dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, "ssss", "x") |
| def SetAddress4 (self, device, ipaddr, netmask, gateway): |
| if not self._isvaliddev (device) : raise ValueError, "Invalid Device" |
| if not self._isvalidmask (netmask) : raise ValueError, "Invalid Mask" |
| prefixLen = getPrefixLen (netmask) |
| if prefixLen == 0: raise ValueError, "Invalid Mask" |
| valid = self._isvalidip (ipaddr, netmask) |
| if valid != "Valid": raise ValueError, valid + " IP Address" |
| valid = self._isvalidip (gateway) |
| if valid != "Valid": raise ValueError, valid + " IP Address" |
| |
| confFile = "/etc/systemd/network/00-bmc-" + device + ".network" |
| |
| print("Making .network file...") |
| try: |
| networkconf = open (confFile, "w+") |
| except IOError: |
| raise IOError, "Failed to open " + confFile |
| |
| networkconf.write ('[Match]'+ '\n') |
| networkconf.write ('Name=' + (device) + '\n') |
| networkconf.write ('[Network]' + '\n') |
| networkconf.write ('Address=' + ipaddr + '/' + str(prefixLen) + '\n') |
| networkconf.write ('Gateway=' + gateway + '\n') |
| networkconf.close() |
| |
| print("Restarting networkd service...") |
| rc = call(["ip", "addr", "flush", device]) |
| rc = call(["systemctl", "restart", "systemd-networkd.service"]) |
| return rc |
| |
| @dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, "s", "s") |
| def GetAddressType (self, device): |
| if not self._isvaliddev (device) : raise ValueError, "Invalid Device" |
| |
| confFile = "/etc/systemd/network/00-bmc-" + device + ".network" |
| if not os.path.exists(confFile): |
| print "Config file (%s) not found !" % confFile |
| netprov = network_providers [self.provider] |
| bus_name = netprov ['bus_name'] |
| obj_name = netprov ['ip_object_name'] |
| o = self.bus.get_object(bus_name, obj_name, introspect=False) |
| i = dbus.Interface(o, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties') |
| f = i.Get (netprov ['ip_if_name'], "SourcePath") |
| print "Using default networkd config file (%s)" % f |
| confFile = f |
| |
| with open(confFile, "r") as f: |
| for line in f: |
| config = line.split ("=") |
| if (len (config) < 2) : continue |
| if config [0].upper() == "DHCP": |
| v = config[1].strip().upper() |
| if (v=="YES" or v=="IPV4" or v=="IPV6"): |
| return "DHCP" |
| return "STATIC" |
| |
| #family, prefixlen, ip, defgw |
| @dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, "s", "iyss") |
| def GetAddress4 (self, device): |
| if not self._isvaliddev (device) : raise ValueError, "Invalid Device" |
| return self._getAddr ("ip", device) |
| |
| @dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, "s", "s") |
| def GetHwAddress (self, device): |
| if not self._isvaliddev (device) : raise ValueError, "Invalid Device" |
| return self._getAddr ("mac", device) |
| |
| @dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, "ss", "i") |
| def SetHwAddress (self, device, mac): |
| if not self._isvaliddev (device) : raise ValueError, "Invalid Device" |
| if not self._ishwdev (device) : raise ValueError, "Not a Hardware Device" |
| |
| self.validatemac(mac) |
| |
| rc = subprocess.call(["fw_setenv", "ethaddr", mac]) |
| |
| print("Restarting networkd service...") |
| rc = call(["ip", "link", "set", "dev", device, "down"]) |
| rc = call(["ip", "link", "set", "dev", device, "address", mac]) |
| rc = call(["ip", "link", "set", "dev", device, "up"]) |
| |
| rc = call(["systemctl", "restart", "systemd-networkd.service"]) |
| return rc |
| |
| #string of nameservers |
| @dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME,"s", "s") |
| def SetNameServers (self, nameservers): |
| dns_entry = nameservers.split() |
| fail_msg = '' |
| dhcp_auto = False |
| file_opened = False |
| if len(dns_entry) > 0: |
| for dns in dns_entry: |
| valid = self._isvalidip (dns) |
| if valid != "Valid": |
| if dns == "DHCP_AUTO=": |
| #This DNS is supplied by DHCP. |
| dhcp_auto = True |
| else: |
| print valid + " DNS Address [" + dns + "]" |
| fail_msg = fail_msg + '[' + dns + ']' |
| else: |
| #Only over write on a first valid input |
| if file_opened == False: |
| resolv_conf = open("/etc/resolv.conf",'w') |
| file_opened = True |
| if dhcp_auto == True: |
| resolv_conf.write("### Generated automatically via DHCP ###\n") |
| else: |
| resolv_conf.write("### Generated manually via dbus settings ###\n") |
| dns_ip = 'nameserver ' + dns + '\n' |
| resolv_conf.write(dns_ip) |
| if file_opened == True: |
| resolv_conf.close() |
| else: |
| raise ValueError, "Invalid DNS entry" |
| if len(fail_msg) > 0: |
| return 'Failures encountered processing' + fail_msg |
| else: |
| return "DNS entries updated Successfully" |
| |
| def main(): |
| dbus.mainloop.glib.DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True) |
| bus = dbus.SystemBus() |
| name = dbus.service.BusName(DBUS_NAME, bus) |
| obj = NetMan (bus, OBJ_NAME) |
| obj.setNetworkProvider ("networkd") |
| mainloop = gobject.MainLoop() |
| print("Started") |
| mainloop.run() |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| sys.exit(main()) |