blob: 44c0e32a6487fc6f5adc85992b47d32f1cd5da69 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <experimental/filesystem>
namespace phosphor
namespace network
namespace dns
namespace updater
namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem;
constexpr auto RESOLV_CONF = "/etc/resolv.conf";
/** @brief Reads DNS entries supplied by DHCP and updates specified file
* @param[in] inFile - File having DNS entries supplied by DHCP
* @param[in] outFile - File to write the nameserver entries to
void processDNSEntries(const fs::path& inFile,
const fs::path& outFile);
/** @brief User callback handler invoked by inotify watcher
* Needed to enable production and test code so that the right
* callback functions could be implemented
* @param[in] inFile - File having DNS entries supplied by DHCP
inline void processDNSEntries(const fs::path& inFile)
return processDNSEntries(inFile, RESOLV_CONF);
} // namepsace updater
} // namepsace dns
} // namespace network
} // namespace phosphor