blob: 436dd3847ca077c46917412b8569675336b58321 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Sensor/Threshold/Critical/server.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Sensor/Threshold/Warning/server.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Sensor/Value/server.hpp>
namespace phosphor
namespace nvme
using ValueIface = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Sensor::server::Value;
using CriticalInterface =
using WarningInterface =
using NvmeIfaces =
sdbusplus::server::object::object<ValueIface, CriticalInterface,
class NvmeSSD : public NvmeIfaces
NvmeSSD() = delete;
NvmeSSD(const NvmeSSD&) = delete;
NvmeSSD& operator=(const NvmeSSD&) = delete;
NvmeSSD(NvmeSSD&&) = delete;
NvmeSSD& operator=(NvmeSSD&&) = delete;
virtual ~NvmeSSD() = default;
/** @brief Constructs NvmeSSD
* @param[in] bus - Handle to system dbus
* @param[in] objPath - The Dbus path of nvme
NvmeSSD(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const char* objPath) :
NvmeIfaces(bus, objPath), bus(bus)
/** @brief Set sensor value temperature to nvme D-bus */
void setSensorValueToDbus(const int8_t value);
/** @brief Check if sensor value higher or lower threshold */
void checkSensorThreshold();
/** @brief Set Sensor Threshold to D-bus at beginning */
void setSensorThreshold(int8_t criticalHigh, int8_t criticalLow,
int8_t warningHigh, int8_t warningLow);
/** @brief Set Sensor Max/Min value to D-bus at beginning */
void setSensorMaxMin(int8_t maxValue, int8_t minValue);
sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus;
} // namespace nvme
} // namespace phosphor