blob: 6da309ff828bbab01206055c65303efa35fcf415 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "pid/ec/pid.hpp"
#include "pid/thermalcontroller.hpp"
#include "test/zone_mock.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
using ::testing::Return;
using ::testing::StrEq;
TEST(ThermalControllerTest, BoringFactoryTest)
// Verifies building a ThermalPIDController with the factory works as
// expected in the boring (uninteresting) case.
ZoneMock z;
std::vector<std::string> inputs = {"fleeting0"};
double setpoint = 10.0;
ec::pidinfo initial;
std::unique_ptr<PIDController> p = ThermalController::createThermalPid(
&z, "therm1", inputs, setpoint, initial);
// Success
EXPECT_FALSE(p == nullptr);
TEST(ThermalControllerTest, VerifyFactoryFailsWithZeroInputs)
// A thermal controller needs at least one input.
ZoneMock z;
std::vector<std::string> inputs = {};
double setpoint = 10.0;
ec::pidinfo initial;
std::unique_ptr<PIDController> p = ThermalController::createThermalPid(
&z, "therm1", inputs, setpoint, initial);
EXPECT_TRUE(p == nullptr);
TEST(ThermalControllerTest, VerifyFactoryFailsForMoreThanOneInput)
// ThermalControllers currently only support one input, so don't let
// someone accidentally specify more.
ZoneMock z;
std::vector<std::string> inputs = {"fleeting0", "asdf"};
double setpoint = 10.0;
ec::pidinfo initial;
std::unique_ptr<PIDController> p = ThermalController::createThermalPid(
&z, "therm1", inputs, setpoint, initial);
EXPECT_TRUE(p == nullptr);
TEST(ThermalControllerTest, InputProc_BehavesAsExpected)
// This test just verifies inputProc behaves as expected.
ZoneMock z;
std::vector<std::string> inputs = {"fleeting0"};
double setpoint = 10.0;
ec::pidinfo initial;
std::unique_ptr<PIDController> p = ThermalController::createThermalPid(
&z, "therm1", inputs, setpoint, initial);
EXPECT_FALSE(p == nullptr);
EXPECT_CALL(z, getCachedValue(StrEq("fleeting0"))).WillOnce(Return(5.0));
EXPECT_EQ(5.0, p->inputProc());
TEST(ThermalControllerTest, SetPtProc_BehavesAsExpected)
// This test just verifies inputProc behaves as expected.
ZoneMock z;
std::vector<std::string> inputs = {"fleeting0"};
double setpoint = 10.0;
ec::pidinfo initial;
std::unique_ptr<PIDController> p = ThermalController::createThermalPid(
&z, "therm1", inputs, setpoint, initial);
EXPECT_FALSE(p == nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(setpoint, p->setptProc());
TEST(ThermalControllerTest, OutputProc_BehavesAsExpected)
// This test just verifies inputProc behaves as expected.
ZoneMock z;
std::vector<std::string> inputs = {"fleeting0"};
double setpoint = 10.0;
ec::pidinfo initial;
std::unique_ptr<PIDController> p = ThermalController::createThermalPid(
&z, "therm1", inputs, setpoint, initial);
EXPECT_FALSE(p == nullptr);
double value = 90.0;
EXPECT_CALL(z, addRPMSetPoint(value));