blob: 6b1030aaa3a976fd2311acff7bf45e8ff0ca5209 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
namespace ec
typedef struct
float min;
float max;
} limits_t;
/* Note: If you update these structs you need to update the copy code in
* pid/util.cpp.
typedef struct
bool initialized; // has pid been initialized
float ts; // sample time in seconds
float integral; // intergal of error
float last_output; // value of last output
float p_c; // coeff for P
float i_c; // coeff for I
float ff_off; // offset coeff for feed-forward term
float ff_gain; // gain for feed-forward term
limits_t i_lim; // clamp of integral
limits_t out_lim; // clamp of output
float slew_neg;
float slew_pos;
} pid_info_t;
float pid(pid_info_t* pidinfoptr, float input, float setpoint);
/* Condensed version for use by the configuration. */
struct pidinfo
float ts; // sample time in seconds
float p_c; // coeff for P
float i_c; // coeff for I
float ff_off; // offset coeff for feed-forward term
float ff_gain; // gain for feed-forward term
ec::limits_t i_lim; // clamp of integral
ec::limits_t out_lim; // clamp of output
float slew_neg;
float slew_pos;
} // namespace ec