blob: ef0df1463f615cedff4fb9a4fe0ad01dbc946619 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "pid.hpp"
namespace ec
* clamp
static float clamp(float x, float min, float max)
if (x < min)
return min;
else if (x > max)
return max;
return x;
* pid code
* Note: Codes assumes the ts field is non-zero
float pid(pid_info_t* pidinfoptr, float input, float setpoint)
float error;
float p_term = 0.0f;
float i_term = 0.0f;
float ff_term = 0.0f;
float output;
// calculate P, I, D, FF
// Pid
error = setpoint - input;
p_term = pidinfoptr->p_c * error;
// pId
if (0.0f != pidinfoptr->i_c)
i_term = pidinfoptr->integral;
i_term += error * pidinfoptr->i_c * pidinfoptr->ts;
i_term = clamp(i_term, pidinfoptr->i_lim.min, pidinfoptr->i_lim.max);
// FF
ff_term = (setpoint + pidinfoptr->ff_off) * pidinfoptr->ff_gain;
output = p_term + i_term + ff_term;
output = clamp(output, pidinfoptr->out_lim.min, pidinfoptr->out_lim.max);
// slew rate
// TODO(aarena) - Simplify logic as Andy suggested by creating dynamic
// out_lim_min/max that are affected by slew rate control and just clamping
// to those instead of effectively clamping twice.
if (pidinfoptr->initialized)
if (pidinfoptr->slew_neg != 0.0f)
// Don't decrease too fast
float min_out =
pidinfoptr->last_output + pidinfoptr->slew_neg * pidinfoptr->ts;
if (output < min_out)
output = min_out;
if (pidinfoptr->slew_pos != 0.0f)
// Don't increase too fast
float max_out =
pidinfoptr->last_output + pidinfoptr->slew_pos * pidinfoptr->ts;
if (output > max_out)
output = max_out;
if (pidinfoptr->slew_neg != 0.0f || pidinfoptr->slew_pos != 0.0f)
// Back calculate integral term for the cases where we limited the
// output
i_term = output - p_term;
// Clamp again because having limited the output may result in a
// larger integral term
i_term = clamp(i_term, pidinfoptr->i_lim.min, pidinfoptr->i_lim.max);
pidinfoptr->integral = i_term;
pidinfoptr->initialized = true;
pidinfoptr->last_output = output;
return output;
} // namespace ec