blob: 3549c8d354f817866fbd8c5cdfbbbecc280a06d5 [file] [log] [blame]
0x01: /* zone ID */
fan2-6: /* PID name */
type: fan /* Type of PID, fan, temp, or margin. */
inputs: /* Sensor names that are inputs for the PID */
/* For temp/margin PIDs this is the set-point, ignored otherwise (float) */
set-point: 90.0
pid: /* The PID calculation configuration. */
sampleperiod: 0.1 /* The input sample period. (float) */
p_coefficient: 0.01 /* The proportional coefficient. (float) */
i_coefficient: 0.001 /* The integral coefficient. (float) */
/* The feed-forward offset coefficient. (float) */
ff_off_coefficient: 0.0
/* The feed-forward gain coefficient. (float) */
ff_gain_coefficient: 0.0
i_limit: /* The integral limit clamp, min, max (float) */
min: 0
max: 100
out_limit: /* the PID output clamp, min, max (float) */
min: 0
max: 100
slew_neg: -100 /* The slew negative value. (float) */
slew_pos: 0 /* The slew positive value. (float) */