blob: 5c568787e49656ff79794d0f68b5ad1922abb2db [file] [log] [blame]
# shim system-level operations to allow for unit testing
function MkDir() { mkdir "$@"; }
function Mv() { mv "$@"; }
function Sleep() { sleep "$@"; }
function SystemCtl() { systemctl "$@"; }
# Store commanded rpm as thermal set-point.
# Arg:
# rpm - rpm set-point.
function CommandRpm() {
printf '%d\n' "$1" > /etc/thermal.d/set-point
# Sweep or step rpm over range.
# Args:
# start_rpm: start RPM value
# stop_rpm: stop RPM value
# num_steps: number of control steps; i.e., not including start.
# dwell: dwell time at each point, in seconds
function RunRpmSteps() {
local -i start_rpm=$1
local -i stop_rpm=$2
local -i num_steps=$3
local -i dwell=$4
# Rounding offset when dividing range into num_steps
local -i h=$((num_steps / 2))
# To avoid asymmetrical division behavior for negative numbers,
# rearrange negative slope to positive slope running backward;
# I.e., to run using loop variable p: {num_steps downto 0}.
local -i rpm0=$((start_rpm))
local -i range=$((stop_rpm - start_rpm))
local -i s=1
if ((range < 0)); then
((rpm0 = stop_rpm))
((range = -range))
((s = -1))
echo "Running RPM from ${start_rpm} to ${stop_rpm} in ${num_steps} steps"
CommandRpm "${start_rpm}"
SystemCtl start phosphor-pid-control.service
Sleep 60
local i
for ((i = 0; i <= num_steps; ++i)); do
local -i p=$((s < 0 ? num_steps - i : i))
local -i rpm=$((rpm0 + (range * p + h) / num_steps))
echo "Setting RPM to ${rpm} and sleep ${dwell} seconds"
CommandRpm "${rpm}"
Sleep "${dwell}"
SystemCtl stop phosphor-pid-control.service
Mv /tmp/swampd.log ~/"${start_rpm}_${stop_rpm}_${num_steps}_${dwell}.csv"
echo "Done!!"
# Sweep and step fans from min to max and max to min.
# Args:
# min_rpm: min RPM for the platform
# max_rpm: max RPM for the platform
function main() {
local min_rpm=$1
local max_rpm=$2
if ((min_rpm < 1 || max_rpm < min_rpm)); then
echo "Invalid arguments. Usage: <MIN_RPM> <MAX_RPM>"
return 1
MkDir -p /etc/thermal.d/
SystemCtl stop phosphor-pid-control.service
RunRpmSteps "${min_rpm}" "${max_rpm}" 10 30
RunRpmSteps "${max_rpm}" "${min_rpm}" 10 30
RunRpmSteps "${min_rpm}" "${max_rpm}" 1 30
RunRpmSteps "${max_rpm}" "${min_rpm}" 1 30
if [ "$0" = "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" ]; then
# not sourced, execute main function
main "$@"