blob: 7e9daf694ad4c88e47fac22192567ead95e5c7c1 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <sdbusplus/bus/match.hpp>
#include <sdeventplus/event.hpp>
#include <sdeventplus/utility/timer.hpp>
namespace phosphor
namespace power
namespace manager
* @class PSUManager
* This class will create an object used to manage and monitor a list of power
* supply devices.
class PSUManager
PSUManager() = delete;
~PSUManager() = default;
PSUManager(const PSUManager&) = delete;
PSUManager& operator=(const PSUManager&) = delete;
PSUManager(PSUManager&&) = delete;
PSUManager& operator=(PSUManager&&) = delete;
* Constructor
* @param[in] bus - D-Bus bus object
* @param[in] e - event object
* @param[in] i - polling interval in milliseconds
PSUManager(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const sdeventplus::Event& e,
std::chrono::milliseconds i) :
timer(e, std::bind(&PSUManager::analyze, this), i)
* Initializes the manager.
* Get current BMC state, ...
void initialize()
* Starts the timer to start monitoring the list of devices.
int run()
return timer.get_event().loop();
* This function will be called in various situations in order to clear
* any fault status bits that may have been set, in order to start over
* with a clean state. Presence changes and power state changes will want
* to clear any faults logged.
void clearFaults()
* The D-Bus object
sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus;
* The timer that runs to periodically check the power supplies.
sdeventplus::utility::Timer<sdeventplus::ClockId::Monotonic> timer;
* Analyze the status of each of the power supplies.
void analyze()
/** @brief True if the power is on. */
bool powerOn = false;
/** @brief Used to subscribe to D-Bus power on state changes */
std::unique_ptr<sdbusplus::bus::match_t> powerOnMatch;
* @brief Updates the poweredOn status by querying D-Bus
* The D-Bus property for the system power state will be read to determine
* if the system is powered on or not.
void updatePowerState();
* @brief Callback for power state property changes
* Process changes to the powered on state property for the system.
* @param[in] msg - Data associated with the power state signal
void powerStateChanged(sdbusplus::message::message& msg);
* @brief Adds properties to the inventory.
* Reads the values from the devices and writes them to the associated
* power supply D-Bus inventory objects.
* This needs to be done on startup, and each time the presence state
* changes.
void updateInventory();
} // namespace manager
} // namespace power
} // namespace phosphor