blob: 30fbf7480b65242140573526d54bc5ff90b85843 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "pmbus.hpp"
#include "types.hpp"
#include "utility.hpp"
#include <sdbusplus/bus/match.hpp>
namespace phosphor::power::psu
* @class PowerSupply
* Represents a PMBus power supply device.
class PowerSupply
PowerSupply() = delete;
PowerSupply(const PowerSupply&) = delete;
PowerSupply(PowerSupply&&) = delete;
PowerSupply& operator=(const PowerSupply&) = delete;
PowerSupply& operator=(PowerSupply&&) = delete;
~PowerSupply() = default;
* @param[in] invpath - String for inventory path to use
* @param[in] i2cbus - The bus number this power supply is on
* @param[in] i2caddr - The 16-bit I2C address of the power supply
PowerSupply(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const std::string& invpath,
std::uint8_t i2cbus, const std::string& i2caddr) :
pmbusIntf(phosphor::pmbus::createPMBus(i2cbus, i2caddr))
// Setup the functions to call when the D-Bus inventory path for the
// Present property changes.
presentMatch = std::make_unique<sdbusplus::bus::match_t>(
[this](auto& msg) { this->inventoryChanged(msg); });
presentAddedMatch = std::make_unique<sdbusplus::bus::match_t>(
sdbusplus::bus::match::rules::interfacesAdded() +
[this](auto& msg) { this->inventoryChanged(msg); });
// Get the current state of the Present property.
phosphor::pmbus::PMBusBase& getPMBus()
return *pmbusIntf;
* Power supply specific function to analyze for faults/errors.
* Various PMBus status bits will be checked for fault conditions.
* If a certain fault bits are on, the appropriate error will be
* committed.
void analyze();
* This function will be called in various situations in order to clear
* any fault status bits that may have been set, in order to start over
* with a clean state. Presence changes and power state changes will
* want to clear any faults logged.
void clearFaults()
faultFound = false;
inputFault = false;
mfrFault = false;
vinUVFault = false;
* @brief Adds properties to the inventory.
* Reads the values from the device and writes them to the
* associated power supply D-Bus inventory object.
* This needs to be done on startup, and each time the presence
* state changes.
* Properties added:
* - Serial Number
* - Part Number
* - CCIN (Customer Card Identification Number) - added as the Model
* - Firmware version
void updateInventory()
* @brief Accessor function to indicate present status
bool isPresent() const
return present;
* @brief Returns true if a fault was found.
bool isFaulted() const
return faultFound;
* @brief Returns true if INPUT fault occurred.
bool hasInputFault() const
return inputFault;
* @brief Returns true if MFRSPECIFIC occurred.
bool hasMFRFault() const
return mfrFault;
* @brief Returns true if VIN_UV_FAULT occurred.
bool hasVINUVFault() const
return vinUVFault;
/** @brief systemd bus member */
sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus;
/** @brief True if a fault has already been found and not cleared */
bool faultFound = false;
/** @brief True if bit 5 of STATUS_WORD high byte is on. */
bool inputFault = false;
/** @brief True if bit 4 of STATUS_WORD high byte is on. */
bool mfrFault = false;
/** @brief True if bit 3 of STATUS_WORD low byte is on. */
bool vinUVFault = false;
* @brief D-Bus path to use for this power supply's inventory status.
std::string inventoryPath;
/** @brief True if the power supply is present. */
bool present = false;
/** @brief D-Bus match variable used to subscribe to Present property
* changes.
std::unique_ptr<sdbusplus::bus::match_t> presentMatch;
/** @brief D-Bus match variable used to subscribe for Present property
* interface added.
std::unique_ptr<sdbusplus::bus::match_t> presentAddedMatch;
* @brief Pointer to the PMBus interface
* Used to read or write to/from PMBus power supply devices.
std::unique_ptr<phosphor::pmbus::PMBusBase> pmbusIntf;
* @brief Updates the presence status by querying D-Bus
* The D-Bus inventory properties for this power supply will be read to
* determine if the power supply is present or not and update this
* object's present member variable to reflect current status.
void updatePresence();
* @brief Callback for inventory property changes
* Process change of Present property for power supply.
* @param[in] msg - Data associated with Present change signal
void inventoryChanged(sdbusplus::message::message& msg);
} // namespace phosphor::power::psu