blob: d0466eb0b57103ee9d4cf3af579170aa3984d21e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright © 2019 IBM Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "configuration.hpp"
#include "i2c_interface.hpp"
#include "id_map.hpp"
#include "presence_detection.hpp"
#include "rail.hpp"
#include "services.hpp"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace phosphor::power::regulators
// Forward declarations to avoid circular dependencies
class Chassis;
class System;
* @class Device
* A hardware device, such as a voltage regulator or I/O expander.
class Device
// Specify which compiler-generated methods we want
Device() = delete;
Device(const Device&) = delete;
Device(Device&&) = delete;
Device& operator=(const Device&) = delete;
Device& operator=(Device&&) = delete;
~Device() = default;
* Constructor.
* @param id unique device ID
* @param isRegulator indicates whether this device is a voltage regulator
* @param fru Field-Replaceable Unit (FRU) for this device
* @param i2cInterface I2C interface to this device
* @param presenceDetection presence detection for this device, if any
* @param configuration configuration changes to apply to this device, if
* any
* @param rails voltage rails produced by this device, if any
explicit Device(
const std::string& id, bool isRegulator, const std::string& fru,
std::unique_ptr<i2c::I2CInterface> i2cInterface,
std::unique_ptr<PresenceDetection> presenceDetection = nullptr,
std::unique_ptr<Configuration> configuration = nullptr,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Rail>> rails =
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Rail>>{}) :
isRegulatorDevice{isRegulator}, fru{fru},
i2cInterface{std::move(i2cInterface)}, presenceDetection{std::move(
configuration{std::move(configuration)}, rails{std::move(rails)}
* Adds this Device object to the specified IDMap.
* Also adds any Rail objects in this Device to the IDMap.
* @param idMap mapping from IDs to the associated Device/Rail/Rule objects
void addToIDMap(IDMap& idMap);
* Closes this device.
* Closes any interfaces that are open to this device. Releases any other
* operating system resources associated with this device.
void close();
* Configure this device.
* Applies the configuration changes that are defined for this device, if
* any.
* Also configures the voltage rails produced by this device, if any.
* This method should be called during the boot before regulators are
* enabled.
* @param services system services like error logging and the journal
* @param system system that contains the chassis
* @param chassis chassis that contains this device
void configure(Services& services, System& system, Chassis& chassis);
* Returns the configuration changes to apply to this device, if any.
* @return Pointer to Configuration object. Will equal nullptr if no
* configuration changes are defined for this device.
const std::unique_ptr<Configuration>& getConfiguration() const
return configuration;
* Returns the Field-Replaceable Unit (FRU) for this device.
* Returns the D-Bus inventory path of the FRU. If the device itself is not
* a FRU, returns the FRU that contains the device.
* @return FRU for this device
const std::string& getFRU() const
return fru;
* Returns the I2C interface to this device.
* @return I2C interface to device
i2c::I2CInterface& getI2CInterface()
return *i2cInterface;
* Returns the unique ID of this device.
* @return device ID
const std::string& getID() const
return id;
* Returns the presence detection for this device, if any.
* @return Pointer to PresenceDetection object. Will equal nullptr if no
* presence detection is defined for this device.
const std::unique_ptr<PresenceDetection>& getPresenceDetection() const
return presenceDetection;
* Returns the voltage rails produced by this device, if any.
* @return voltage rails
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Rail>>& getRails() const
return rails;
* Returns whether this device is a voltage regulator.
* @return true if device is a voltage regulator, false otherwise
bool isRegulator() const
return isRegulatorDevice;
* Monitors the sensors for the voltage rails produced by this device, if
* any.
* This method should be called once per second.
* @param services system services like error logging and the journal
* @param system system that contains the chassis
* @param chassis chassis that contains the device
void monitorSensors(Services& services, System& system, Chassis& chassis);
* Unique ID of this device.
const std::string id{};
* Indicates whether this device is a voltage regulator.
const bool isRegulatorDevice{false};
* Field-Replaceable Unit (FRU) for this device.
* Set to the D-Bus inventory path of the FRU. If the device itself is not
* a FRU, set to the FRU that contains the device.
const std::string fru{};
* I2C interface to this device.
std::unique_ptr<i2c::I2CInterface> i2cInterface{};
* Presence detection for this device, if any. Set to nullptr if no
* presence detection is defined for this device.
std::unique_ptr<PresenceDetection> presenceDetection{};
* Configuration changes to apply to this device, if any. Set to nullptr if
* no configuration changes are defined for this device.
std::unique_ptr<Configuration> configuration{};
* Voltage rails produced by this device, if any. Vector is empty if no
* voltage rails are defined for this device.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Rail>> rails{};
} // namespace phosphor::power::regulators