blob: abfa4f5615bcb060b7da3e668062de68426fbabf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright © 2020 IBM Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "action.hpp"
#include "chassis.hpp"
#include "i2c_write_bit_action.hpp"
#include "i2c_write_byte_action.hpp"
#include "pmbus_write_vout_command_action.hpp"
#include "rule.hpp"
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <cstdint>
#include <filesystem>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
namespace phosphor::power::regulators::config_file_parser
* Parses the specified JSON configuration file.
* Returns the corresponding C++ Rule and Chassis objects.
* Throws a ConfigFileParserError if an error occurs.
* @param pathName configuration file path name
* @return tuple containing vectors of Rule and Chassis objects
parse(const std::filesystem::path& pathName);
* Internal implementation details for parse()
namespace internal
* Returns the specified property of the specified JSON element.
* Throws an invalid_argument exception if the property does not exist.
* @param element JSON element
* @param property property name
inline const nlohmann::json& getRequiredProperty(const nlohmann::json& element,
const std::string& property)
auto it = element.find(property);
if (it == element.end())
throw std::invalid_argument{"Required property missing: " + property};
return *it;
* Parses a JSON element containing an action.
* Returns the corresponding C++ Action object.
* Throws an exception if parsing fails.
* @param element JSON element
* @return Action object
std::unique_ptr<Action> parseAction(const nlohmann::json& element);
* Parses a JSON element containing an array of actions.
* Returns the corresponding C++ Action objects.
* Throws an exception if parsing fails.
* @param element JSON element
* @return vector of Action objects
parseActionArray(const nlohmann::json& element);
* Parses a JSON element containing a bit position (from 0-7).
* Returns the corresponding C++ uint8_t value.
* Throws an exception if parsing fails.
* @param element JSON element
* @return uint8_t value
inline uint8_t parseBitPosition(const nlohmann::json& element)
// Verify element contains an integer
if (!element.is_number_integer())
throw std::invalid_argument{"Element is not an integer"};
int value = element;
if ((value < 0) || (value > 7))
throw std::invalid_argument{"Element is not a bit position"};
return static_cast<uint8_t>(value);
* Parses a JSON element containing a bit value (0 or 1).
* Returns the corresponding C++ uint8_t value.
* Throws an exception if parsing fails.
* @param element JSON element
* @return uint8_t value
inline uint8_t parseBitValue(const nlohmann::json& element)
// Verify element contains an integer
if (!element.is_number_integer())
throw std::invalid_argument{"Element is not an integer"};
int value = element;
if ((value < 0) || (value > 1))
throw std::invalid_argument{"Element is not a bit value"};
return static_cast<uint8_t>(value);
* Parses a JSON element containing a boolean.
* Returns the corresponding C++ boolean value.
* Throws an exception if parsing fails.
* @param element JSON element
* @return boolean value
inline bool parseBoolean(const nlohmann::json& element)
// Verify element contains a boolean
if (!element.is_boolean())
throw std::invalid_argument{"Element is not a boolean"};
return element.get<bool>();
* Parses a JSON element containing an array of chassis.
* Returns the corresponding C++ Chassis objects.
* Throws an exception if parsing fails.
* @param element JSON element
* @return vector of Chassis objects
parseChassisArray(const nlohmann::json& element);
* Parses a JSON element containing a double (floating point number).
* Returns the corresponding C++ double value.
* Throws an exception if parsing fails.
* @param element JSON element
* @return double value
inline double parseDouble(const nlohmann::json& element)
// Verify element contains a number (integer or floating point)
if (!element.is_number())
throw std::invalid_argument{"Element is not a number"};
return element.get<double>();
* Parses a JSON element containing an i2c_write_bit action.
* Returns the corresponding C++ I2CWriteBitAction object.
* Throws an exception if parsing fails.
* @param element JSON element
* @return I2CWriteBitAction object
parseI2CWriteBit(const nlohmann::json& element);
* Parses a JSON element containing an i2c_write_byte action.
* Returns the corresponding C++ I2CWriteByteAction object.
* Throws an exception if parsing fails.
* @param element JSON element
* @return I2CWriteByteAction object
parseI2CWriteByte(const nlohmann::json& element);
* Parses a JSON element containing an 8-bit signed integer.
* Returns the corresponding C++ int8_t value.
* Throws an exception if parsing fails.
* @param element JSON element
* @return int8_t value
inline int8_t parseInt8(const nlohmann::json& element)
// Verify element contains an integer
if (!element.is_number_integer())
throw std::invalid_argument{"Element is not an integer"};
int value = element;
if ((value < INT8_MIN) || (value > INT8_MAX))
throw std::invalid_argument{"Element is not an 8-bit signed integer"};
return static_cast<int8_t>(value);
* Parses a JSON element containing a pmbus_write_vout_command action.
* Returns the corresponding C++ PMBusWriteVoutCommandAction object.
* Throws an exception if parsing fails.
* @param element JSON element
* @return PMBusWriteVoutCommandAction object
parsePMBusWriteVoutCommand(const nlohmann::json& element);
* Parses the JSON root element of the entire configuration file.
* Returns the corresponding C++ Rule and Chassis objects.
* Throws an exception if parsing fails.
* @param element JSON element
* @return tuple containing vectors of Rule and Chassis objects
parseRoot(const nlohmann::json& element);
* Parses a JSON element containing a rule.
* Returns the corresponding C++ Rule object.
* Throws an exception if parsing fails.
* @param element JSON element
* @return Rule object
std::unique_ptr<Rule> parseRule(const nlohmann::json& element);
* Parses a JSON element containing an array of rules.
* Returns the corresponding C++ Rule objects.
* Throws an exception if parsing fails.
* @param element JSON element
* @return vector of Rule objects
parseRuleArray(const nlohmann::json& element);
* Parses a JSON element containing a string.
* Returns the corresponding C++ string.
* Throws an exception if parsing fails.
* @param element JSON element
* @param isEmptyValid indicates whether an empty string value is valid
* @return string value
inline std::string parseString(const nlohmann::json& element,
bool isEmptyValid = false)
if (!element.is_string())
throw std::invalid_argument{"Element is not a string"};
std::string value = element;
if (value.empty() && !isEmptyValid)
throw std::invalid_argument{"Element contains an empty string"};
return value;
* Parses a JSON element containing a hexadecimal string.
* Returns the corresponding C++ uint8_t value.
* Throws an exception if parsing fails.
* @param element JSON element
* @return uint8_t value
inline uint8_t parseStringToUint8(const nlohmann::json& element)
std::string value = parseString(element);
bool isHex = (, 2, "0x") == 0) && (value.size() > 2) &&
(value.size() < 5) &&
(value.find_first_not_of("0123456789abcdefABCDEF", 2) ==
if (!isHex)
throw std::invalid_argument{"Element is not hexadecimal string"};
return static_cast<uint8_t>(std::stoul(value, 0, 0));
* Parses a JSON element containing an 8-bit unsigned integer.
* Returns the corresponding C++ uint8_t value.
* Throws an exception if parsing fails.
* @param element JSON element
* @return uint8_t value
inline uint8_t parseUint8(const nlohmann::json& element)
// Verify element contains an integer
if (!element.is_number_integer())
throw std::invalid_argument{"Element is not an integer"};
int value = element;
if ((value < 0) || (value > UINT8_MAX))
throw std::invalid_argument{"Element is not an 8-bit unsigned integer"};
return static_cast<uint8_t>(value);
* Verifies that the specified JSON element is a JSON array.
* Throws an invalid_argument exception if the element is not an array.
* @param element JSON element
inline void verifyIsArray(const nlohmann::json& element)
if (!element.is_array())
throw std::invalid_argument{"Element is not an array"};
* Verifies that the specified JSON element is a JSON object.
* Throws an invalid_argument exception if the element is not an object.
* @param element JSON element
inline void verifyIsObject(const nlohmann::json& element)
if (!element.is_object())
throw std::invalid_argument{"Element is not an object"};
* Verifies that the specified JSON element contains the expected number of
* properties.
* Throws an invalid_argument exception if the element contains a different
* number of properties. This indicates the element contains an invalid
* property.
* @param element JSON element
* @param expectedCount expected number of properties in element
inline void verifyPropertyCount(const nlohmann::json& element,
unsigned int expectedCount)
if (element.size() != expectedCount)
throw std::invalid_argument{"Element contains an invalid property"};
} // namespace internal
} // namespace phosphor::power::regulators::config_file_parser