blob: 1bac68c2ed426ca6abf36bba2d9d6d5d5a27b6ba [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "power_interface.hpp"
#include "power_sequencer_monitor.hpp"
#include "utility.hpp"
#include <gpiod.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/bus/match.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/message.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/server/object.hpp>
#include <sdeventplus/clock.hpp>
#include <sdeventplus/event.hpp>
#include <sdeventplus/utility/timer.hpp>
#include <chrono>
namespace phosphor::power::sequencer
using PowerObject = sdbusplus::server::object::object<PowerInterface>;
* @class PowerControl
* This class implements GPIO control of power on / off, and monitoring of the
* chassis power good.
class PowerControl : public PowerObject
PowerControl() = delete;
PowerControl(const PowerControl&) = delete;
PowerControl& operator=(const PowerControl&) = delete;
PowerControl(PowerControl&&) = delete;
PowerControl& operator=(PowerControl&&) = delete;
~PowerControl() = default;
* Creates a controller object for power on and off.
* @param[in] bus D-Bus bus object
* @param[in] event event object
PowerControl(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const sdeventplus::Event& event);
/** @copydoc PowerInterface::getPgood() */
int getPgood() const override;
/** @copydoc PowerInterface::getPgoodTimeout() */
int getPgoodTimeout() const override;
/** @copydoc PowerInterface::getState() */
int getState() const override;
* Callback function to handle interfacesAdded D-Bus signals
* @param msg Expanded sdbusplus message data
void interfacesAddedHandler(sdbusplus::message::message& msg);
/** @copydoc PowerInterface::setPgoodTimeout() */
void setPgoodTimeout(int timeout) override;
/** @copydoc PowerInterface::setState() */
void setState(int state) override;
/** @copydoc PowerInterface::setPowerSupplyError() */
void setPowerSupplyError(const std::string& error) override;
* The D-Bus bus object
sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus;
* The power sequencer device to monitor.
std::unique_ptr<PowerSequencerMonitor> device{
* Indicates if a specific power sequencer device has already been found.
bool deviceFound{false};
* Indicates if a state transistion is taking place
bool inStateTransition{false};
* The match to Entity Manager interfaces added.
sdbusplus::bus::match_t match;
* Power good
int pgood{0};
* GPIO line object for chassis power good
gpiod::line pgoodLine;
* Power good timeout constant
static constexpr std::chrono::seconds pgoodTimeout{
* Point in time at which power good timeout will take place
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> pgoodTimeoutTime;
* Poll interval constant
static constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds pollInterval{
* GPIO line object for power-on / power-off control
gpiod::line powerControlLine;
* Power supply error
std::string powerSupplyError;
* Power state
int state{0};
* Power good timeout
std::chrono::seconds timeout{pgoodTimeout};
* Timer to poll the pgood
sdeventplus::utility::Timer<sdeventplus::ClockId::Monotonic> timer;
* Get the device properties
* @param[in] properties A map of property names and values
void getDeviceProperties(util::DbusPropertyMap& properties);
* Polling method for monitoring the system power good
void pollPgood();
* Set up power sequencer device
void setUpDevice();
* Set up GPIOs
void setUpGpio();
} // namespace phosphor::power::sequencer