

A chassis within the system.

Chassis are large enclosures that can be independently powered off and on by the BMC. Small and mid-sized systems may contain a single chassis. In a large rack-mounted system, each drawer may correspond to a chassis.

A chassis only needs to be defined in the config file if it contains regulators that need to be configured or monitored.


commentsnoarray of stringsOne or more comment lines describing this chassis.
numberyesnumberChassis number within the system. Chassis numbers start at 1 because chassis 0 represents the entire system.
inventory_pathyesstringSpecify the relative D-Bus inventory path of the chassis. Full inventory paths begin with the root "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory". Specify the relative path below the root, such as "system/chassis".
devicesnoarray of devicesOne or more devices within the chassis. The array should contain regulator devices and any related devices required to perform regulator operations.


  "comments": [ "Chassis number 1 containing CPUs and memory" ],
  "number": 1,
  "inventory_path": "system/chassis",
  "devices": [
      "id": "vdd_regulator",
      ... details omitted ...
      "id": "vio_regulator",
      ... details omitted ...