

A hardware device within the chassis.

The following devices should be defined in the config file:

  • Voltage regulators that require configuration or monitoring.
  • Other devices that are required to configure or monitor regulators. For example, an I/O expander may provide necessary information about a regulator.


commentsnoarray of stringsOne or more comment lines describing this device.
idyesstringUnique ID for this device. Can only contain letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), and underscore (_).
is_regulatoryesboolean (true or false)Indicates whether this device is a voltage regulator (phase controller).
fruyesstringField-Replaceable Unit (FRU) for this device. If the device itself is not a FRU, specify the FRU that contains it. Specify the relative D-Bus inventory path of the FRU. Full inventory paths begin with the root "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory". Specify the relative path below the root, such as "system/chassis/motherboard/regulator2".
i2c_interfaceyesi2c_interfaceI2C interface to this device.
presence_detectionnopresence_detectionSpecifies how to detect whether this device is present. If this property is not specified, the device is assumed to always be present.
configurationnoconfigurationSpecifies configuration changes that should be applied to this device. These changes usually override hardware default settings. The configuration changes are applied during the boot before regulators are enabled.
phase_fault_detectionnophase_fault_detectionSpecifies how to detect and log redundant phase faults in this voltage regulator. Can only be specified if the "is_regulator" property is true.
railsnoarray of railsOne or more voltage rails produced by this device. Can only be specified if the "is_regulator" property is true.


  "comments": [ "IR35221 regulator producing the Vdd rail" ],
  "id": "vdd_regulator",
  "is_regulator": true,
  "fru": "system/chassis/motherboard/regulator2",
  "i2c_interface": {
    "bus": 1,
    "address": "0x70"
  "configuration": {
    "rule_id": "configure_ir35221_rule"
  "rails": [
      "id": "vdd",
      ... details omitted ...