blob: ef1e7f3a929c21360d2b46664c367860becb989c [file] [log] [blame]
#include "../power_supply.hpp"
#include "mock.hpp"
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Common/Device/error.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Common/error.hpp>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
using namespace phosphor::power::psu;
using namespace phosphor::pmbus;
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::Args;
using ::testing::Assign;
using ::testing::DoAll;
using ::testing::ElementsAre;
using ::testing::IsNan;
using ::testing::NotNull;
using ::testing::Return;
using ::testing::StrEq;
static auto PSUInventoryPath = "/xyz/bmc/inv/sys/chassis/board/powersupply0";
static auto PSUGPIOLineName = "presence-ps0";
static auto isPowerOn = []() { return true; };
struct PMBusExpectations
uint16_t statusWordValue{0x0000};
uint8_t statusInputValue{0x00};
uint8_t statusMFRValue{0x00};
uint8_t statusCMLValue{0x00};
uint8_t statusVOUTValue{0x00};
uint8_t statusIOUTValue{0x00};
uint8_t statusFans12Value{0x00};
uint8_t statusTempValue{0x00};
// Helper function to setup expectations for various STATUS_* commands
void setPMBusExpectations(MockedPMBus& mockPMBus,
const PMBusExpectations& expectations)
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, read(STATUS_WORD, _, _))
if (expectations.statusWordValue != 0)
// If fault bits are on in STATUS_WORD, there will also be a read of
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, read(STATUS_INPUT, _, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, read(STATUS_MFR, _, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, read(STATUS_CML, _, _))
// Page will need to be set to 0 to read STATUS_VOUT.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, insertPageNum(STATUS_VOUT, 0))
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, read("status0_vout", _, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, read(STATUS_IOUT, _, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, read(STATUS_FANS_1_2, _, _))
// Default max/peak is 213W
ON_CALL(mockPMBus, readBinary(INPUT_HISTORY, Type::HwmonDeviceDebug, 5))
Return(std::vector<uint8_t>{0x01, 0x5c, 0xf3, 0x54, 0xf3}));
class PowerSupplyTests : public ::testing::Test
PowerSupplyTests() :
mockedUtil(reinterpret_cast<const MockedUtil&>(getUtils()))
ON_CALL(mockedUtil, getPresence(_, _)).WillByDefault(Return(false));
~PowerSupplyTests() override
const MockedUtil& mockedUtil;
// Helper function for when a power supply goes from missing to present.
void setMissingToPresentExpects(MockedPMBus& pmbus, const MockedUtil& util)
// Call to analyze() will update to present, that will trigger updating
// to the correct/latest HWMON directory, in case it changes.
EXPECT_CALL(pmbus, findHwmonDir());
// Presence change from missing to present will trigger write to
EXPECT_CALL(pmbus, writeBinary(ON_OFF_CONFIG, _, _));
// Presence change from missing to present will trigger in1_input read
// in an attempt to get CLEAR_FAULTS called.
// This READ_VIN for CLEAR_FAULTS does not check the returned value.
EXPECT_CALL(pmbus, read(READ_VIN, _, _)).Times(1).WillOnce(Return(1));
// The call for clearing faults includes clearing VIN_UV fault.
// The voltage defaults to 0, the first call to analyze should update the
// voltage to the current reading, triggering clearing VIN_UV fault(s)
// due to below minimum to within range voltage.
EXPECT_CALL(pmbus, read("in1_lcrit_alarm", _, _))
// Missing/present call will update Presence in inventory.
EXPECT_CALL(util, setPresence(_, _, true, _));
TEST_F(PowerSupplyTests, Constructor)
* @param[in] invpath - String for inventory path to use
* @param[in] i2cbus - The bus number this power supply is on
* @param[in] i2caddr - The 16-bit I2C address of the power supply
* @param[in] gpioLineName - The string for the gpio-line-name to read for
* presence.
* @param[in] bindDelay - Time in milliseconds to delay binding the device
* driver after seeing the presence line go active.
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
// Try where inventory path is empty, constructor should fail.
auto psu = std::make_unique<PowerSupply>(bus, "", 3, 0x68, "ibm-cffps",
PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn);
ADD_FAILURE() << "Should not have reached this line.";
catch (const std::invalid_argument& e)
EXPECT_STREQ(e.what(), "Invalid empty inventoryPath");
catch (...)
ADD_FAILURE() << "Should not have caught exception.";
// TODO: Try invalid i2c address?
// Try where gpioLineName is empty.
auto psu = std::make_unique<PowerSupply>(bus, PSUInventoryPath, 3, 0x68,
"ibm-cffps", "", isPowerOn);
<< "Should not have reached this line. Invalid gpioLineName.";
catch (const std::invalid_argument& e)
EXPECT_STREQ(e.what(), "Invalid empty gpioLineName");
catch (...)
ADD_FAILURE() << "Should not have caught exception.";
// Test with valid arguments
// NOT using D-Bus inventory path for presence.
auto psu = std::make_unique<PowerSupply>(
bus, PSUInventoryPath, 3, 0x68, "ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName,
EXPECT_EQ(psu->isPresent(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu->isFaulted(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu->hasCommFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu->hasInputFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu->hasMFRFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu->hasVINUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu->hasVoutOVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu->hasIoutOCFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu->hasVoutUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu->hasFanFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu->hasTempFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu->hasPgoodFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu->hasPSKillFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu->hasPS12VcsFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu->hasPSCS12VFault(), false);
catch (...)
ADD_FAILURE() << "Should not have caught exception.";
// Test with valid arguments
// TODO: Using D-Bus inventory path for presence.
// FIXME: How do I get that in the startup to throw
// an exception?
// EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, getPresence(_,
// StrEq(PSUInventoryPath)))
// .Times(1);
catch (...)
ADD_FAILURE() << "Should not have caught exception.";
TEST_F(PowerSupplyTests, Analyze)
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
// If I default to reading the GPIO, I will NOT expect a call to
// getPresence().
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 4, 0x69,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).Times(1).WillOnce(Return(0));
// By default, nothing should change.
EXPECT_EQ(psu.isPresent(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.isFaulted(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasInputFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasMFRFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVINUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasCommFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVoutOVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasIoutOCFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVoutUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasFanFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasTempFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPgoodFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSKillFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPS12VcsFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSCS12VFault(), false);
PowerSupply psu2{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 5, 0x6a,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
// In order to get the various faults tested, the power supply needs to
// be present in order to read from the PMBus device(s).
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO2 =
// Always return 1 to indicate present.
// Each analyze() call will trigger a read of the presence GPIO.
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO2, read()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isPresent(), false);
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu2.getPMBus());
setMissingToPresentExpects(mockPMBus, mockedUtil);
// Missing/present will trigger attempt to setup INPUT_HISTORY. Setup
// for INPUT_HISTORY will check max_power_out to see if it is
// old/unsupported power supply. Indicate good value, supported.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(MFR_POUT_MAX, _))
// Start with STATUS_WORD 0x0000. Powered on, no faults.
// Set expectations for a no fault
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// After reading STATUS_WORD, etc., there will be a READ_VIN check.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isPresent(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isFaulted(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasInputFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasMFRFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVINUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasCommFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVoutOVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasIoutOCFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVoutUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasFanFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasTempFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPgoodFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPSKillFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPS12VcsFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPSCS12VFault(), false);
// Update expectations for STATUS_WORD input fault/warn
// STATUS_INPUT fault bits ... on.
expectations.statusWordValue = (status_word::INPUT_FAULT_WARN);
// IIN_OC fault.
expectations.statusInputValue = 0x04;
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isPresent(), true);
// Should not be faulted until it reaches the deglitch limit.
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isFaulted(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasInputFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasMFRFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVINUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasCommFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVoutOVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasIoutOCFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVoutUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasFanFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasTempFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPgoodFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPSKillFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPS12VcsFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPSCS12VFault(), false);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, read(READ_VIN, _, _)).Times(1).WillOnce(Return(1));
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, read("in1_lcrit_alarm", _, _))
// First need it to return good status, then the fault
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isFaulted(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasInputFault(), false);
// Now set fault bits in STATUS_WORD
expectations.statusWordValue =
(status_word::INPUT_FAULT_WARN | status_word::VIN_UV_FAULT);
// STATUS_INPUT fault bits ... on.
expectations.statusInputValue = 0x18;
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Input/UV fault, so voltage should read back low.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isPresent(), true);
// Only faulted if hit deglitch limit
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isFaulted(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasInputFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasMFRFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasCommFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVoutOVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasIoutOCFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVoutUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasFanFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasTempFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPgoodFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPSKillFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPS12VcsFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPSCS12VFault(), false);
// Turning VIN_UV fault off causes clearing of faults, causing read of
// in1_input as an attempt to get CLEAR_FAULTS called.
expectations.statusWordValue = 0;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// The call to read the voltage
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
// The call to clear VIN_UV/Off fault(s)
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, read("in1_lcrit_alarm", _, _))
// Should remain present, no longer be faulted, no input fault, no
// VIN_UV fault. Nothing else should change.
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isPresent(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isFaulted(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasInputFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVINUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, read(READ_VIN, _, _)).Times(1).WillOnce(Return(1));
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, read("in1_lcrit_alarm", _, _))
// First need it to return good status, then the fault
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
// Now STATUS_WORD with MFR fault bit on.
expectations.statusWordValue = (status_word::MFR_SPECIFIC_FAULT);
// STATUS_MFR bits on.
expectations.statusMFRValue = 0xFF;
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isPresent(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isFaulted(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasInputFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasMFRFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPSKillFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPS12VcsFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPSCS12VFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVINUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasCommFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVoutOVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasIoutOCFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVoutUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasFanFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasTempFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPgoodFault(), false);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, read(READ_VIN, _, _)).Times(1).WillOnce(Return(1));
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, read("in1_lcrit_alarm", _, _))
// Temperature fault.
// First STATUS_WORD with no bits set, then with temperature fault.
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
// STATUS_WORD with temperature fault bit on.
expectations.statusWordValue = (status_word::TEMPERATURE_FAULT_WARN);
// STATUS_TEMPERATURE with fault bit(s) on.
expectations.statusTempValue = 0x10;
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isPresent(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isFaulted(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasInputFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasMFRFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVINUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasCommFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVoutOVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasIoutOCFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVoutUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasFanFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasTempFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPgoodFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPSKillFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPS12VcsFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPSCS12VFault(), false);
// VOUT_OV_FAULT fault
// First STATUS_WORD with no bits set, then with VOUT/VOUT_OV fault.
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
expectations.statusWordValue =
((status_word::VOUT_FAULT) | (status_word::VOUT_OV_FAULT));
// Turn on STATUS_VOUT fault bit(s)
expectations.statusVOUTValue = 0xA0;
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
// STATUS_TEMPERATURE don't care (default)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isPresent(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isFaulted(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasInputFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasMFRFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVINUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasCommFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVoutOVFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVoutUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasIoutOCFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasFanFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasTempFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPgoodFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPSKillFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPS12VcsFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPSCS12VFault(), false);
// IOUT_OC_FAULT fault
// First STATUS_WORD with no bits set, then with IOUT_OC fault.
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
// STATUS_WORD with IOUT_OC fault.
expectations.statusWordValue = status_word::IOUT_OC_FAULT;
// Turn on STATUS_IOUT fault bit(s)
expectations.statusIOUTValue = 0x88;
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isPresent(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isFaulted(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasInputFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasMFRFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVINUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasCommFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVoutOVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasIoutOCFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVoutUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasFanFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasTempFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPgoodFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPSKillFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPS12VcsFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPSCS12VFault(), false);
// First STATUS_WORD with no bits set, then with VOUT fault.
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
// Change STATUS_WORD to indicate VOUT fault.
expectations.statusWordValue = (status_word::VOUT_FAULT);
// Turn on STATUS_VOUT fault bit(s)
expectations.statusVOUTValue = 0x30;
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isPresent(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isFaulted(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasInputFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasMFRFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVINUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasCommFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVoutOVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasIoutOCFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVoutUVFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasFanFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasTempFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPgoodFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPSKillFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPS12VcsFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPSCS12VFault(), false);
// Fan fault
// First STATUS_WORD with no bits set, then with fan fault.
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
expectations.statusWordValue = (status_word::FAN_FAULT);
// STATUS_FANS_1_2 with fan 1 warning & fault bits on.
expectations.statusFans12Value = 0xA0;
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isPresent(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isFaulted(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasFanFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasInputFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasMFRFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVINUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasCommFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVoutOVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasIoutOCFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVoutUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasTempFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPgoodFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPSKillFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPS12VcsFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPSCS12VFault(), false);
// PGOOD/OFF fault. Deglitched, needs to reach DEGLITCH_LIMIT.
// First STATUS_WORD with no bits set.
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isFaulted(), false);
// POWER_GOOD# inactive, and OFF bit on.
expectations.statusWordValue =
((status_word::POWER_GOOD_NEGATED) | (status_word::UNIT_IS_OFF));
for (auto x = 1; x <= PGOOD_DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
// STATUS_TEMPERATURE: Don't care if bits set or not (defaults).
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isPresent(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.isFaulted(), x >= PGOOD_DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasInputFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasMFRFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVINUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasCommFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVoutOVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasVoutUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasIoutOCFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasFanFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasTempFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu2.hasPgoodFault(), x >= PGOOD_DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
// TODO: ReadFailure
TEST_F(PowerSupplyTests, OnOffConfig)
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
uint8_t data = 0x15;
// Test where PSU is NOT present
// Assume GPIO presence, not inventory presence?
EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, setAvailable(_, _, _)).Times(0);
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 4, 0x69,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
ON_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).WillByDefault(Return(0));
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
// Constructor should set initial presence, default read returns 0.
// If it is not present, I should not be trying to write to it.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, writeBinary(_, _, _)).Times(0);
catch (...)
// Test where PSU is present
// Assume GPIO presence, not inventory presence?
EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, setAvailable(_, _, true));
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 5, 0x6a,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
// There will potentially be multiple calls, we want it to continue
// returning 1 for the GPIO read to keep the power supply present.
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
setMissingToPresentExpects(mockPMBus, mockedUtil);
// Missing/present will trigger attempt to setup INPUT_HISTORY. Setup
// for INPUT_HISTORY will check max_power_out to see if it is
// old/unsupported power supply. Indicate good value, supported.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(MFR_POUT_MAX, _))
// If I am calling analyze(), I should probably give it good data.
// STATUS_WORD 0x0000 is powered on, no faults.
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
// I definitely should be writting ON_OFF_CONFIG if I call the function
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, writeBinary(ON_OFF_CONFIG, ElementsAre(0x15),
catch (...)
TEST_F(PowerSupplyTests, ClearFaults)
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 13, 0x68,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
// Always return 1 to indicate present.
// Each analyze() call will trigger a read of the presence GPIO.
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
setMissingToPresentExpects(mockPMBus, mockedUtil);
// Missing/present will trigger attempt to setup INPUT_HISTORY. Setup
// for INPUT_HISTORY will check max_power_out to see if it is
// old/unsupported power supply. Indicate good value, supported.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(MFR_POUT_MAX, _))
// STATUS_WORD 0x0000 is powered on, no faults.
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.isPresent(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.isFaulted(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasInputFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasMFRFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVINUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasCommFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVoutOVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasIoutOCFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVoutUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasFanFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasTempFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPgoodFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSKillFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPS12VcsFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSCS12VFault(), false);
// STATUS_WORD with fault bits galore!
expectations.statusWordValue = 0xFFFF;
// STATUS_INPUT with fault bits on.
expectations.statusInputValue = 0xFF;
// STATUS_MFR_SPEFIC with bits on.
expectations.statusMFRValue = 0xFF;
// STATUS_CML with bits on.
expectations.statusCMLValue = 0xFF;
// STATUS_VOUT with bits on.
expectations.statusVOUTValue = 0xFF;
// STATUS_IOUT with bits on.
expectations.statusIOUTValue = 0xFF;
// STATUS_FANS_1_2 with bits on.
expectations.statusFans12Value = 0xFF;
// STATUS_TEMPERATURE with bits on.
expectations.statusTempValue = 0xFF;
for (auto x = 1; x <= PGOOD_DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, setAvailable(_, _, false));
EXPECT_EQ(psu.isPresent(), true);
// Cannot have VOUT_OV_FAULT and VOUT_UV_FAULT.
// Rely on HasVoutUVFault() to verify this sets and clears.
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVoutUVFault(), false);
// pgoodFault at PGOOD_DEGLITCH_LIMIT, all other faults are deglitched
EXPECT_EQ(psu.isFaulted(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasInputFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasMFRFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVoutOVFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasIoutOCFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasFanFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasTempFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPgoodFault(), x >= PGOOD_DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSKillFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPS12VcsFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSCS12VFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, read(READ_VIN, _, _))
// Clearing VIN_UV fault via in1_lcrit_alarm
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, read("in1_lcrit_alarm", _, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, setAvailable(_, _, true));
EXPECT_EQ(psu.isPresent(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.isFaulted(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasInputFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasMFRFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVINUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasCommFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVoutOVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasIoutOCFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVoutUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasFanFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasTempFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPgoodFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSKillFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPS12VcsFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSCS12VFault(), false);
// Faults clear on READ_VIN 0 -> !0
// STATUS_WORD with fault bits galore!
expectations.statusWordValue = 0xFFFF;
// STATUS_INPUT with fault bits on.
expectations.statusInputValue = 0xFF;
// STATUS_MFR_SPEFIC with bits on.
expectations.statusMFRValue = 0xFF;
// STATUS_CML with bits on.
expectations.statusCMLValue = 0xFF;
// STATUS_VOUT with bits on.
expectations.statusVOUTValue = 0xFF;
// STATUS_IOUT with bits on.
expectations.statusIOUTValue = 0xFF;
// STATUS_FANS_1_2 with bits on.
expectations.statusFans12Value = 0xFF;
// STATUS_TEMPERATURE with bits on.
expectations.statusTempValue = 0xFF;
// All faults deglitched now. Check for false before limit above.
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, setAvailable(_, _, false));
EXPECT_EQ(psu.isPresent(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.isFaulted(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasInputFault(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasMFRFault(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVINUVFault(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasCommFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVoutOVFault(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasIoutOCFault(), true);
// Cannot have VOUT_OV_FAULT and VOUT_UV_FAULT.
// Rely on HasVoutUVFault() to verify this sets and clears.
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVoutUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasFanFault(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasTempFault(), true);
// No PGOOD fault, as less than PGOOD_DEGLITCH_LIMIT
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPgoodFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSKillFault(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPS12VcsFault(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSCS12VFault(), true);
// STATUS_WORD with INPUT/VIN_UV fault bits off.
expectations.statusWordValue = 0xDFF7;
// Insufficient Input Voltage bits off.
expectations.statusInputValue = 0xC7;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// READ_VIN back in range.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
// VIN_UV cleared via in1_lcrit_alarm when voltage back in range.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, read("in1_lcrit_alarm", _, _))
// We only cleared the VIN_UV and OFF faults.
EXPECT_EQ(psu.isPresent(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.isFaulted(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasInputFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasMFRFault(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVINUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasCommFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVoutOVFault(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasIoutOCFault(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVoutUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasFanFault(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasTempFault(), true);
// No PGOOD fault, as less than PGOOD_DEGLITCH_LIMIT
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPgoodFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSKillFault(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPS12VcsFault(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSCS12VFault(), true);
// All faults cleared
expectations = {0};
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// READ_VIN back in range.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, setAvailable(_, _, true));
EXPECT_EQ(psu.isPresent(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.isFaulted(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasInputFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasMFRFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVINUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasCommFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVoutOVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasIoutOCFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVoutUVFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasFanFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasTempFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPgoodFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSKillFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPS12VcsFault(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSCS12VFault(), false);
// TODO: Faults clear on missing/present?
TEST_F(PowerSupplyTests, UpdateInventory)
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 3, 0x68,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
// If it is not present, I should not be trying to read a string
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(_, _)).Times(0);
catch (...)
ADD_FAILURE() << "Should not have caught exception.";
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 13, 0x69,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
// GPIO read return 1 to indicate present.
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).Times(1).WillOnce(Return(1));
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
setMissingToPresentExpects(mockPMBus, mockedUtil);
// Missing/present will trigger attempt to setup INPUT_HISTORY. Setup
// for INPUT_HISTORY will check max_power_out to see if it is
// old/unsupported power supply. Indicate good value, supported.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(MFR_POUT_MAX, _))
// STATUS_WORD 0x0000 is powered on, no faults.
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Call to analyze will read voltage, trigger clear faults for 0 to
// within range.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(_, _)).WillRepeatedly(Return(""));
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(_, _))
// TODO: D-Bus mocking to verify values stored on D-Bus (???)
catch (...)
ADD_FAILURE() << "Should not have caught exception.";
TEST_F(PowerSupplyTests, IsPresent)
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 3, 0x68,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
EXPECT_EQ(psu.isPresent(), false);
// Change GPIO read to return 1 to indicate present.
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).Times(1).WillOnce(Return(1));
// Call to analyze() will update to present, that will trigger updating
// to the correct/latest HWMON directory, in case it changes.
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
setMissingToPresentExpects(mockPMBus, mockedUtil);
// Missing/present will trigger attempt to setup INPUT_HISTORY. Setup
// for INPUT_HISTORY will check max_power_out to see if it is
// old/unsupported power supply. Indicate good value, supported.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(MFR_POUT_MAX, _))
// Call to analyze things will trigger read of STATUS_WORD and READ_VIN.
// Default expectations will be on, no faults.
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Give it an input voltage in the 100-volt range.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, setAvailable(_, _, true));
EXPECT_EQ(psu.isPresent(), true);
TEST_F(PowerSupplyTests, IsFaulted)
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 11, 0x6f,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
// Always return 1 to indicate present.
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
setMissingToPresentExpects(mockPMBus, mockedUtil);
// Missing/present will trigger attempt to setup INPUT_HISTORY. Setup
// for INPUT_HISTORY will check max_power_out to see if it is
// old/unsupported power supply. Indicate good value, supported.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(MFR_POUT_MAX, _))
// Call to analyze things will trigger read of STATUS_WORD and READ_VIN.
// Default expectations will be on, no faults.
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Give it an input voltage in the 100-volt range.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.isFaulted(), false);
// STATUS_WORD with fault bits on.
expectations.statusWordValue = 0xFFFF;
// STATUS_INPUT with fault bits on.
expectations.statusInputValue = 0xFF;
// STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC with faults bits on.
expectations.statusMFRValue = 0xFF;
// STATUS_CML with faults bits on.
expectations.statusCMLValue = 0xFF;
// STATUS_VOUT with fault bits on.
expectations.statusVOUTValue = 0xFF;
// STATUS_IOUT with fault bits on.
expectations.statusIOUTValue = 0xFF;
// STATUS_FANS_1_2 with bits on.
expectations.statusFans12Value = 0xFF;
// STATUS_TEMPERATURE with fault bits on.
expectations.statusTempValue = 0xFF;
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Also get another read of READ_VIN, faulted, so not in 100-volt range
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, setAvailable(_, _, false));
EXPECT_EQ(psu.isFaulted(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
TEST_F(PowerSupplyTests, HasInputFault)
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 3, 0x68,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
// Always return 1 to indicate present.
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
setMissingToPresentExpects(mockPMBus, mockedUtil);
// Missing/present will trigger attempt to setup INPUT_HISTORY. Setup
// for INPUT_HISTORY will check max_power_out to see if it is
// old/unsupported power supply. Indicate good value, supported.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(MFR_POUT_MAX, _))
// STATUS_WORD 0x0000 is powered on, no faults.
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Analyze call will also need good READ_VIN value to check.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasInputFault(), false);
// STATUS_WORD with input fault/warn on.
expectations.statusWordValue = (status_word::INPUT_FAULT_WARN);
// STATUS_INPUT with an input fault bit on.
expectations.statusInputValue = 0x80;
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Analyze call will also need good READ_VIN value to check.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, setAvailable(_, _, false));
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasInputFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
// STATUS_WORD with no bits on.
expectations.statusWordValue = 0;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Analyze call will also need good READ_VIN value to check.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, setAvailable(_, _, true));
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasInputFault(), false);
TEST_F(PowerSupplyTests, HasMFRFault)
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 3, 0x68,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
// Always return 1 to indicate present.
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
setMissingToPresentExpects(mockPMBus, mockedUtil);
// Missing/present will trigger attempt to setup INPUT_HISTORY. Setup
// for INPUT_HISTORY will check max_power_out to see if it is
// old/unsupported power supply. Indicate good value, supported.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(MFR_POUT_MAX, _))
// First return STATUS_WORD with no bits on.
// STATUS_WORD 0x0000 is powered on, no faults.
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Analyze call will also need good READ_VIN value to check.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasMFRFault(), false);
// Next return STATUS_WORD with MFR fault bit on.
expectations.statusWordValue = (status_word::MFR_SPECIFIC_FAULT);
// STATUS_MFR_SPEFIC with bit(s) on.
expectations.statusMFRValue = 0xFF;
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasMFRFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
// Back to no bits on in STATUS_WORD
expectations.statusWordValue = 0;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasMFRFault(), false);
TEST_F(PowerSupplyTests, HasVINUVFault)
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 3, 0x68,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
// Always return 1 to indicate present.
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
setMissingToPresentExpects(mockPMBus, mockedUtil);
// Missing/present will trigger attempt to setup INPUT_HISTORY. Setup
// for INPUT_HISTORY will check max_power_out to see if it is
// old/unsupported power supply. Indicate good value, supported.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(MFR_POUT_MAX, _))
// Presence change from missing to present will trigger in1_input read in
// an attempt to get CLEAR_FAULTS called. Return value ignored.
// Zero to non-zero voltage, for missing/present change, triggers clear
// faults call again. Return value ignored.
// Fault (low voltage) to not faulted (voltage in range) triggers clear
// faults call a third time.
// STATUS_WORD 0x0000 is powered on, no faults.
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Analyze call will also need good READ_VIN value to check.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVINUVFault(), false);
// Turn fault on.
expectations.statusWordValue = (status_word::VIN_UV_FAULT);
// Curious disagreement between PMBus Spec. Part II Figure 16 and 33. Go by
// Figure 16, and assume bits on in STATUS_INPUT.
expectations.statusInputValue = 0x18;
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// If there is a VIN_UV fault, fake reading voltage of less than 20V
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, setAvailable(_, _, false));
// Back to no fault bits on in STATUS_WORD
expectations.statusWordValue = 0;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Updates now result in clearing faults if read voltage goes from below the
// minimum, to within a valid range.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
// Went from below minimum to within range, expect clearVinUVFault().
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, read("in1_lcrit_alarm", _, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, setAvailable(_, _, true));
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVINUVFault(), false);
TEST_F(PowerSupplyTests, HasVoutOVFault)
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 3, 0x69,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
// Always return 1 to indicate present.
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
setMissingToPresentExpects(mockPMBus, mockedUtil);
// Missing/present will trigger attempt to setup INPUT_HISTORY. Setup
// for INPUT_HISTORY will check max_power_out to see if it is
// old/unsupported power supply. Indicate good value, supported.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(MFR_POUT_MAX, _))
// STATUS_WORD 0x0000 is powered on, no faults.
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Call to analyze will trigger read of "in1_input" to check voltage.
// Initial value would be 0, so this read updates it to non-zero.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVoutOVFault(), false);
// Turn fault on.
expectations.statusWordValue = (status_word::VOUT_OV_FAULT);
// STATUS_VOUT fault bit(s)
expectations.statusVOUTValue = 0x80;
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVoutOVFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
// Back to no fault bits on in STATUS_WORD
expectations.statusWordValue = 0;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVoutOVFault(), false);
TEST_F(PowerSupplyTests, HasIoutOCFault)
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 3, 0x6d,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
// Always return 1 to indicate present.
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
setMissingToPresentExpects(mockPMBus, mockedUtil);
// Missing/present will trigger attempt to setup INPUT_HISTORY. Setup
// for INPUT_HISTORY will check max_power_out to see if it is
// old/unsupported power supply. Indicate good value, supported.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(MFR_POUT_MAX, _))
// STATUS_WORD 0x0000 is powered on, no faults.
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Call to analyze will trigger read of "in1_input" to check voltage.
// Initial value would be 0, so this read updates it to non-zero.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasIoutOCFault(), false);
// Turn fault on.
expectations.statusWordValue = status_word::IOUT_OC_FAULT;
// STATUS_IOUT fault bit(s)
expectations.statusIOUTValue = 0x88;
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, setAvailable(_, _, false));
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasIoutOCFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
// Back to no fault bits on in STATUS_WORD
expectations.statusWordValue = 0;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, setAvailable(_, _, true));
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasIoutOCFault(), false);
TEST_F(PowerSupplyTests, HasVoutUVFault)
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 3, 0x6a,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
// Always return 1 to indicate present.
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
setMissingToPresentExpects(mockPMBus, mockedUtil);
// Missing/present will trigger attempt to setup INPUT_HISTORY. Setup
// for INPUT_HISTORY will check max_power_out to see if it is
// old/unsupported power supply. Indicate good value, supported.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(MFR_POUT_MAX, _))
// STATUS_WORD 0x0000 is powered on, no faults.
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Call to analyze will trigger read of "in1_input" to check voltage.
// Initial value would be 0, so this read updates it to non-zero.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVoutUVFault(), false);
// Turn fault on.
expectations.statusWordValue = (status_word::VOUT_FAULT);
// STATUS_VOUT fault bit(s)
expectations.statusVOUTValue = 0x30;
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVoutUVFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
// Back to no fault bits on in STATUS_WORD
expectations.statusWordValue = 0;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasVoutUVFault(), false);
TEST_F(PowerSupplyTests, HasFanFault)
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, setAvailable(_, _, true)).Times(1);
EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, setAvailable(_, _, false)).Times(0);
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 3, 0x6d,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
// Always return 1 to indicate present.
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
setMissingToPresentExpects(mockPMBus, mockedUtil);
// Missing/present will trigger attempt to setup INPUT_HISTORY. Setup
// for INPUT_HISTORY will check max_power_out to see if it is
// old/unsupported power supply. Indicate good value, supported.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(MFR_POUT_MAX, _))
// STATUS_WORD 0x0000 is powered on, no faults.
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Call to analyze will trigger read of "in1_input" to check voltage.
// Initial value would be 0, so this read updates it to non-zero.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasFanFault(), false);
// Turn fault on.
expectations.statusWordValue = (status_word::FAN_FAULT);
// STATUS_FANS_1_2 fault bit on (Fan 1 Fault)
expectations.statusFans12Value = 0x80;
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Call to analyze will trigger read of "in1_input" to check voltage.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasFanFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
// Back to no fault bits on in STATUS_WORD
expectations.statusWordValue = 0;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Call to analyze will trigger read of "in1_input" to check voltage.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasFanFault(), false);
TEST_F(PowerSupplyTests, HasTempFault)
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, setAvailable(_, _, true)).Times(1);
EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, setAvailable(_, _, false)).Times(0);
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 3, 0x6a,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
// Always return 1 to indicate present.
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
setMissingToPresentExpects(mockPMBus, mockedUtil);
// Missing/present will trigger attempt to setup INPUT_HISTORY. Setup
// for INPUT_HISTORY will check max_power_out to see if it is
// old/unsupported power supply. Indicate good value, supported.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(MFR_POUT_MAX, _))
// STATUS_WORD 0x0000 is powered on, no faults.
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Call to analyze will trigger read of "in1_input" to check voltage.
// Initial value would be 0, so this read updates it to non-zero.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasTempFault(), false);
// Turn fault on.
expectations.statusWordValue = (status_word::TEMPERATURE_FAULT_WARN);
// STATUS_TEMPERATURE fault bit on (OT Fault)
expectations.statusTempValue = 0x80;
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Call to analyze will trigger read of "in1_input" to check voltage.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasTempFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
// Back to no fault bits on in STATUS_WORD
expectations.statusWordValue = 0;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Call to analyze will trigger read of "in1_input" to check voltage.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasTempFault(), false);
TEST_F(PowerSupplyTests, HasPgoodFault)
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 3, 0x6b,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
// Always return 1 to indicate present.
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
setMissingToPresentExpects(mockPMBus, mockedUtil);
// Missing/present will trigger attempt to setup INPUT_HISTORY. Setup
// for INPUT_HISTORY will check max_power_out to see if it is
// old/unsupported power supply. Indicate good value, supported.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(MFR_POUT_MAX, _))
// STATUS_WORD 0x0000 is powered on, no faults.
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Call to analyze will trigger read of "in1_input" to check voltage.
// Initial value would be 0, so this read updates it to non-zero.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPgoodFault(), false);
// Setup another expectation of no faults.
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Call to analyze will trigger read of "in1_input" to check voltage.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPgoodFault(), false);
// Setup another expectation of no faults.
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Call to analyze will trigger read of "in1_input" to check voltage.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPgoodFault(), false);
// Turn PGOOD# off (fault on).
expectations.statusWordValue = (status_word::POWER_GOOD_NEGATED);
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Call to analyze will trigger read of "in1_input" to check voltage.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
// Expect false until reaches PGOOD_DEGLITCH_LIMIT @ 1
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPgoodFault(), false);
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
// Expect false until reaches PGOOD_DEGLITCH_LIMIT @ 2
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPgoodFault(), false);
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
// Expect false until reaches PGOOD_DEGLITCH_LIMIT @ 3
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPgoodFault(), false);
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
// Expect false until reaches PGOOD_DEGLITCH_LIMIT @ 4
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPgoodFault(), false);
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
// Expect true. PGOOD_DEGLITCH_LIMIT @ 5
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPgoodFault(), true);
// Back to no fault bits on in STATUS_WORD
expectations.statusWordValue = 0;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Call to analyze will trigger read of "in1_input" to check voltage.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPgoodFault(), false);
// Turn OFF bit on
expectations.statusWordValue = (status_word::UNIT_IS_OFF);
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Call to analyze will trigger read of "in1_input" to check voltage.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPgoodFault(), false);
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPgoodFault(), false);
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPgoodFault(), false);
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPgoodFault(), false);
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPgoodFault(), true);
// Back to no fault bits on in STATUS_WORD
expectations.statusWordValue = 0;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Call to analyze will trigger read of "in1_input" to check voltage.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPgoodFault(), false);
TEST_F(PowerSupplyTests, HasPSKillFault)
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 4, 0x6d,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
// Always return 1 to indicate present.
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
setMissingToPresentExpects(mockPMBus, mockedUtil);
// Missing/present will trigger attempt to setup INPUT_HISTORY. Setup
// for INPUT_HISTORY will check max_power_out to see if it is
// old/unsupported power supply. Indicate good value, supported.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(MFR_POUT_MAX, _))
// STATUS_WORD 0x0000 is powered on, no faults.
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Call to analyze will trigger read of "in1_input" to check voltage.
// Initial value would be 0, so this read updates it to non-zero.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSKillFault(), false);
// Next return STATUS_WORD with MFR fault bit on.
expectations.statusWordValue = (status_word::MFR_SPECIFIC_FAULT);
// STATUS_MFR_SPEFIC with bit(s) on.
expectations.statusMFRValue = 0xFF;
// Deglitching faults, false until read the fault bits on up to the limit.
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Call to analyze will trigger read of "in1_input" to check voltage.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, setAvailable(_, _, false));
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSKillFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
// Back to no bits on in STATUS_WORD
expectations.statusWordValue = 0;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Call to analyze will trigger read of "in1_input" to check voltage.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, setAvailable(_, _, true));
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSKillFault(), false);
// Next return STATUS_WORD with MFR fault bit on.
expectations.statusWordValue = (status_word::MFR_SPECIFIC_FAULT);
// STATUS_MFR_SPEFIC with bit 4 on.
expectations.statusMFRValue = 0x10;
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Call to analyze will trigger read of "in1_input" to check voltage.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, setAvailable(_, _, false));
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSKillFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
// Back to no bits on in STATUS_WORD
expectations.statusWordValue = 0;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Call to analyze will trigger read of "in1_input" to check voltage.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, setAvailable(_, _, true));
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSKillFault(), false);
TEST_F(PowerSupplyTests, HasPS12VcsFault)
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 5, 0x6e,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
// Always return 1 to indicate present.
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
setMissingToPresentExpects(mockPMBus, mockedUtil);
// Missing/present will trigger attempt to setup INPUT_HISTORY. Setup
// for INPUT_HISTORY will check max_power_out to see if it is
// old/unsupported power supply. Indicate good value, supported.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(MFR_POUT_MAX, _))
// STATUS_WORD 0x0000 is powered on, no faults.
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
// Call to analyze will trigger read of "in1_input" to check voltage.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPS12VcsFault(), false);
// Next return STATUS_WORD with MFR fault bit on.
expectations.statusWordValue = (status_word::MFR_SPECIFIC_FAULT);
// STATUS_MFR_SPEFIC with bit(s) on.
expectations.statusMFRValue = 0xFF;
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPS12VcsFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
// Back to no bits on in STATUS_WORD
expectations.statusWordValue = 0;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPS12VcsFault(), false);
// Next return STATUS_WORD with MFR fault bit on.
expectations.statusWordValue = (status_word::MFR_SPECIFIC_FAULT);
// STATUS_MFR_SPEFIC with bit 6 on.
expectations.statusMFRValue = 0x40;
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPS12VcsFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
// Back to no bits on in STATUS_WORD
expectations.statusWordValue = 0;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPS12VcsFault(), false);
TEST_F(PowerSupplyTests, HasPSCS12VFault)
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 6, 0x6f,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
// Always return 1 to indicate present.
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
setMissingToPresentExpects(mockPMBus, mockedUtil);
// Missing/present will trigger attempt to setup INPUT_HISTORY. Setup
// for INPUT_HISTORY will check max_power_out to see if it is
// old/unsupported power supply. Indicate good value, supported.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(MFR_POUT_MAX, _))
// STATUS_WORD 0x0000 is powered on, no faults.
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSCS12VFault(), false);
// Next return STATUS_WORD with MFR fault bit on.
expectations.statusWordValue = (status_word::MFR_SPECIFIC_FAULT);
// STATUS_MFR_SPEFIC with bit(s) on.
expectations.statusMFRValue = 0xFF;
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSCS12VFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
// Back to no bits on in STATUS_WORD
expectations.statusWordValue = 0;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSCS12VFault(), false);
// Next return STATUS_WORD with MFR fault bit on.
expectations.statusWordValue = (status_word::MFR_SPECIFIC_FAULT);
// STATUS_MFR_SPEFIC with bit 7 on.
expectations.statusMFRValue = 0x80;
for (auto x = 1; x <= DEGLITCH_LIMIT; x++)
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSCS12VFault(), x >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);
// Back to no bits on in STATUS_WORD
expectations.statusWordValue = 0;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.hasPSCS12VFault(), false);
TEST_F(PowerSupplyTests, PeakInputPowerSensor)
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 6, 0x6f,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
EXPECT_EQ(psu.getPeakInputPower(), std::nullopt);
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
setMissingToPresentExpects(mockPMBus, mockedUtil);
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(MFR_POUT_MAX, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.getPeakInputPower().value_or(0), 213);
// Test that there is no peak power sensor on 1400W PSs
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 3, 0x68,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
setMissingToPresentExpects(mockPMBus, mockedUtil);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(MFR_POUT_MAX, _))
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.getPeakInputPower(), std::nullopt);
// Test that IPSPS power supplies don't have peak power
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 11,
0x58, "inspur-ipsps", PSUGPIOLineName,
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
setMissingToPresentExpects(mockPMBus, mockedUtil);
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_EQ(psu.getPeakInputPower(), std::nullopt);
// Test that a bad response from the input_history command leads
// to an NaN value.
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 6, 0x6f,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
setMissingToPresentExpects(mockPMBus, mockedUtil);
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(MFR_POUT_MAX, _))
// Don't return the full 5 bytes.
readBinary(INPUT_HISTORY, Type::HwmonDeviceDebug, 5))
.WillRepeatedly(Return(std::vector<uint8_t>{0x01, 0x5c}));
EXPECT_THAT(psu.getPeakInputPower().value_or(0), IsNan());
TEST_F(PowerSupplyTests, IsSyncHistoryRequired)
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
PowerSupply psu{bus, PSUInventoryPath, 8, 0x6f,
"ibm-cffps", PSUGPIOLineName, isPowerOn};
EXPECT_EQ(psu.isSyncHistoryRequired(), false);
MockedGPIOInterface* mockPresenceGPIO =
// Always return 1 to indicate present.
EXPECT_CALL(*mockPresenceGPIO, read()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
MockedPMBus& mockPMBus = static_cast<MockedPMBus&>(psu.getPMBus());
setMissingToPresentExpects(mockPMBus, mockedUtil);
// Missing/present will trigger attempt to setup INPUT_HISTORY. Setup
// for INPUT_HISTORY will check max_power_out to see if it is
// old/unsupported power supply. Indicate good value, supported.
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(MFR_POUT_MAX, _))
PMBusExpectations expectations;
setPMBusExpectations(mockPMBus, expectations);
EXPECT_CALL(mockPMBus, readString(READ_VIN, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mockedUtil, setAvailable(_, _, true));
// Missing -> Present requires history sync
EXPECT_EQ(psu.isSyncHistoryRequired(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(psu.isSyncHistoryRequired(), false);
TEST_F(PowerSupplyTests, TestLinearConversions)
// Mantissa > 0, exponent = 0
EXPECT_EQ(0, PowerSupply::linearToInteger(0));
EXPECT_EQ(1, PowerSupply::linearToInteger(1));
EXPECT_EQ(38, PowerSupply::linearToInteger(0x26));
EXPECT_EQ(1023, PowerSupply::linearToInteger(0x3FF));
// Mantissa < 0, exponent = 0
EXPECT_EQ(-1, PowerSupply::linearToInteger(0x7FF));
EXPECT_EQ(-20, PowerSupply::linearToInteger(0x7EC));
EXPECT_EQ(-769, PowerSupply::linearToInteger(0x4FF));
EXPECT_EQ(-989, PowerSupply::linearToInteger(0x423));
EXPECT_EQ(-1024, PowerSupply::linearToInteger(0x400));
// Mantissa >= 0, exponent > 0
// M = 1, E = 2
EXPECT_EQ(4, PowerSupply::linearToInteger(0x1001));
// M = 1000, E = 10
EXPECT_EQ(1024000, PowerSupply::linearToInteger(0x53E8));
// M = 10, E = 15
EXPECT_EQ(327680, PowerSupply::linearToInteger(0x780A));
// Mantissa >= 0, exponent < 0
// M = 0, E = -1
EXPECT_EQ(0, PowerSupply::linearToInteger(0xF800));
// M = 100, E = -2
EXPECT_EQ(25, PowerSupply::linearToInteger(0xF064));
// Mantissa < 0, exponent < 0
// M = -100, E = -1
EXPECT_EQ(-50, PowerSupply::linearToInteger(0xFF9C));
// M = -1024, E = -7
EXPECT_EQ(-8, PowerSupply::linearToInteger(0xCC00));