settings objects: support multiple interfaces

A settings object had the limitation that it could implement a single,
corresponding settings interface. This was found to be too restrictive
because there are use-cases (such as in the boot settings area) that
would simplify describing settings with objects that can implement more
than one interface.

This commit adds the ability for settings objects to implement multiple
interfaces. The settings config yaml now should contain a list of
interface(s) under each settings object.

Change-Id: I90dec9e766e1afd1b0c8616e491832714bbd069d
Signed-off-by: Deepak Kodihalli <>
diff --git a/settings_example.yaml b/settings_example.yaml
index 82b63be..e285953 100644
--- a/settings_example.yaml
+++ b/settings_example.yaml
@@ -1,31 +1,43 @@
-    Interface: xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Boot.Mode
-    Properties:
-        BootMode:
-            Default: Mode::Modes::Safe
+# This settings object implements multiple interfaces
+    - Interface: xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Boot.Mode
+      Properties:
+          BootMode:
+              Default: Mode::Modes::Safe
+    - Interface: xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Boot.Source
+      Properties:
+          BootSource:
+              Default: Source::Sources::Default
-    Interface: xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Boot.Mode
-    Properties:
-        BootMode:
-            Default: Mode::Modes::Regular
+# Same as the previous settings object, but for a different host
+    - Interface: xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Boot.Mode
+      Properties:
+          BootMode:
+              Default: Mode::Modes::Safe
+    - Interface: xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Boot.Source
+      Properties:
+          BootSource:
+              Default: Source::Sources::Default
+# This settings object has a property that needs to be validated, when changed.
-    Interface: xyz.openbmc_project.Network.MACAddress
-    Properties:
-        MACAddress:
-            Default: '"00:00:00:00:00:00"'
-            Validation:
-                Type: "regex"
-                Validator: '^([0-9A-F]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-F]{2})$'
+    - Interface: xyz.openbmc_project.Network.MACAddress
+      Properties:
+          MACAddress:
+              Default: '"00:00:00:00:00:00"'
+              Validation:
+                  Type: "regex"
+                  Validator: '^([0-9A-F]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-F]{2})$'
-    Interface: xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Power.Cap
-    Properties:
-        PowerCap:
-            Default: 0
-            Validation:
-                Type: "range"
-                Validator: "0..1000"
-                Unit: "Watts"
-        PowerCapEnable:
-             Default: 'false'
+    - Interface: xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Power.Cap
+      Properties:
+          PowerCap:
+              Default: 0
+              Validation:
+                  Type: "range"
+                  Validator: "0..1000"
+                  Unit: "Watts"
+          PowerCapEnable:
+               Default: 'false'
diff --git a/settings_manager.mako.hpp b/settings_manager.mako.hpp
index b1c3988..1dbe550 100644
--- a/settings_manager.mako.hpp
+++ b/settings_manager.mako.hpp
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 objects = list(settingsDict.viewkeys())
 sdbusplus_namespaces = []
 sdbusplus_includes = []
-interfaces = []
 props = defaultdict(list)
 validators = defaultdict(tuple)
@@ -17,19 +16,22 @@
     setting = setting[:i] + '::server::' + setting[i+2:]
     return setting
-def get_setting_type(setting_intf):
-    setting = setting_intf.replace('.', '::')
-    return setting
+def get_setting_type(path):
+    path = path[1:]
+    path = path.replace('/', '::')
+    return path
 #pragma once
 % for object in objects:
+    % for item in settingsDict[object]:
-    include = settingsDict[object]['Interface']
+    include = item['Interface']
     include = include.replace('.', '/')
     include = include + "/server.hpp"
+    % endfor
 % endfor
 #include <cereal/archives/json.hpp>
 #include <fstream>
@@ -47,12 +49,14 @@
 % endfor
 % for object in objects:
+    % for item in settingsDict[object]:
-    ns = get_setting_sdbusplus_type(settingsDict[object]['Interface'])
+    ns = get_setting_sdbusplus_type(item['Interface'])
     i = ns.rfind('::')
     ns = ns[:i]
+    % endfor
 % endfor
 namespace phosphor
@@ -83,31 +87,33 @@
 % for object in objects:
-    intf = settingsDict[object]['Interface']
-    interfaces.append(intf)
-    if intf not in props:
-        for property, property_metadata in settingsDict[object]['Properties'].items():
-            props[intf].append(property)
-            for attribute, value in property_metadata.items():
-                if attribute == 'Validation':
-                    if value['Type'] == "range":
-                        validators[property] = (value['Type'], value['Validator'], value['Unit'])
-                    else:
-                        validators[property] = (value['Type'], value['Validator'])
-% endfor
-% for intf in set(interfaces):
-    ns = intf.split(".")
-    sdbusplus_type = get_setting_sdbusplus_type(intf)
+   ns = object.split('/')
+   ns.pop(0)
 % for n in ns:
 namespace ${n}
 % endfor
-using Base = ${sdbusplus_type};
-<% parent = "sdbusplus::server::object::object" + "<" + sdbusplus_type + ">" %>\
+    interfaces = []
+    aliases = []
+    for item in settingsDict[object]:
+        interfaces.append(item['Interface'])
+        for name, meta in item['Properties'].items():
+            if 'Validation' in meta:
+                dict = meta['Validation']
+                if dict['Type'] == "range":
+                    validators[name] = (dict['Type'], dict['Validator'], dict['Unit'])
+                else:
+                    validators[name] = (dict['Type'], dict['Validator'])
+% for index, intf in enumerate(interfaces):
+using Iface${index} = ${get_setting_sdbusplus_type(intf)};
+<% aliases.append("Iface" + str(index)) %>\
+% endfor
+    parent = "sdbusplus::server::object::object" + "<" + ", ".join(aliases) + ">"
 using Parent = ${parent};
 class Impl : public Parent
@@ -120,15 +126,16 @@
         virtual ~Impl() = default;
-% for arg in props[intf]:
-<% t = arg[:1].lower() + arg[1:] %>\
-<% fname = "validate"+arg %>\
-        decltype(std::declval<Base>().${t}()) ${t}(decltype(std::declval<Base>().${t}()) value) override
+% for index, item in enumerate(settingsDict[object]):
+    % for propName, metaDict in item['Properties'].items():
+<% t = propName[:1].lower() + propName[1:] %>\
+<% fname = "validate" + propName %>\
+        decltype(std::declval<Iface${index}>().${t}()) ${t}(decltype(std::declval<Iface${index}>().${t}()) value) override
-            auto result = Base::${t}();
+            auto result = Iface${index}::${t}();
             if (value != result)
-            % if arg in validators.keys():
+            % if propName in validators:
                 if (!${fname}(value))
                     namespace error =
@@ -137,7 +144,7 @@
-                    % if validators[arg][0] != "regex":
+                    % if validators[propName][0] != "regex":
                     % else:
@@ -151,55 +158,58 @@
                 std::ofstream os(p.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
                 cereal::JSONOutputArchive oarchive(os);
-                result = Base::${t}(value);
+                result = Iface${index}::${t}(value);
             return result;
-        using Base::${t};
+        using Iface${index}::${t};
+    % endfor
 % endfor
         fs::path path;
-% for arg in props[intf]:
-% if arg in validators.keys():
-<% funcName = "validate"+arg %>\
-<% t = arg[:1].lower() + arg[1:] %>\
+% for index, item in enumerate(settingsDict[object]):
+  % for propName, metaDict in item['Properties'].items():
+<% t = propName[:1].lower() + propName[1:] %>\
+<% fname = "validate" + propName %>\
+    % if propName in validators:
-        bool ${funcName}(decltype(std::declval<Base>().${t}()) value)
+        bool ${fname}(decltype(std::declval<Iface${index}>().${t}()) value)
             bool matched = false;
-        % if (arg in validators.keys()) and (validators[arg][0] == 'regex'):
-            std::regex regexToCheck("${validators[arg][1]}");
+        % if (validators[propName][0] == 'regex'):
+            std::regex regexToCheck("${validators[propName][1]}");
             matched = std::regex_search(value, regexToCheck);
             if (!matched)
-                std::string err = "Input parameter for ${arg} is invalid "
+                std::string err = "Input parameter for ${propName} is invalid "
                     "Input: " + value + " not in the format of this regex: "
-                    "${validators[arg][1]}";
+                    "${validators[propName][1]}";
                 using namespace phosphor::logging;
-        % elif (arg in validators.keys()) and (validators[arg][0] == 'range'):
-<% lowhigh = re.split('\.\.', validators[arg][1]) %>\
+        % elif (validators[propName][0] == 'range'):
+<% lowhigh = re.split('\.\.', validators[propName][1]) %>\
             if ((value <= ${lowhigh[1]}) && (value >= ${lowhigh[0]}))
                 matched = true;
-                std::string err = "Input parameter for ${arg} is invalid "
+                std::string err = "Input parameter for ${propName} is invalid "
                     "Input: " + std::to_string(value) + "in uint: "
-                    "${validators[arg][2]} is not in range:${validators[arg][1]}";
+                    "${validators[propName][2]} is not in range:${validators[propName][1]}";
                 using namespace phosphor::logging;
-        % elif (arg in validators.keys()):
-            <% assert("Unknown validation type: arg") %>\
+        % else:
+            <% assert("Unknown validation type: propName") %>\
         % endif
             return matched;
-% endif
+    % endif
+  % endfor
 % endfor
@@ -208,33 +218,47 @@
           const Impl& setting)
-    args = ["setting." + p[:1].lower() + p[1:] + "()" for p in props[intf]]
-    args = ','.join(args)
+props = []
+for index, item in enumerate(settingsDict[object]):
+    intfProps = ["setting." + propName[:1].lower() + propName[1:] + "()" for \
+                    propName, metaDict in item['Properties'].items()]
+    props.extend(intfProps)
+props = ', '.join(props)
-    a(${args});
+    a(${props});
 template<class Archive>
 void load(Archive& a,
           Impl& setting)
-% for arg in props[intf]:
-<% t = "setting." + arg[:1].lower() + arg[1:] + "()" %>\
-    decltype(${t}) ${arg}{};
-% endfor
+<% props = [] %>\
+% for index, item in enumerate(settingsDict[object]):
+  % for  prop, metaDict in item['Properties'].items():
-    args = ','.join(props[intf])
+    t = "setting." + prop[:1].lower() + prop[1:] + "()"
+    props.append(prop)
-    a(${args});
-% for arg in props[intf]:
-<% t = "setting." + arg[:1].lower() + arg[1:] + "(" + arg + ")" %>\
+    decltype(${t}) ${prop}{};
+  % endfor
+% endfor
+<% props = ', '.join(props) %>
+    a(${props});
+<% props = [] %>
+% for index, item in enumerate(settingsDict[object]):
+  % for  prop, metaDict in item['Properties'].items():
+    t = "setting." + prop[:1].lower() + prop[1:] + "(" + prop + ")"
+  % endfor
 % endfor
 % for n in reversed(ns):
 } // namespace ${n}
 % endfor
 % endfor
 /** @class Manager
@@ -259,22 +283,19 @@
             fs::path path{};
             settings =
-% for index, object in enumerate(objects):
-<% type = get_setting_type(settingsDict[object]['Interface']) + "::Impl" %>\
+% for index, path in enumerate(objects):
+<% type = get_setting_type(path) + "::Impl" %>\
   % if index < len(settingsDict) - 1:
-                        "${object}"),
+                        "${path}"),
   % else:
-                        "${object}"));
+                        "${path}"));
   % endif
 % endfor
-% for index, object in enumerate(objects):
-  % for property, value in settingsDict[object]['Properties'].items():
-<% p = property[:1].lower() + property[1:] %>\
-<% defaultValue = value['Default'] %>\
-            path = fs::path(SETTINGS_PERSIST_PATH) / "${object}";
+% for index, path in enumerate(objects):
+            path = fs::path(SETTINGS_PERSIST_PATH) / "${path}";
             path += persistent::fileSuffix;
             if (fs::exists(path))
@@ -284,10 +305,15 @@
+  % for item in settingsDict[path]:
+    % for propName, metaDict in item['Properties'].items():
+<% p = propName[:1].lower() + propName[1:] %>\
+<% defaultValue = metaDict['Default'] %>\
-                    ${get_setting_sdbusplus_type(settingsDict[object]['Interface'])}::${p}(${defaultValue});
-            }
+                    ${get_setting_sdbusplus_type(item['Interface'])}::${p}(${defaultValue});
+    % endfor
   % endfor
+            }
 % endfor
@@ -296,8 +322,8 @@
         /* @brief Composition of settings objects. */
-% for index, object in enumerate(objects):
-<% type = get_setting_type(settingsDict[object]['Interface']) + "::Impl" %>\
+% for index, path in enumerate(objects):
+<% type = get_setting_type(path) + "::Impl" %>\
   % if index < len(settingsDict) - 1:
   % else: