blob: 5e32a725cd73eb5355eee015f7c3936c93489929 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <systemd/sd-bus.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <chrono>
#include "time-config.hpp"
/** @class Time
* @brief Base class catering to common data needed by implementations
class Time
/** @brief Takes time in microseconds and uses systemd/timedated
* to set the system time
* @param[in] timeOfDayUsec - Time value in microseconds
* @return - Status of time set operation
int setTimeOfDay(const std::chrono::microseconds& timeOfDayUsec);
/** @brief Reads BMC time
* @param[in] - None
* @return - time read in microseconds
std::chrono::microseconds getBaseTime();
/** @brief Converts microseconds to human readable time value
* @param[in] timeInUsec - Time value in microseconds
* @return - Time converted to human readable format
std::string convertToStr(const std::chrono::microseconds& timeInUsec);
/** @brief Reference to config information due to need of policy data */
const TimeConfig& config;
/** Needed to access configuration variables */
Time(const TimeConfig&);
/** @class BmcTime
* @brief Provides time Set and time Get operations for BMC target
class BmcTime: public Time
/** @brief Called when the time is to be read on BMC
* @param[in] m - sd_bus message.
* @param[out] retError - Error reporting structure
* @return - On no error, time read which is specified in
* microseonds and also in human readable format.
* - On error, retError populated
int getTime(sd_bus_message* m, sd_bus_error* retError);
/** @brief Called when the time is to be set on BMC
* @param[in] m - sd_bus message encapsulating time string
* @param[out] retError - Error reporting structure
* @return - On no error, 0, -1 otherwise or retError thrown
int setTime(sd_bus_message* m, sd_bus_error* retError);
/** @brief constructor */
BmcTime(const TimeConfig&);
/** @class HostTime
* @brief Provides time Set and time Get operations for BMC target
class HostTime: public Time
/** @brief Called when IPMI_GET_SEL_TIME is called
* @param[in] m - sd_bus message.
* @param[out] retError - Error reporting structure
* @return - On no error, time read which is specified in
* microseonds and also in human readable format.
* - On error, retError populated
int getTime(sd_bus_message*, sd_bus_error*);
/** @brief Called when the IPMI_SET_SEL_TIME is called
* @param[in] m - sd_bus message encapsulating time in seconds
* @param[out] retError - Error reporting structure
* @return - On no error, 0, -1 otherwise or retError thrown
int setTime(sd_bus_message*, sd_bus_error*);
/** @brief constructor */
HostTime(const TimeConfig&, const std::chrono::microseconds&);
/** @brief When the owner is SPLIT, the delta between HOST's time and BMC's
* time needs to be saved and this function returns current delta.
* @param[in] - None
* @return - offset in microseconds
inline std::chrono::microseconds getChangedOffset() const
return changedOffset;
/** @brief Reference to host's offset in case of SPLIT owner */
const std::chrono::microseconds& iv_Offset;
/** @brief The delta offset of Host and BMC time */
std::chrono::microseconds changedOffset;
/** @class TimeManager
* @brief Caters to client requests with Set and Get time and configuration
* changes
class TimeManager
// Do not have a usecase of copying this object so disable
~TimeManager() = default;
TimeManager(const TimeManager&) = delete;
TimeManager& operator=(const TimeManager&) = delete;
TimeManager(TimeManager&&) = delete;
TimeManager& operator=(TimeManager&&) = delete;
// Maintains *all* the config that is needed for TimeManager.
TimeConfig config;
/** @brief Callback handlers invoked by dbus on GetTime client requests
* @param[in] m - sd_bus message encapsulating the time target
* @param[in] userdata - context that is filled while registering this
* @param[out] retError - Error reporting mechanism
* @return - On no error, time in microseconds and human
* readable string. retError otherwise.
int getTime(sd_bus_message* m, void* userdata, sd_bus_error* retError);
/** @brief Callback handlers invoked by dbus on SetTime client requests
* @param[in] m - sd_bus message encapsulating the time target and
* time value either in string or in seconds.
* @param[in] userdata - client context that is filled while registering
* @param[out] retError - Error reporting mechanism
* @return - On no error, time in microseconds and human
* readable string. retError otherwise.
int setTime(sd_bus_message* m, void* userdata, sd_bus_error* retError);
/** @brief sd_event callback handlers on the requests coming in dbus
* These are actually GetTime and SetTime requests
* @param[in] es - Event Structure
* @param[in] fd - file descriptor that had 'read' activity
* @param[in] revents - generic linux style return event
* @param[in] userdata - Client context filled while registering
* @return - 0 for success, failure otherwise.
static int processSdBusMessage(sd_event_source* es, int fd,
uint32_t revents, void* userdata);
/** @brief sd_event callback handler called whenever there is a
* time change event indicated by timerfd expiring. This happens
* whenever the time is set on BMC by any source.
* @param[in] es - Event Structure
* @param[in] fd - file descriptor that had 'read' activity
* @param[in] revents - generic linux style return event
* @param[in] userdata - Client context filled while registering
* @return - 0 for success, failure otherwise.
static int processTimeChange(sd_event_source* es, int fd,
uint32_t revents, void* userdata);
/** @brief sd_event callback handler called whenever a settings
* property is changed.
* This gets called into whenever "time_mode", "time_owner",
* "use_dhcp_ntp" properties are changed
* @param[in] es - Event Structure
* @param[in] fd - file descriptor that had 'read' activity
* @param[in] revents - generic linux style return event
* @param[in] userdata - Client context filled while registering
* @return - 0 for success, failure otherwise.
static int processPropertyChange(sd_bus_message*,
/** @brief sd_event callback handler called whenever Pgood property is
* changed
* @param[in] es - Event Structure
* @param[in] fd - file descriptor that had 'read' activity
* @param[in] revents - generic linux style return event
* @param[in] userdata - Client context filled while registering
* @return - 0 for success, failure otherwise.
static int processPgoodChange(sd_bus_message*,
/** @brief registers callsback handlers for sd_event loop
* @param[in] - None
* @return - 0 if everything goes well, -1 otherwise
int registerCallbackHandlers();
/** @brief Makes the Delta between Host and BMC time as 'ZERO'. This
* essentially only means that time owner was SPLIT before
* and now changed to something else.
* @param[in] - None
* @return - 0 if everything goes well, -1 otherwise.
int resetHostOffset();
/** @brief Reads what was the last delta offset stored in file
* @param[in] - None
* @return - 0 if everything goes well, -1 otherwise.
int readPersistentData();
/** @brief waits on sd_events loop for client requests
* @param[in] - None
* @return - 0 if everything goes well, -1 otherwise.
int waitForClientRequest();
inline auto getHostOffset() const
return iv_HostOffset;
inline auto updateHostOffset(const std::chrono::microseconds& newOffset)
iv_HostOffset = newOffset;
inline auto getUptimeUsec() const
return iv_UptimeUsec;
inline auto updateUptimeUsec(const std::chrono::microseconds& newUpTime)
iv_UptimeUsec = newUpTime;
inline sd_bus* getTimeBus() const
return iv_TimeBus;
// What was the last known host offset.
std::chrono::microseconds iv_HostOffset;
// How long was the BMC up for prior to this boot
std::chrono::microseconds iv_UptimeUsec;
// Used for registering sd_bus callback handlers.
sd_event_source* iv_EventSource;
sd_event* iv_Event;
sd_bus* iv_TimeBus;
// Dbus communication enablers.
static constexpr auto cv_BusName = "org.openbmc.TimeManager";
static constexpr auto cv_ObjPath = "/org/openbmc/TimeManager";
static constexpr auto cv_IntfName = "org.openbmc.TimeManager";
// Store the offset in File System. Read back when TimeManager starts.
static constexpr auto cv_HostOffsetFile = "/var/lib/obmc/saved_host_offset";
/** @brief Sets up internal data structures and callback handler at startup
* @param[in] - None
* @return - 0 if everything goes well, -1 otherwise
int setupTimeManager(void);