blob: 4c24201d626f9a3e7e00ab5c88ac83eb8e672afa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/server/object.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/User/Manager/server.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/User/AccountPolicy/server.hpp>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <variant>
#include "users.hpp"
namespace phosphor
namespace user
using UserMgrIface = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::User::server::Manager;
using UserSSHLists =
std::pair<std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<std::string>>;
using AccountPolicyIface =
using Privilege = std::string;
using GroupList = std::vector<std::string>;
using UserEnabled = bool;
using PropertyName = std::string;
using ServiceEnabled = bool;
using UserInfo = std::variant<Privilege, GroupList, UserEnabled>;
using UserInfoMap = std::map<PropertyName, UserInfo>;
using DbusUserObjPath = sdbusplus::message::object_path;
using DbusUserPropVariant =
sdbusplus::message::variant<Privilege, ServiceEnabled>;
using DbusUserObjProperties =
std::vector<std::pair<PropertyName, DbusUserPropVariant>>;
using Interface = std::string;
using DbusUserObjValue = std::map<Interface, DbusUserObjProperties>;
using DbusUserObj = std::map<DbusUserObjPath, DbusUserObjValue>;
/** @class UserMgr
* @brief Responsible for managing user accounts over the D-Bus interface.
class UserMgr : public UserMgrIface, AccountPolicyIface
UserMgr() = delete;
~UserMgr() = default;
UserMgr(const UserMgr &) = delete;
UserMgr &operator=(const UserMgr &) = delete;
UserMgr(UserMgr &&) = delete;
UserMgr &operator=(UserMgr &&) = delete;
/** @brief Constructs UserMgr object.
* @param[in] bus - sdbusplus handler
* @param[in] path - D-Bus path
UserMgr(sdbusplus::bus::bus &bus, const char *path);
/** @brief create user method.
* This method creates a new user as requested
* @param[in] userName - Name of the user which has to be created
* @param[in] groupNames - Group names list, to which user has to be added.
* @param[in] priv - Privilege of the user.
* @param[in] enabled - State of the user enabled / disabled.
void createUser(std::string userName, std::vector<std::string> groupNames,
std::string priv, bool enabled) override;
/** @brief rename user method.
* This method renames the user as requested
* @param[in] userName - current name of the user
* @param[in] newUserName - new user name to which it has to be renamed.
void renameUser(std::string userName, std::string newUserName) override;
/** @brief delete user method.
* This method deletes the user as requested
* @param[in] userName - Name of the user which has to be deleted
void deleteUser(std::string userName);
/** @brief Update user groups & privilege.
* This method updates user groups & privilege
* @param[in] userName - user name, for which update is requested
* @param[in] groupName - Group to be updated..
* @param[in] priv - Privilege to be updated.
void updateGroupsAndPriv(const std::string &userName,
const std::vector<std::string> &groups,
const std::string &priv);
/** @brief Update user enabled state.
* This method enables / disables user
* @param[in] userName - user name, for which update is requested
* @param[in] enabled - enable / disable the user
void userEnable(const std::string &userName, bool enabled);
/** @brief update minimum password length requirement
* @param[in] val - minimum password length
* @return - minimum password length
uint8_t minPasswordLength(uint8_t val) override;
/** @brief update old password history count
* @param[in] val - number of times old passwords has to be avoided
* @return - number of times old password has to be avoided
uint8_t rememberOldPasswordTimes(uint8_t val) override;
/** @brief update maximum number of failed login attempt before locked
* out.
* @param[in] val - number of allowed attempt
* @return - number of allowed attempt
uint16_t maxLoginAttemptBeforeLockout(uint16_t val) override;
/** @brief update timeout to unlock the account
* @param[in] val - value in seconds
* @return - value in seconds
uint32_t accountUnlockTimeout(uint32_t val) override;
/** @brief lists user locked state for failed attempt
* @param[in] - user name
* @return - true / false indicating user locked / un-locked
virtual bool userLockedForFailedAttempt(const std::string &userName);
/** @brief lists user locked state for failed attempt
* @param[in]: user name
* @param[in]: value - false -unlock user account, true - no action taken
bool userLockedForFailedAttempt(const std::string &userName,
const bool &value);
/** @brief returns user info
* Checks if user is local user, then returns map of properties of user.
* like user privilege, list of user groups, user enabled state and user
* locked state. If its not local user, then it checks if its a ldap user,
* then it gets the privilege mapping of the LDAP group.
* @param[in] - user name
* @return - map of user properties
UserInfoMap getUserInfo(std::string userName) override;
/** @brief sdbusplus handler */
sdbusplus::bus::bus &bus;
/** @brief object path */
const std::string path;
/** @brief privilege manager container */
std::vector<std::string> privMgr = {"priv-admin", "priv-operator",
"priv-user", "priv-callback"};
/** @brief groups manager container */
std::vector<std::string> groupsMgr = {"web", "redfish", "ipmi", "ssh"};
/** @brief map container to hold users object */
using UserName = std::string;
std::unordered_map<UserName, std::unique_ptr<phosphor::user::Users>>
/** @brief get users in group
* method to get group user list
* @param[in] groupName - group name
* @return userList - list of users in the group.
std::vector<std::string> getUsersInGroup(const std::string &groupName);
/** @brief get user & SSH users list
* method to get the users and ssh users list.
*@return - vector of User & SSH user lists
UserSSHLists getUserAndSshGrpList(void);
/** @brief check for user presence
* method to check for user existence
* @param[in] userName - name of the user
* @return -true if user exists and false if not.
bool isUserExist(const std::string &userName);
/** @brief check user exists
* method to check whether user exist, and throw if not.
* @param[in] userName - name of the user
void throwForUserDoesNotExist(const std::string &userName);
/** @brief check user does not exist
* method to check whether does not exist, and throw if exists.
* @param[in] userName - name of the user
void throwForUserExists(const std::string &userName);
/** @brief check user name constraints
* method to check user name constraints and throw if failed.
* @param[in] userName - name of the user
* @param[in] groupNames - user groups
throwForUserNameConstraints(const std::string &userName,
const std::vector<std::string> &groupNames);
/** @brief check group user count
* method to check max group user count, and throw if limit reached
* @param[in] groupNames - group name
void throwForMaxGrpUserCount(const std::vector<std::string> &groupNames);
/** @brief check for valid privielge
* method to check valid privilege, and throw if invalid
* @param[in] priv - privilege of the user
void throwForInvalidPrivilege(const std::string &priv);
/** @brief check for valid groups
* method to check valid groups, and throw if invalid
* @param[in] groupNames - user groups
void throwForInvalidGroups(const std::vector<std::string> &groupName);
/** @brief get user enabled state
* method to get user enabled state.
* @param[in] userName - name of the user
* @return - user enabled status (true/false)
bool isUserEnabled(const std::string &userName);
/** @brief initialize the user manager objects
* method to initialize the user manager objects accordingly
void initUserObjects(void);
/** @brief get IPMI user count
* method to get IPMI user count
* @return - returns user count
size_t getIpmiUsersCount(void);
/** @brief get pam argument value
* method to get argument value from pam configuration
* @param[in] moduleName - name of the module from where arg has to be read
* @param[in] argName - argument name
* @param[out] argValue - argument value
* @return 0 - success state of the function
int getPamModuleArgValue(const std::string &moduleName,
const std::string &argName, std::string &argValue);
/** @brief set pam argument value
* method to set argument value in pam configuration
* @param[in] moduleName - name of the module in which argument value has
* to be set
* @param[in] argName - argument name
* @param[out] argValue - argument value
* @return 0 - success state of the function
int setPamModuleArgValue(const std::string &moduleName,
const std::string &argName,
const std::string &argValue);
/** @brief get service name
* method to get dbus service name
* @param[in] path - object path
* @param[in] intf - interface
* @return - service name
std::string getServiceName(std::string &&path, std::string &&intf);
/** @brief get LDAP group name
* method to get LDAP group name for the given LDAP user
* @param[in] - userName
* @return - group name
virtual std::string getLdapGroupName(const std::string &userName);
/** @brief get privilege mapper object
* method to get dbus privilege mapper object
* @return - map of user object
virtual DbusUserObj getPrivilegeMapperObject(void);
friend class TestUserMgr;
} // namespace user
} // namespace phosphor