blob: 50fa8f18f345adb5b14efafbd2cbde5ef84a9459 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <chrono>
#include <memory>
#include <timer_test.hpp>
#include <watchdog.hpp>
using namespace std::chrono;
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
// Test Watchdog functionality
class WdogTest : public TimerTest
// Gets called as part of each TEST_F construction
WdogTest() :
wdog(std::make_unique<phosphor::watchdog::Watchdog>(bus, TEST_PATH,
defaultInterval(milliseconds(wdog->interval())), defaultDrift(30)
// Check for successful creation of
// event handler and bus handler
EXPECT_GE(rc, 0);
// Initially the watchdog would be disabled
// sdbusplus handle
sdbusplus::bus::bus bus;
// Watchdog object
std::unique_ptr<phosphor::watchdog::Watchdog> wdog;
// This is the default interval as given in Interface definition
milliseconds defaultInterval;
// Acceptable drift when we compare the interval to timeRemaining.
// This is needed since it depends on when do we get scheduled and it
// has happened that remaining time was off by few msecs.
milliseconds defaultDrift;
// Dummy name for object path
// This is just to satisfy the constructor. Does not have
// a need to check if the objects paths have been created.
static constexpr auto TEST_PATH = "/test/path";
// Returns how long it took for the current watchdog timer to be
// disabled or have its timeRemaining reset.
seconds waitForWatchdog(seconds timeLimit);