blob: 57f32e92b5cc975649b18734dbcdb8b8caa80a5f [file] [log] [blame]
#include <watchdog_test.hpp>
using namespace phosphor::watchdog;
/** @brief Make sure that watchdog is started and not enabled */
TEST_F(WdogTest, createWdogAndDontEnable)
EXPECT_EQ(false, wdog.enabled());
EXPECT_EQ(0, wdog.timeRemaining());
EXPECT_EQ(false, wdog.timerExpired());
/** @brief Make sure that watchdog is started and enabled */
TEST_F(WdogTest, createWdogAndEnable)
// Enable and then verify
EXPECT_EQ(true, wdog.enabled(true));
EXPECT_EQ(false, wdog.timerExpired());
// Get the configured interval
auto remaining = milliseconds(wdog.timeRemaining());
// Its possible that we are off by few msecs depending on
// how we get scheduled. So checking a range here.
EXPECT_TRUE((remaining >= defaultInterval - defaultDrift) &&
(remaining <= defaultInterval));
EXPECT_EQ(false, wdog.timerExpired());
/** @brief Make sure that watchdog is started and enabled.
* Later, disable watchdog
TEST_F(WdogTest, createWdogAndEnableThenDisable)
// Enable and then verify
EXPECT_EQ(true, wdog.enabled(true));
// Disable and then verify
EXPECT_EQ(false, wdog.enabled(false));
EXPECT_EQ(false, wdog.enabled());
EXPECT_EQ(0, wdog.timeRemaining());
/** @brief Make sure that watchdog is started and enabled.
* Wait for 5 seconds and make sure that the remaining
* time shows 25 seconds.
TEST_F(WdogTest, enableWdogAndWait5Seconds)
// Enable and then verify
EXPECT_EQ(true, wdog.enabled(true));
// Sleep for 5 seconds
auto sleepTime = seconds(5s);
// Get the remaining time again and expectation is that we get 25s
auto remaining = milliseconds(wdog.timeRemaining());
auto expected = defaultInterval -
// Its possible that we are off by few msecs depending on
// how we get scheduled. So checking a range here.
EXPECT_TRUE((remaining >= expected - defaultDrift) &&
(remaining <= expected));
EXPECT_EQ(false, wdog.timerExpired());
/** @brief Make sure that watchdog is started and enabled.
* Wait 1 second and then reset the timer to 5 seconds
* and then expect the watchdog to expire in 5 seconds
TEST_F(WdogTest, enableWdogAndResetTo5Seconds)
// Enable and then verify
EXPECT_EQ(true, wdog.enabled(true));
// Sleep for 1 second
// Next timer will expire in 5 seconds from now.
auto expireTime = seconds(5s);
auto newTime = duration_cast<milliseconds>(expireTime);
// Waiting for expiration
int count = 0;
while(count < expireTime.count() && !wdog.timerExpired())
// Returns -0- on timeout and positive number on dispatch
auto sleepTime = duration_cast<microseconds>(seconds(1s));
if(!sd_event_run(eventP.get(), sleepTime.count()))
EXPECT_EQ(true, wdog.timerExpired());
EXPECT_EQ(expireTime.count() - 1 , count);
// Make sure secondary callback was not called.
EXPECT_EQ(false, expired);
/** @brief Make sure the Interval can be updated directly.
TEST_F(WdogTest, verifyIntervalUpdateReceived)
auto expireTime = seconds(5s);
auto newTime = duration_cast<milliseconds>(expireTime);
// Expect an update in the Interval
EXPECT_EQ(newTime.count(), wdog.interval());
/** @brief Make sure that watchdog is started and enabled.
* Wait default interval seconds and make sure that wdog has died
TEST_F(WdogTest, enableWdogAndWaitTillEnd)
// Enable and then verify
EXPECT_EQ(true, wdog.enabled(true));
auto expireTime = duration_cast<seconds>(
// Waiting default expiration
int count = 0;
while(count < expireTime.count() && !wdog.timerExpired())
// Returns -0- on timeout and positive number on dispatch
auto sleepTime = duration_cast<microseconds>(seconds(1s));
if(!sd_event_run(eventP.get(), sleepTime.count()))
EXPECT_EQ(true, wdog.enabled());
EXPECT_EQ(0, wdog.timeRemaining());
EXPECT_EQ(true, wdog.timerExpired());
EXPECT_EQ(expireTime.count() - 1, count);