| <div id="sensors"> |
| <div class="row column"> |
| <h1>Fan Speed Sensors</h1> |
| </div> |
| <section class="row column"> |
| <div class="page-header"> |
| <h2 class="inline h4">Sensors present in the system</h2> |
| <a ng-href="data:text/json;charset=utf-8,{{export_data}}" class="inline btn-export float-right" download="{{export_name}}" ng-show="filteredSensorData.length">Export</a> |
| </div> |
| </section> |
| |
| <!-- Filters --> |
| <section class="row column"> |
| <!-- search --> |
| <div class="content__search"> |
| <label for="content__search-input">Sensors Search</label> |
| <input id="content__search-input" type="text" placeholder="Filter issues" ng-model="customSearch" ng-keydown="doSearchOnEnter($event)"/> |
| <input id="content__search-submit" type="submit" class="btn btn-secondary" value="Submit" ng-click="doSearchOnClick()"/> |
| </div> |
| |
| <div class="toggle-filter"> |
| <button class="inline first btn-primary" ng-click="toggleSeverityAll()" |
| ng-class="selectedSeverity.all ? 'btn-primary' : 'btn-secondary'">All |
| </button> |
| <button class="inline " ng-click="toggleSeverity('critical')" |
| ng-class="selectedSeverity.critical ? 'btn-primary' : 'btn-secondary'">Critical |
| </button> |
| <button class="inline" ng-click="toggleSeverity('warning')" |
| ng-class="selectedSeverity.warning ? 'btn-primary' : 'btn-secondary'">Warning |
| </button> |
| <button class="inline last" ng-click="toggleSeverity('normal')" |
| ng-class="selectedSeverity.normal ? 'btn-primary' : 'btn-secondary'">Normal |
| </button> |
| </div> |
| </section> <!-- end filter --> |
| |
| <section class="row column"> |
| <div id="back-link"> |
| <a href="#/server-health/sensors-overview">Back to Sensor Overview</a> |
| </div> |
| </section> |
| |
| <section id="sensor__details" class="row column" ng-hide="!data.display_headers"> |
| <div class="row column header-row"> |
| <div class="column small-10 large-11 header__actions-bar"> |
| <p class="inline priority-tag-circ" ng-class="{'high-priority': data.status == 'critical', 'medium-priority': data.status == 'warning', 'low-priority': data.status == 'normal'}" aria-label="High Priority"></p> |
| <p class="inline sensor__heading sensor__category">{{data.display_headers[0]}}</p> |
| <p class="inline sensor__heading middle">{{data.display_headers[1]}}</p> |
| <p class="inline float-right sensor__heading right">{{data.display_headers[2]}}</p> |
| </div> |
| <div class="column small-2 large-1 sensor__heading trigger-col"></div> |
| </div> |
| |
| <!-- Sensor --> |
| <div ng-repeat="sensor in (filteredSensorData = (data.data|filter:filterBySeverity|filter:filterBySearchTerms))" class="row column accord-row" ng-class="{'active': sensors__metadatarow, 'selected': sensors__selected}"> |
| <div class="row"> |
| <div class="column small-10 large-11 sensor__info" ng-click="sensors__metadatarow = ! sensors__metadatarow"> |
| <p class="inline priority-tag-circ" ng-class="{'high-priority': sensor.status == 'critical', 'medium-priority': sensor.status == 'warning', 'low-priority': sensor.status == 'normal'}" aria-label="High Priority"></p> |
| <p class="inline sensor__title">{{sensor.title}}</p> |
| <p class="inline sensor__reading">{{sensor.reading}}</p> |
| <p class="inline float-right" ng-class="{'sensor__critical-label': sensor.status == 'critical', 'sensor__warning-label': sensor.status == 'warning', 'sensor__normal-label': sensor.status == 'normal'}">{{sensor.status}}</p> |
| </div> |
| <div class="column small-2 large-1"> |
| <button class="accord-trigger" ng-class="{'active': sensors__metadatarow}" ng-click="sensors__metadatarow = ! sensors__metadatarow"></button> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="row sensors__metadata-row" ng-class="{'active': sensors__metadatarow}"> |
| <div class="column small-12"> |
| <div class="threshold-chart__wrapper"> |
| <span class="threshold__label low">Low</span> |
| <div class="threshold-chart"> |
| <span class="threshold__marker" ng-class="{'thresh__high-critical': sensor.status == 'critical', 'thresh__low-warn': sensor.status == 'warning', 'thresh__normal': sensor.status == 'normal'}" style="left: {{sensor.indicator}};"><span class="threshold__value">{{sensor.reading}}</span></span> |
| <span class="threshold thresh__low-critical"></span> |
| <span class="threshold thresh__low-warn"></span> |
| <span class="threshold thresh__normal"></span> |
| <span class="threshold thresh__high-warn"></span> |
| <span class="threshold thresh__high-critical"></span> |
| </div> |
| <span class="threshold__label high">High</span> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| </section> |
| </div> <!-- end event log --> |