| <loader loading="loading"></loader> |
| <div id="configuration-snmp" class="page"> |
| <h1 class="page-title">SNMP settings</h1> |
| <section class="section"> |
| <p class="section-content"> |
| Set the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) with a host name or IP |
| address and a port. |
| </p> |
| </section> |
| <section class="section"> |
| <div class="section-header"> |
| <h2 class="section-title">Managers</h2> |
| </div> |
| <div class="section-content"> |
| <p class="manager_group empty" ng-if="managers.length < 1"> |
| No managers have been added yet. |
| </p> |
| </div> |
| <form id="snmp__form" name="snmp__form" novalidate> |
| <div class="section-content"> |
| <div |
| class="row manager_group" |
| ng-form="manager_group" |
| ng-repeat="manager in managers track by $index"> |
| <div class="small-12 medium-5 large-4 form__field snmp-field"> |
| <label |
| for="snmp-manager{{ $index + 1 }}-address" |
| class="content-label"> |
| Host name or IP Address |
| </label> |
| <input |
| id="snmp-manager{{ $index + 1 }}-address" |
| name="snmp-manager{{ $index + 1 }}-address" |
| type="text" |
| ng-change="manager.updateAddress=true" |
| ng-model="manager.address" |
| required/> |
| <div |
| ng-messages="manager_group['snmp-manager'+($index+1)+'-address'].$error" |
| class="form-error" |
| ng-class="{'visible': manager_group['snmp-manager'+($index+1)+'-address'].$touched || submitted}"> |
| <p ng-message="required" role="alert">Field is required</p> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="small-9 medium-5 large-4 form__field snmp-field"> |
| <label for="snmp-manager{{ $index + 1 }}-port" class="content-label">Port</label> |
| <input |
| id="snmp-manager{{ $index + 1 }}-port" |
| name="snmp-manager{{ $index + 1 }}-port" |
| type="number" |
| min="0" |
| max="65535" |
| step="1" |
| ng-change="manager.updatePort=true" |
| ng-model="manager.port" |
| required/> |
| <div |
| ng-messages="manager_group['snmp-manager'+($index+1)+'-port'].$error" |
| class="form-error" |
| ng-class="{'visible': manager_group['snmp-manager'+($index+1)+'-port'].$touched || submitted}"> |
| <p ng-message="required" role="alert">Value must be between 0 - 65,535</p> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="small-3 medium-2 large-4 snmp-field"> |
| <button |
| class="btn btn-tertiary trash_button" |
| type="button" |
| ng-click="removeSNMPManager($index)" |
| aria-label="Remove"> |
| <icon file="icon-trashcan.svg" aria-hidden="true"></icon> |
| </button> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="section-content"> |
| <button |
| class="btn btn-tertiary btn-add-manager" |
| type="button" |
| ng-click="submitted=false; addNewSNMPManager();"> |
| <icon file="icon-plus.svg" aria-hidden="true"></icon>Add manager |
| </button> |
| </div> |
| <div class="form__actions"> |
| <button |
| type="submit" |
| class="btn btn-primary" |
| ng-click="submitted=true; snmp__form.$valid && setSNMP();"> |
| Save settings |
| </button> |
| <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" ng-click="refresh()"> |
| Cancel |
| </button> |
| </div> |
| </form> |
| </section> |
| </div> |