blob: eba57af4c1f15b76a6d7a9c0c48929402d917c59 [file] [log] [blame]
Yoshie Muranakae4194ce2019-05-24 14:33:56 -05001<div role="dialog" class="uib-modal__content remote-logging-server__modal">
2 <button type="button" class="icon icon__close float-right" ng-click="$close()"></button>
3 <div class="modal-header">
4 <h2 class="modal-title" id="dialog_label">{{activeModalProps.title}}</h2>
5 </div>
6 <form name="form">
7 <div ng-if="activeModal !== 2" class="modal-body">
8 <label for="remoteServerIP">Hostname or IP Address</label>
9 <input id="remoteServerIP" type="text" required name="hostname"
10 ng-model="remoteServerForm.hostname" />
11 <div ng-if="form.hostname.$invalid && form.hostname.$dirty"
12 class="form__validation-message">
13 <span ng-show="form.hostname.$error.required">Field is required</span>
14 </div>
15 <label for="remoteServerPort">Port</label>
16 <p class="label__helper-text">Value must be between 0 – 65535</p>
17 <input id="remoteServerPort" type="number" required name="port"
18 min="0" max="65535" ng-model="remoteServerForm.port"/>
19 <div ng-if="form.port.$invalid && form.port.$dirty"
20 class="form__validation-message">
21 <span ng-show="form.port.$error.required">Field is required</span>
22 <span ng-show="form.port.$error.min || form.port.$error.max">
23 Value must be between 0 – 65535
24 </span>
25 </div>
26 </div>
27 <div ng-if="activeModal === 2" class="modal-body">
28 <p>Are you sure you want to remove remote logging server
29 {{remoteServer.hostname}}?</p>
30 </div>
31 <div class="modal-footer">
32 <button class="button btn-secondary" ng-click="$close()" type="button">
33 Cancel
34 </button>
35 <button class="button btn-primary" type="submit"
36 ng-click="$close(activeModal)" ng-disabled="form.$invalid"
37 ng-class="{'disabled': form.$invalid}">
38 {{activeModalProps.actionLabel}}
39 </button>
40 </div>
41 </form>