blob: 2e2eaf1deca09c0bc3b15e70eb4063e6e4216982 [file] [log] [blame]
// This is a sample JSON configuration file for BIOS string type
"attribute_name" : "str_example1",
// Possible values of string type {Unknown=0x00, ASCII=0x01, Hex=0x02,
// UTF-8=0x03, UTF-16LE=0x04, UTF-16BE=0x05, Vendor Specific=0xFF}
"string_type" : "ASCII",
"minimum_string_length" : 1,
"maximum_string_length" : 100,
"default_string_length" : 3,
"default_string" : "abc",
// This BIOS attribute has a D-Bus property as backend.
"object_path" : "/xyz/abc/def",
"interface" : "xyz.openbmc_project.str_example1.value",
"property_name" : "Str_example1",
"property_type" : "string"
"attribute_name" : "str_example2",
"string_type" : "Hex",
"minimum_string_length" : 0,
"maximum_string_length" : 100,
"default_string_length" : 0,
"default_string" : "",
"object_path" : "/xyz/abc/def",
"interface" : "xyz.openbmc_project.str_example2.value",
"property_name" : "Str_example2",
"property_type" : "string"
// This is an example of BIOS String Read only attribute
"attribute_name" : "str_example3",
"string_type" : "Unknown",
"minimum_string_length" : 1,
"maximum_string_length" : 100,
"default_string_length" : 2,
"default_string" : "ef"