blob: 4c2af02df421a48c23b1d8dc299f73af8ed37ab6 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Common/error.hpp>
#include "libpldm/pdr.h"
using InternalFailure =
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
namespace pldm
namespace responder
namespace pdr_utils
/** @struct PdrEntry
* PDR entry structure that acts as a PDR record structure in the PDR
* repository to handle PDR APIs.
struct PdrEntry
uint8_t* data;
uint32_t size;
uint32_t recordHandle;
uint32_t nextRecordHandle;
} handle;
using Type = uint8_t;
using Json = nlohmann::json;
using RecordHandle = uint32_t;
/** @brief Parse PDR JSON file and output Json object
* @param[in] path - path of PDR JSON file
* @return Json - Json object
inline Json readJson(const std::string& path)
fs::path dir(path);
if (!fs::exists(dir) || fs::is_empty(dir))
throw InternalFailure();
std::ifstream jsonFile(path);
if (!jsonFile.is_open())
std::cerr << "Error opening PDR JSON file, PATH=" << path << "\n";
return {};
return Json::parse(jsonFile);
* @class RepoInterface
* @brief Abstract class describing the interface API to the PDR repository,
* this class wraps operations used to handle the new PDR APIs.
class RepoInterface
virtual ~RepoInterface() = default;
/** @brief Get an opaque pldm_pdr structure
* @return pldm_pdr - pldm_pdr structure
virtual const pldm_pdr* getPdr() = 0;
/** @brief Add a PDR record to a PDR repository
* @param[in] pdrEntry - PDR records entry(data, size, recordHandle)
* @return uint32_t - record handle assigned to PDR record
virtual RecordHandle addRecord(const PdrEntry& pdrEntry) = 0;
/** @brief Get the first PDR record from a PDR repository
* @param[in] pdrEntry - PDR records entry(data, size, nextRecordHandle)
* @return opaque pointer acting as PDR record handle, will be NULL if
* record was not found
virtual const pldm_pdr_record* getFirstRecord(PdrEntry& pdrEntry) = 0;
/** @brief Get the next PDR record from a PDR repository
* @param[in] currRecord - opaque pointer acting as a PDR record handle
* @param[in] pdrEntry - PDR records entry(data, size, nextRecordHandle)
* @return opaque pointer acting as PDR record handle, will be NULL if
* record was not found
virtual const pldm_pdr_record*
getNextRecord(const pldm_pdr_record* currRecord,
PdrEntry& pdrEntry) = 0;
/** @brief Get record handle of a PDR record
* @param[in] record - opaque pointer acting as a PDR record handle
* @return uint32_t - record handle assigned to PDR record; 0 if record is
* not found
virtual uint32_t getRecordHandle(const pldm_pdr_record* record) = 0;
/** @brief Get number of records in a PDR repository
* @return uint32_t - number of records
virtual uint32_t getRecordCount() = 0;
/** @brief Determine if records are empty in a PDR repository
* @return bool - true means empty and false means not empty
virtual bool empty() = 0;
pldm_pdr* repo;
* @class Repo
* Wrapper class to handle the PDR APIs
* This class wraps operations used to handle PDR APIs.
class Repo : public RepoInterface
repo = pldm_pdr_init();
const pldm_pdr* getPdr();
RecordHandle addRecord(const PdrEntry& pdrEntry);
const pldm_pdr_record* getFirstRecord(PdrEntry& pdrEntry);
const pldm_pdr_record* getNextRecord(const pldm_pdr_record* currRecord,
PdrEntry& pdrEntry);
uint32_t getRecordHandle(const pldm_pdr_record* record);
uint32_t getRecordCount();
bool empty();
} // namespace pdr_utils
} // namespace responder
} // namespace pldm