blob: 6e404de4f661c3296acc0e0c8f8f691a97a4a60e [file] [log] [blame]
#include "libpldmresponder/bios.hpp"
#include "libpldmresponder/bios_parser.hpp"
#include <string.h>
#include <array>
#include <ctime>
#include "libpldm/base.h"
#include "libpldm/bios.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
using namespace pldm::responder;
using namespace pldm::responder::utils;
TEST(epochToBCDTime, testTime)
struct tm time
time.tm_year = 119;
time.tm_mon = 3;
time.tm_mday = 13;
time.tm_hour = 5;
time.tm_min = 18;
time.tm_sec = 13;
time.tm_isdst = -1;
time_t epochTime = mktime(&time);
uint8_t seconds = 0;
uint8_t minutes = 0;
uint8_t hours = 0;
uint8_t day = 0;
uint8_t month = 0;
uint16_t year = 0;
epochToBCDTime(epochTime, seconds, minutes, hours, day, month, year);
ASSERT_EQ(0x13, seconds);
ASSERT_EQ(0x18, minutes);
ASSERT_EQ(0x5, hours);
ASSERT_EQ(0x13, day);
ASSERT_EQ(0x4, month);
ASSERT_EQ(0x2019, year);
TEST(GetBIOSStrings, allScenarios)
using namespace bios_parser;
// All the BIOS Strings in the BIOS JSON config files.
Strings vec{"HMCManagedState", "On", "Off",
"FWBootSide", "Perm", "Temp",
"InbandCodeUpdate", "Allowed", "NotAllowed",
"CodeUpdatePolicy", "Concurrent", "Disruptive"};
Strings nullVec{};
// Invalid directory
auto strings = bios_parser::getStrings("./bios_json");
ASSERT_EQ(strings == nullVec, true);
strings = bios_parser::getStrings("./bios_jsons");
ASSERT_EQ(strings == vec, true);
TEST(getAttrValue, allScenarios)
using namespace bios_parser::bios_enum;
// Invalid directory
auto rc = setupValueLookup("./bios_json");
ASSERT_EQ(rc, -1);
// Initializes the lookup data structures
rc = setupValueLookup("./bios_jsons");
ASSERT_EQ(rc, 0);
// All the BIOS Strings in the BIOS JSON config files.
AttrValuesMap valueMap{
{"HMCManagedState", {false, {"On", "Off"}, {"On"}}},
{"FWBootSide", {false, {"Perm", "Temp"}, {"Perm"}}},
{"InbandCodeUpdate", {false, {"Allowed", "NotAllowed"}, {"Allowed"}}},
{false, {"Concurrent", "Disruptive"}, {"Concurrent"}}}};
auto values = getValues();
ASSERT_EQ(valueMap == values, true);
CurrentValues cv{"Concurrent"};
auto value = getAttrValue("CodeUpdatePolicy");
ASSERT_EQ(value == cv, true);
// Invalid attribute name
ASSERT_THROW(getAttrValue("CodeUpdatePolic"), std::out_of_range);